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Gabrielle Faust

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ground breaking sci-fi/horror author. Eclectic free verse poet. Abstract artist. Branding design expert and public relations manager. These are only a few of the titles I have earned over the past twelve years as I have worked in the publishing, fine art and advertising industries. By day, I pursue a career as a brand development expert and art director. Working primarily through my own independent studio Faust Productions , and the recently established co-operative international public relations and promotions company Manami International , I develop and manage a variety projects for both domestic and international clientel that range from corporate branding and advertising design to literary and film promotions and representation. My primary focus in this aspect of my career at this time is to build an international network of outstandingly creative professionals to further promote our current clientel and continue to branch out further into the literary and film industries.
When I am not chasing deadlines for other people I am chasing my own creative endeavors as a writer, illustrator and abstract painter. In 2005 I published my first full collection of poetry, entitled “Before Icarus, After Achilles”, with Publish America . The collection was received by the public with great enthusiasm. The following year I worked with my mentors Storm Constantine and Michael Marano to polish the completed manuscript for Eternal Vigilance . My passion for this series exceeds any project I have worked on to date. The first novel in this series was released in April of 2008 by the UK publisher Immanion Press , Storm Constantine's independent press. The second novel is currently under production with an estimated completion date of the end of 2008. My work has appeared in such publications as GUD Magazine, The Bloodied Quill, Doorways Magazine and the websites Fear Zone and Fatally Yours .
As a firm believer in the power of networking, I have continually been involved in various arts and literary organizations including The Horror Writers Association, The Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, The Writers’ League of Texas, Austin Visual Arts Association, Austin International Poetry Festival and the Texas Poetry Society. In 2006 I received the honor of being elected the Southwestern Regional Representative for the International Order of Horror Professionals and Art Editor for “The Bloodied Quill”, the IOHP quarterly newsletter. In 2007 I expanded Faust Productions to include the aspect of literary representation and am currently the U.S. Representative for the French gothic horror writer Sire Cedric ...
People often ask me what I do in my “free time” after I am done listing all of the aforementioned projects and positions I am involved in daily. I usually respond with a laugh and a wink, saying “Free time? What’s that?”. The simplest answer is that I “create”. Writing, painting, drawing, reading and occasionally playing the guitar. I share my life in Austin, Texas with two furry white lumps of purring zen magic, named Loki and Senor Blanco, as well as a beautifully insane group of friends whom I have known many of them for over a decade…
You can find out more about me and my work at the following sites: – Official Home of Eternal Vigilance – All of the Eternal Vigilance merchandise you can handle!! – Check out the new site for Faust Productions! – The official CafePress store for Before Icarus, After Achilles... – A gallery of fine art, illustrations and other personal artistic ramblings... – A miniature slice from my graphic design portfolio... – Southwestern Regional Representative – My Zombie Friends Page
Eternal Vigilance,, is a REGISTERED TRADEMARK of Gabrielle S. Faust and Faust Productions!
And to hackers...If you crack this page or the pages of any of my friends I will make it my personal mission in life from then on out to hunt you down through the five dimensions of cyberspace and make your life a living HELL! I have NO patience for lame, pathetic people with nothing else going for them other than the distruction of other people's MySpace pages. If you're so talented with code do something worthwhile with it!


My Interests

Art (both traditional and experimental) • Poetry • Reading in general...though I tend to read more science fiction, horror, fantasy and metaphysical philosophy than anything else • Photography • Wraeththu • Vampires • Music (both live shows and jamming with friends myself...I play guitar) • Travel • Wine & Sushi • Philosophy • Wicca... there's really too many things to list interests are diverse and constantly changing, though what I've listed here seems to always be constant...

I'd like to meet:

Unique, creative individuals with similar interests and creative/professional ambitions...

I created this profile using the MySpace Profile Editor which is really easy to use. You can also check out their other selection of MySpace Layouts !


