All things nerdly. Transformers, DUNE, Ghost in the Shell and the Punisher. Conventions, Pop Culture, Sci Fi, Science Fiction, Sci-Fi, Anime, Horror, Fantasy, Animation, Comics, Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Toys, Collectables, Designer Vinyl, Television, Movies, Gaming, Artists
Convention fans... just like you!
The gauntlet...from NIN to High School Musical.
Top three favs...V for Vendetta, Iron Giant and Secretary. Other tops in no particular order: 300, Aliens, DUNE, Equilibrium, Boondock Saints and Fight Club, Transformers: The Movie, Flash Gordon, Frailty, Reign of Fire, Pretty much every Miyazaki film, The Fifth Element, Batman Begins, Tombstone, Spiderman 1 & 2
Arrested Development, Xiaolin Showdown, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Rescue Me, Ghost Whisperer, GI Joe Sigma 6, Clone Wars, Supernatural, The Office, The Soup, MXC, Invader Zim, Star Trek, Voyager, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Project Runway, Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit, Transformers Animated, Lucy Daughter of the Devil, Ninja Warrior
DUNE. Chris only reads DUNE. Never's actually kinda unnerving. Ang likes to read the monthly's.
The Punisher and Gary Sinese.