Music of noise and fury, films that make you go hmmmm..., writing stories few will be interested in, Nietzsche, bondage photography, pointless trivia, horror and terror, dead people, William S. Burroughs, goth, industrial, body modifications, anarchism, hand to hand combat, honor, coffee, faerie tales, Celtic lore, magick and the occult, sexual deviance, appearance as a statement of individuality, military history, subcultural fashions, taoism, astrophysics and quantum theory, cooking, drinking webcomix...
Laibach Lyrics
Tanz Mit Lyrics ..
You know who you are.
But lets be precise about some things:
-If I have little or nothing in common with you;
-If you're trying to set me up on a hot date;
-If you are a band from Canada or anywhere else;
-If you're trying to sell me stuff;
-If you're a fucking fake;
-If you make MySpace profiles for a living:Fuck Off.I don't need to know more people I don't care about, I already work in customer service. I'm quite taken and I'm not looking.
I don't care about the local scene unless you actually sound interesting, which most likely you don't. For that matter, if you do grunge, rap, hiphop, reggae, ska, rock or metal, I really, honestly don't care, I'm not interested, you'll be not only blocked, but quite possibly reported as spam.
I'm broke, I don't want your garbage and I don't fall for scam, so bugger off.
I don't have time to waste with empty profiles, private profiles, 9,000,000 friends profile and big-boobed Barbie dolls, you suck. And I can make my profile myself, thank you very much.
Oh, and because this crops up every goddamn day: take your damn webcam and shove it. Not interested. Period.
Old school punk, industrial, goth... Brighter Death Now, Laibach, Non, Bauhaus, Ramones, Death Cult, Rozz William's Christian Death, Sanctum, Deutsch Nepal, Der Blutharsh, Diamanda Galas, Tom Waits, Bartok, Arcana, Sophia, Swans, Angels of Light, Jarboe, Death in June, Current 93, Coil, Helium Vola, Sol Invictus, The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, Tor Lundvall, Dive...
Visit Krieg Space
Anything Akira Kurosawa, Takeshi Kitano, David Lynch, Tim Burton, David Cronenberg, Martin Scorcese; old horror classics like Village of the Damned, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, Vampyr, the original Night of the Living Dead; Troma films, French action films, samurai movies, Asian horror films, independent films... and once in a while, Mel Brooks.
I unplugged the cable because it was driving me iNSaNe...
Nietzsche, Krishnamurti, military history, anything Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Nancy A. Collins, William S. Burroughs, William Faulkner, Edgar Alan Poe, H P Lovecraft, Howards, I've been reading lots of webcomix lately...
Takeshi Kitano, Yukio Mishima, Nicolas Tesla, Sir Richard Burton, Christopher Walken, the Invisible Man, those kids from Village of the Damned