My tastes in music are very eclectic. After years of working with the SXSW Music Festival and being raised by hippie musicians, I have learned to keep my ears and my opinions open to new tunes. I've done my time as a goth, a punk and a metal head. Now I'm just mellow and love it all. A few of my favorites though have always been Soul Coughing, Leonard Cohen, Blue October, Patty Griffin, Gravity Kills, The Scabs, Morphine, Tori Amos, Shawn Mullins, Godsmack, Peter Murphy, Skid Row, Flaw, Tool...really, there are too many to list here...


Bladerunner • Dune • Modigliani • All the Mornings of the World • Dogma (anything with Jay & Silent Bob) • Ask the Dust • Goodfellas • Miller's Crossing • Interview with a Vampire • Lair of the White Worm • Born Into This (Charles Bukowski documentary)...again, too many favorites to list here...


I don't watch that much t.v. lately due to too many projects on the burner. On the weekends I always have PBS on in the background as I work to get my good does of roundtable politics and house building shows. However, I do enjoy "Supernatural", "Law & Order", "House" and especially "Numbers"...


In fiction...anything by Storm Constantine, William Gibson, Michael Marano, or Hunter S. Thompson...My tastes in literature are very diverse though and I tend to simply wander through the isles of a bookstore in search of something "new" each time I visit... In poetry, Leonard Cohen, Charles Bukowski, Ginsberg, Buroughs, Kerouac, Ric Williams, Lyman Grant, Joe Hoppe, Saul Williams...


Storm Constantine...a pure literary goddess! Michael Marano for always inspiring me as a writer! Leonard Cohen...the god of poetry! My friends that have stuck with me over the years... The political and environmental activists I know who go out and fight the good fight each and every day against the looming powers that threaten this beautiful world...You are all angels!..

My Blog

Eternal Vigilance Book Signing  August 1st!!

Another book signing has been confirmed on the Eternal Vigilance 2008 Book Tour! Run, walk, swim, crawl, bum a ride, do what you have to do to come to Austin in August for the signing! There will be ...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 07:08:00 PST

Help Save the Bats!!

I just checked the Bat Conservation website and noticed this article in sidebar. What an absolute tragedy! Please read the article and, if you can, contribute to the Fund for White Nose Syndrome. We n...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST

2008 Nebula Award Winners

Winners of this year's Nebula Awards, presented by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, were announced Saturday April 26, 2008, in Austin, Texas. The SFWA News page has a photograph of ...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 11:11:00 PST

A Successful First Signing for ETERNAL VIGILANCE!

Well, I can't be happier with the way last night's signing at the Nebula Awards went. I was nervous, to say the least, being in a room with such profound authors as Michael Moorcock, but the whole eve...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

Robert Stikmanz at Barnes & Noble

Next Saturday, April 26th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., my friend and fellow author Robert Stikmanz will be signing books and demonstrating his new fantasy dice game Nod's Way at the Barnes & Noble in Roun...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:38:00 PST

Vampires Invade West Texas This Fall...

This September I will be appearing at the West Texas Book & Music Festival in Abilieen, Texas on September 25-29th. Over that weekend I will have a table where I will be signing copies of Eternal ...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:29:00 PST


**PLEASE REPOST!**Just a reminder to mark your calendars for the massive book signing, including ETERNAL VIGILANCE by yours truly, next Friday, April 25th! This event, a part of the Nebula Awards and ...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:57:00 PST

New Mailing Address for Orders

Since I've had quite a few people ask if they can send me money orders instead of paying online for Eternal Vigilance I have set up a new P.O. Box today to handle all orders. This new address will als...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST


Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:00:00 PST

Fear Zone Interview With Yours Truly!

Greg Lamberson, editor of Fear Zone, interviewed yours truly last week. The interview is up today on the site! :)If you're a regular Fear Zone reader, you may recognize Gabrielle Faust as one of ou...
Posted by Gabrielle Faust on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:53:00 PST