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Matt Browne SFW

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About Me

This my website:

I'm an IT professional and part-time writer of science fiction novels.

Can we send frozen human embryos on an interstellar voyage?

Can kids be raised by androids?

Click on book cover to find out more

My Interests

Space Advocacy


Reading fiction and non-fiction

Creative Writing

Computer Technology


Learning languages


Renewable energy sources

Open Source, Linux

Intranet Search Engines

Collaboration Software

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Offshoring Models

Diversity and intercultural competency

Playing the piano

Playing Settlers of Catan

Please note that I'm not an expert in most of the following fields, but I do have a strong interest in all science and technology related to my book and I value the exchange of ideas:

abrupt climate change, accelerating change , accelerating universe, anthropic principle, antigravity models, antimatter, arcology, artificial gravity, artificial intelligence, artificial life forms, artificial uterus, artificial womb, asteroid belt civilizations, astrobiology, astrochemistry, astrogation, astronautics, astronomical inferometer, astrophysics, astrosociobiology, baryogenesis, behavioral genetics, biodiversity, bioengineering , bio-engineering, bioethics, biorobotics, biostasis, biogeochemical cycle, biomedical engineering, bionics, biophilic universe, biosphere, biotechnological uterus, biotechnology, bio-technology, black dwarf, black hole radiation, bosonic string theory, brain-computer interface , brain reverse engineering, brown dwarf, carbon cycle, carbon nanotubes, cataclysmic effect, cave construction, chaos theory, charmonium, cloning and stem cells, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, colonization of solar system, computational linguistics, computational neuroscience, computer architecture, computronium, cosmic dust, cosmochemistry, cryo-cooling, cryobot, cryogenic cooling, cryogenic engineering, cryonic suspension, cryonics, cryopreserved embryos, cryopreservation , cryo-preservation, cryostorage, cryotechnology, cryo-technology, cryotravel, cryotube, cryptobiosis, cyborg, cyberhumans, cybernetics, cyberpunk, dark matter halo, deep-freezing, digital microfluidics, doomsday argument, durable materials, dystopia, dystopian society, earth-like planets in the Milky Way, earthquake prediction, ectogenesis, ectosymbiosis, electron-positron annihilation, embryo research, embryo space colonization, embryo splitting, embryonic interstellar travel, end of world and armageddon, endosymbiosis, equivalence principle, ethics of space travel, evolve or perish, exobiology, exogenesis, exoplanet , exo-planet, exotic matter, extropy, extropianism, explosivity of eruptions, extinction and apocalypse, extinction level event, extinction of species, extragalactic species, extrasolar planet, extra-solar planet, extraterrestrial life, extraterrestrial plasma crystals extremophile species, fault tolerant design, femtotechnology, feral child, fermionic condensate, fermionic superfluidity, fertility clinic, fetus development, fine-tuned universe, first contact, flood basalt event, foglets, foster parents, freeze-protectant chemicals, frozen embryos, functionalism, futurism , fullerene structures, functional genomics, functional polymers, fusion engine and antimatter engine, future researcher, galactic halo, gamma-ray bursts, gene-environment interaction , gene splicing, general relativity, generation starship, genetic diversity, genetic engineering, genetic predisposition, genetic algorithms, genetic screening, gene therapy, genome evolution, globular cluster, grand unification theory, gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, graviton loop, gravity on spaceships, gynoid, habitable planet, habitable zone, hard science fiction , head-mounted display, helioseismology, heritability, hibernation of humans, high-energy particles, high-temperature superconductors, holographic program, horsehead nebula, hot big bang model, human cloning, human embryos, human experimentation, human extinction, human genome decoding , human-machine intelligence, human robot, human survival, human-like robot, humanoid robot, hydrothermal vent, hyperdrive, hypernova, hyperspace, hyperstructures, hypertelescope, identical genotypes, immortality, in vitro fertilization, incompleteness theorem, indefinite lifespan, intelligence augmentation, intelligence explosion, intelligent robotics, interferometer array, interferometric imaging, intergalactic travel, interplanetary travel, interstellar clouds, interstellar travel , intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ion thruster, knowledge management, knowledge representation, large hadron