PORTRAIT OF TRACY || SHOWS NEEDED!!! profile picture


The pale blue skyward turns into bright scarlet.

About Me

Yeeehaaa, recordings for our three new songs are finished! At the moment we're just setting our hands to the last mix.
We also have a list of a bunch of people who helped us getting this done. A big thanks to the following: Torsten (master of steady nerves and deadpan humour), Alex (for shifting microphones, hehe), also Ryan, Felix, Christian (all three from A Walk Through Peril), Carsten and Benny for destroying their throats for us! And special greetings to our brother Mario, who couldn't be with us in the studio because of his exams. We're looking forward to meet again in the rehearsal room, dude!
At least to satisfy all the nerdy ones among yourselves: the song titles will be "A Death in the Family (Means Death to the Traitors)", "Halos" and "Origin".
The studio blog of the last week is still in the cutting process. Be prapaired for strange pornographic material (I mean: you're gonna see our nipples)!
Happy birthday,
FOXTROT, BABY! 2008-06-18
Today we finished drum-recordings for the first 3 tracks that we want to release on the internet. Man, it was a blast! After 5 hours, litres of coffee and salty water running down Fab's body and nearly 2 tons of spaghetti with ketchup, these sweet pieces of music made by better pots were banned on a harddrive.
Stay tuned for our video blog on myspace and youtube!
Kind regards,
ALL NEW 2008-06-04
In addition to our first full length "An Orchid's Vendetta" and to comfort your sweet glazed eyes, we decided to change our space a little bit. Feel free to criticize and be sure that this is only version 1.0! There's more to come!
And what about the album? Well, we're entering the studio in less than 2 weeks for drum-recordings and with a lot of blood, sweat and tears the new stuff will hopefully be released at the end of 08 via Sandcastle Music. And don't forget to watch out for new songs on our site this summer! Yes, your ears are also the center of our attention!
Non-alcoholic cheers,
[email protected]
Please order our shirts HERE or click on one of the
images below.

Debut EP

My Interests


Member Since: 9/19/2005
Band Website: portraitoftracy.com
Band Members:
Phil - Vocals/Guitar

Mario - Guitar

Jakob - Bass

Fabian - Drums


Sounds Like: portrait of tracy!
Record Label: Sandcastle Music
Type of Label: Indie