Dustin from Rocket Radio profile picture

Dustin from Rocket Radio

Support your local music scene.

About Me

Support independent musicians... Add me to your top 8!

I'm a self-professed music addict! I currently own and operate two businesses: a company for unsigned musicians called Rocket Radio and a web development & graphic design company called Infad MEDIA .


Stands With Fists
Immortal Technique

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone who loves music! However, on here I get so many friend requests and messages it's difficult for me to respond to all of them.

Here are common messages/questions that I get on a daily basis. Please read over this before you message me!

Hey, can you check out my profile / Hey, can you add me / Hey, can you promote me/my friend?

Please don't send me a generic message asking me to check out your profile, add you to my friends, promote you, or accept your friend request. If I don't add you it's not that I don't like you, its because if I accept every friend request I get my page would just be another stupid "add me" page. If you're not an unsigned or independent musician and want to be my friend, please hook me up with a link on your page! You can use the "Tell-a-Friend" links on the left side of my page.

What is Rocket Radio / I'm a musician, how do I get started?

For an explanation about Rocket Radio please read my blog . If you are an unsigned artist just come over to RocketRadio.com and check us out!

Hey Dustin, what up yo' / How's it going / I'm bored write me!

I try to respond to most of the messages in my inbox when I have some spare time, but I continue to stay very busy trying to run two businesses.

Leave me a comment:

Instead of clicking on "Add Comment" link on the bottom, just use the box below to write me a comment. (html disabled) NOTE: I welcome self-promotion in my comments section, but if you spam me you will get blocked and your messages will be deleted.


Tell your friends about Rocket Radio and hook me up with a link on your page!

Add me to your top 8!

Here are the codes to copy & paste in your page if you want to help spread the word...

My Blog

Ron Paul Revolution!

Are you a part of the Ron Paul Revolution? Do you know who Ron Paul is and why he's running for president? Do you know why he receives more campaign contributions from active duty military and vetera...
Posted by Dustin from Rocket Radio on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:23:00 PST

Memorial Day Weekend 2007 (video)

This is a video I put together from my Memorial Day weekend trip to Apache lake. I didn't get a chance to shoot very much footage because I was too busy having fun. Watch & enjoy! ...
Posted by Dustin from Rocket Radio on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:31:00 PST

9/11 Revisited (video)... It's time to ask questions & demand answers!

When I first set out to make this video it was only going to be so I could show my family & friends the biggest question I have surrounding 9/11. I decided to upload it Feb. 24, 2006. Since then&...
Posted by Dustin from Rocket Radio on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 05:49:00 PST

Watch out Mexico... here comes Dustin!

So we decided to go down to Mexico for New Years... it should be a lot of fun! Have you ever wondered what it's like to be me? Probably not... but for those of you who have I'm going t...
Posted by Dustin from Rocket Radio on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 09:01:00 PST

What is Rocket Radio?

A lot of people have been messaging me asking what Rocket Radio is... I figure if I post this here it will save some space in my mailbox for other messages... Rocket Radio (www.rocketradio.com) is fo...
Posted by Dustin from Rocket Radio on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:26:00 PST