collider, lateral gene transfer, launch window, leadership models, lepton flavors, life extension, life support system, light helium, law of accelerating returns, lifelogging, linguistics, long-term storage, loops in space, low-mass star, luminous infrared galaxy, machine learning, magnetar, magnetic storms, main-sequence star, mantle plume hypothesis, many-world interpretation, medical experiments, medical thriller , megastructure, metaprogramming, metaverse, meteorite, microfluidic devices, millisecond pulsar, mind transfer, mind uploading, molecular clouds, molecular manufacturing, monofilament, multiple births, multiprotein machine, multiverse, muon neutrino, nanoethics, nanofactorties, nanorobots , nanotechnology, nanotubes, natural language processing, nature or nurture, neuroscience, neurotechnology, neutrino astronomy, neutrino osciallation, nonlocality, non-locality, noosphere, nulling interferometer , omega particle, orange dwarf, orbital decay, orbital tower, panspermia, parachrony, parallel universe, personalized medicine, phylogenetics, picotechnology, planet hunting, plasma replacement fluid, pluripotency, pluripotent stem cells, positron emission, post-apocalyptic survival strategy, posthuman beings, pregenetic screening, pregnancy in science fiction , preimplantation genetic diagnosis, prime directive, primordial black hole, progressor, project management, prolonging human life, protoplanetary disk, protein shapes, proteomicist, proton decay, psychology in science fiction, quadruplets, quantum chromodynamics, quantum computer , quantum electrodynamics, quantum entanglement, quantum field theory, quantum gravity, quantum immortality, quantum physics, quantum teleportation, quark-gluon plasma, radiocarbon dating, rare earth hypothesis, rational-emotive therapy , recombinant DNA, recycling in space, red dwarf, red giant, reduced solar output, redundancy engineering, rejuvenation, replicant, repulsive force and dark energy, retinal projection, reversible computing, robotic interstellar flight, robotics, roboethics, rotaxane molecules, safety-critical systems, science fiction, seabed mudslides, search for exo-planets around nearby stars, secret project, seeder ship , self-replicating machines, self-sufficiency, self-sustaining colony, selfish DNA, semantic network, senescence, sentinel hypothesis, silicon based life, simulation, singularity hypothesis, smart materials, software engineering, solar sails, solar wind, solar protons, space advocacy, space colonization societies , space elevator, space flight or extinction, space habitats, space societies, space telescopes, space-durable materials, space-time continuum, spacecraft, space craft, spaceship, space ship, spacetravel, space travel, space weather report, sparticle, spectographic analysis, spintronics, star formation, starburst galaxy, starquake, starship, star ship, stellar husbandry, stellar nucleosynthsis, stellar nursery, stem cell research, superatom, supercluster, superlongevity, supersymmetry, supernova , superintelligence, superstring theory, supersymmetric particle, supervolcano, supramolecular chemistry, surrogate mother, survival strategy, suspended animation, symbiotic plasmid, synthetic life, tachyon, tau neutrino, technological singularity , telemetry systems, telomeres, terraforming, terrestrial planet finder, test tube baby, theory of everything, tidal acceleration, time dilation, tokamak, transbiomorphosis, transgenic crops, transhumanism, triple alpha process, triple star system, triplets, twin studies, twins, ultracold atoms, ultraluminous infrared galaxy, utopia, utopian society, virtual environment, virtual reality , vitrification, volcanic winter, volcanology, von Neumann probe, voyeurism, weak anthropic principle, white dwarf, wired glove, wormhole, xenobiology, yellow dwarf, zoo hypothesis, AGI, Alcubierre, Arecibo Radio Telescope, BCI, Bussard ramjet, Cambrian explosion, CoRoT Mission, Daedalus crater, Darwin mission, Deep Blue, Drake equation, Dyson sphere, ELE, ESA, Eris, Fermi paradox, Friendly AI , FTL, G-type star, Gaia hypothesis, GLAST, GUT, Goedel's theorem, Great Attractor, Hamel anti-gravity device, Hawking radiation, Higgs boson, ICSI, ITER , IVF, JWST, James Webb Space Telescope, K-type star, Kardashev scale, Keck Interferometer, Kepler Mission, L2 Lagrange point, LIRG, Lagrangian point , Laplace Computer, Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, lifespan extention, MACHO, Matrioshka brains, MMOG, Moebius strip, Mobius strip, NASA, Noah's Ark, Omega Point, Oort cloud, Orcus, Quaoar, SETI, Sedna, Siberian Traps, Space Interferometry Mission, Spitzer Space Telescope, Square Kilometre Array, Standard Model of particle physics, TOE, TPF, Tunguska event, Turing Test, ULIRG, VEI , Varuna, Volcanic Explosivity Index.See

for more details.

