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Auch dieses Jahr veranstaltet das Frequency Festival (at) einen Open Stage Contest, bei denen sich die unterschiedlichsten Bands gegen einander messen. Vorab müssen wir jedoch ein Internet Voting bestehen und hierbei kommt Ihr ins Spiel... Geht auf www.frequency.at und votet für uns...
the band...
Indiecore. A style, that was never there before. A style, that was invented by four young guys from Leipzig.
Soulscreen – Indiecore from Leipzig.
The band, composed of Pete (guitar, vocals), Lusche (guitar), Witt (drums) and Schreiner (bass), changes the order of priorities and conquers local and national stages with the new Indiecore tag.
The hour of birth of Soulscreen striked in autumn 2005. Due to contacts, the four members, that already played in Punk and Thrash Metal bands, got to know each other. Because of the fact, that elements of Indie-Rock and Emocore should flow in their music, they connected these two genres. With the new style on the flag, they hold their first gigs under the name Surfer Rosa, before the band changed the name into Soulscreen, which was the title of their first collective song.
After a number of gigs, Soulscreen took part in the „Schoolband-Factory-Award“ - with success! Soulscreen won the competition.
Subsequently, there was one gig after another, the fan community became bigger and bigger, the motivation increased.
In March of 2007, Soulscreen produced their first album „Blossoms Of Despair“. The drive and the creativeness in 2007 were so big, that they directly issued their second album „Parts Of Me For You“, which was considerably harder.
Even in 2008, Soulscreen stay constantly on the winning ways: With the attendance in the „Bandclash“, that is one of the most important competitions for young musicians in Germany, Soulscreen could broaden their horizons. The performance in front of over 800 spectators, was definitely the biggest gig, they'v ever played. There was another dubbing in April: Soulscreen were requested to support the successful Hungarian Indie-Rock-Band The Moog in Leipzig.
Soulscreen – Music, made in the torture chamber of the soul.
The songs of Soulscreen are inspired by own experiences and the drab monotony of everyday life. Songs, that deal with self-discovery, existentialism and inner brokeness. In addition to this, social structures, injustices or different living outs of faith are displayed. Soulscreen hold the balance between melancholy and brute force perfectly. Most of all, they impress with their emotional sure instinct. On the one hand, there are sensitive melodies, that animate the listener to contemplate or a kind of self-reflexion. On the other hand, there are heavy guitar chords, that bring the listener back down to earth. Songs, packed full of unforeseeable and surprising moments – Soulscreen know, where to touch the nerve.