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Hello, Hello, I'm in a place called Vertigo...

About Me

I'm a UK based horror and dark fantasy author with three collections published (Alone (In the Dark), Touching the Flame, and FunnyBones) and three novellas (Signs of Life, The Lazarus Condition, and Dalton Quayle Rides Out) so far. Also teach art, creative writing and film/media studies, plus run workshops with my wife the horror writer Marie O'Regan.

Have also written more than 1000 articles and reviews for news-stand magazines (including SFX, DeathRay, Dreamwatch, Rue Morgue, Fangoria and The Dark Side) plus contributed to Wallflower's A-Z of Contemporary American Directors. My latest non-fiction book is The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy with an introduction by Doug (Pinhead) Bradley.

I co-edit the Terror Tales anthologies, edit the Shadow Writer books, and am Special Publications Editor for the British Fantasy Society, where I work on projects with authors like Clive (Abarat & Hellraiser ) Barker, Robert (Legends) Silverberg, Brian (Spielberg's A.I.) Aldiss, Stephen (Eleventh Hour) Gallagher, Muriel (Furnace & The Tube) Gray, Graham (The Manitou) Masterton, Christopher (Roofworld) Fowler and many more.

You can find my site at which has featured Guest Writers including Stephen King, James Herbert and Neil Gaiman.

My Interests

Writing, scripting, painting, photography, reading, watching movies and genre TV shows.

I'd like to meet:

Other authors, film-makers, people interested in the genre really.


U2, Keane, Nirvana, Snow Patrol, Nickelback, The Verve, The Cure, Coldplay, Stereophonics.


Hellraiser, Nightbreed, The Nightmare on Elm Street series, Halloween series, Silence of the Lambs, Solaris, Dune, Batman Begins, The Terminator trilogy, Blade Runner, The Fly films, The Alien series, The Ring, Jaws, Pitch Black, The Evil Dead Films, Romero's 'Dead' movies, The Indianna Jones Trilogy, The Star Wars original trilogy, The Planet of the Apes films, Memento, Usual Suspects, any Lynch movie and too many others to mention.


Life on Mars, Lost, Dr Who, Star Trek, Twin Peaks, Carnivale, Babylon 5, Buffy, Angel, Monty Python, X-Files, Millennium, 4400, Battlestar Galactica (new version), League of Gentlemen, Masters of Horror, Vic and Bob, The Martian Chronicles, Day of the Triffids.


The Rats (first horror novel I ever read), Books of Blood, The Shining, More Tommorrow, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Silence of the Lambs, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dune, Imajica, Smoke and Mirrors, Mirror Mere.


Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, James Herbert, Stephen King, James Cameron, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Doug Bradley.