( Matthias Brust-Braun )

I'd like to meet:

Science fiction fans, scientists, space advocats, open-minded folks, visionaries.

Here's my official author website

There's a project no one's supposed to know about. Wanna find out more?

Here’s the blurb of

Debrya Handsen, a 33-year-old professor in computational linguistics at the University of Minnesota, is ready for a career change. She decides to leave her academic post and move to Nevada, where she joins a top-secret project that is being sponsored by the American government.

Using powerful telescopes installed on the far side of the Moon, the project's astronomers have discovered an Earth-like planet that is eighty-two light years away; simultaneously a major breakthrough in bioengineering presents the project with the unique opportunity of long-distance space travel.

At first Debrya has no idea why the study of language is to play such a central role, and why twin studies are also so important. During her orientation week she discovers a disturbing secret that makes her wish she had never joined the project. Soon she is faced with the dilemma of revealing the dark secrets of the project or being part of the most ambitious undertaking in the history of humankind.

Matt Browne’s beautifully worked space epic explores the bounds of human hope and invention—and plumbs the depths of human duplicity. Tender relationships between the budding astronauts are pitched against the disillusion they feel when an embattled President confronts them with their true origins and purpose, only to reveal the real culprit in the entire project—something closer to all of us today.

The author’s fascination with the fields of bioengineering and information technology sustains the reader’s interest all the way in this futuristic roller-coaster ride. And he asks a terrifying question. Setting aside man’s inhumanity to man, what if Nature herself turns against us?

Midwest Book Review by Terrilyn Fleming

The Perennial Project (the first in The Future Happens Twice trilogy), is a character-driven 700+ page novel that follows the exploits of scientists and their subjects in a super-secret government project that will send cryopreserved embryos into space to colonize an earth-like planet in order to perpetuate the human race after earth suffers a devastating catastrophe eliminating all biological life on the planet.Browne does not fall into the traps many first time authors do. There is no info dump to give the reader back-story. Instead, the scenes show, rather than tell, the plot. Browne's scientific background and extensive research on the subjects in the book does not prohibit the layperson from understanding the complex subject matter. Browne explains complicated ideas without talking down to or pandering to the reader. This isn't a beach novel, but the reader does not need a master's in science to follow the ideas.

Browne does an excellent job of creating interesting, round characters. One of the absent-minded professors, Bruce, is described as wearing two different colored shoelaces. Equally telling is the description of the somewhat nefarious Rick Kanchana, "Kanchana pounded a fist on his heavy desk, barely missing a plate. He pushed away the plate on which lay an unfinished sandwich. There was bit off cheese protruding between two slices of dark bread. The indentations in the cheese looked almost like the cast of a cogwheel—the work of Kanchana's uneven teeth" (pg 449). Kanchana's teeth, of course, are a reflection of his twisted morals and ugly personality.Readers may be worried that it will be difficult to follow the different storylines of the twins since three of the four sets have the same names. However, Browne integrates the various storylines and moves easily between them. It is neither difficult to follow nor is it confusing. Though the theories presented about how our universe will end are pessimistic, the scenario presented is plausible; Browne balances the pessimism with the hope our scientific developments can save the human race.

While much of the 720 pages is new information, the basic plot of the story is repeated a few too many times. Mid-novel, when three sets of the twins are brought together, a recap of the previous 400 pages is given. Another 150 pages later, there is a similar recap for the fourth generation twins. It was prudent for Shakespeare to recap the plot for his audience because the crowd was rowdy and often didn't pay attention, but there is no need for Browne to do the same in the first novel.The third and fourth generation twins are both born and live on a spaceship (unbeknownst to the third generation, it was a hoax), but Browne seems to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince his reader that personality is both genetic and environmentally determined, while real-life identical twins, even raised in the same environment and conditions can have very different personalities and reactions to stimuli. Each third and fourth generation twin also refers to their mate as "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" which makes it seem like Browne is reminding the reader the set of quadruplets are not related to each other so no incest is taking place.

Ironically, though the book is framed around Debrya Handsen, a linguist, most of the characters speak in the same voice. Diction isn't varied, and all of the characters, while all being brilliant, speak with similar patterns. This is a common problem with first time authors, and will hopefully be rectified in Browne's future novels. There is very little of the book devoted to the colonists when they arrive on the planet, and it would be exciting to learn more about the interesting feather trees, the ranaphibo (the six-legged, blue, misshapen hamster-like creature), the light-shy flying insects, and other phenomenon of planet Acantarius. Browne whets the reader's appetite with a wonderful scene of the Festivals of the Moons in the epilogue of the book, showing the human need for pomp and ceremony and creates an expectation of what will happen in the second volume (Human Destiny). This leaves the reader wanting more and eagerly anticipating the second volume.

Overall, the novel was a wonderful read for anyone high school age and above who is interested in planet exploration and plausible future scientific advances. Any reader of this novel will look forward to Browne's next installment.


Click here to listen to a great tune

Alan Parsons Project, Barry Manilow, Beatles, Bernward Koch, Carly Simon, Electric Light Orchestra, Elton John, Enigma, Enya, Gabriel Faure, Gershwin, Herbert Groenemeier, Johann S. Bach, John Rutter, Patricia Kaas, Pink Floyd, Queen, Supertramp, Udo Lindenberg, Vivaldi, Wolfgang A. Mozart


Addicted to Love, Alien, Awakenings, Back to the Future, Bagdad Cafe, Bend it like Beckham, Billy Elliot, Coma, Contact, Dead Poet Society, Deep Impact, Enemy Mine, Forrest Gump, Futureworld, Gattaca, Groundhog Day, Independence Day, Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Nine Months, Notting Hill, Outbreak, Pleasantville, Pretty Woman, Rainman, Sleepless in Seattle, Star Trek, Time Machine, Truman Show, Working Girl, Yentl


Stargate, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Murder She Wrote, Magnum, Charlie's Angels


Sylvia Engdahl, Stephen Baxter, Robert Sawyer, Arthur Clarke, Robert Heinlein, Ken Follett, John Grisham, Dan Brown, Noah Gordon, Michael Crichton, Stephen Frey, Nick Hornby, Marcus Chown, David Brin, Shannon Vyff


Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Ray Kurzweil, Stephen Hawking, Hans Moravec, Galileo Galilei, Marshal Savage, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Florence Nightingale, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Sophie Scholl

My Blog

New book video trailer of my science fiction novel

I'd be great if you could post a comment on the YouTube site Thanks in advance! Matt BrowneMy webpage is at YouTube site is at"As a r...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sun, 18 May 2008 03:25:00 PST

Memetics - Evolution of thinking and behavior

Do you have an opinion about memetics?Memetics is a neo-Darwinian approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer based on the concept of the meme. Started from a metaphor used in pop...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sun, 11 May 2008 03:41:00 PST

Asking the question "What if?"

What If ? Humankind has always challenged the status quoand will continue to do so in the future Embark on an adventurous journeybeginning in the year 1400 and ending in the year
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Thu, 01 May 2008 03:23:00 PST

Tera, peta, exa, zetta, yotta, xona, weka... - will yottabyte storage become real?

Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta... Ever wondered how this list continues? Well, the list does go on:peta, exa, zetta, yotta, xona, weka, vunda, uda, tredaWell, some of it is still a proposal. But what of...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:41:00 PST

Thinking megastructures - Building a matrioshka brain

If we had the technology, should we attempt to build a matrioshka brain?A matrioshka brain is a hypothetical megastructure, based on the Dyson sphere, of immense computational capacity. This structure...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:33:00 PST

Predicting the future on

Predicting the future: Do you think is an interesting concept and website (my bet is number 341)?The Long Bets site is an arena for competitive, accountable predictions (long bets) &a...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST

My sci-fi novel - Listen to chapter 1 (download MP3)

My website offers a free download of chapter 1 (available as a PDF file).Now you can also listen to chapter 1 of my novel "The Future Happens Twice". It was read by Katie Brennan and recorded at the S...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:09:00 PST

Cryobots on Jupiter’s Europa moon: Science or science fiction?

After the test in Antarctica, will it penetrate the icy surface of Jupiter's Europa, and explore the liquid water ocean? One key question is: what will be the source of energy? Here's a picture from W...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 06:51:00 PST

Protecting starships traveling at 95% light speed

There's a lot of friction caused by interstellar particles and cosmic dust. Will it destroy starships traveling at 95% light speed or more? If yes, how can we prevent it? Nanorobotics and self-repair ...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:58:00 PST

Can the following Google Ads be made more compelling?

Science Fiction Novel 'The Future Happens Twice'by Matt Browne I'd like to invite you and rate the Ads belowon a scale from 1 (boring) to 10 (excellent).Post a blog comment or sendme a Myspace mess...
Posted by Matt Browne SFW on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:46:00 PST