El Rockwell profile picture

El Rockwell

Maybe you can be pie, But I'm cake.

About Me

Scroll down in this box. Trust me on this one.Welcome back.
I know what you're thinking:Who is this "El Rockwell?"; What kind of weird accent is that?;Is it THE Rockwell?; Are his words like his dick...?
The good thing is, you are here. So some of your questions will be answered. The bad thing:This is like an episode of LOST. It raises more questions.
Everyone has their mysteries. Their secrets. You can keep them to yourself, hidden in the darkest recesses of your mind. I have stalked the shadows like these streets of Phoenix, and I can no longer hide my huge hippocampus.
Instead I take cover behind it. I took my own opaque fortunes and spread it on the page like Nutella on a waffle for all to taste. And it is sweet.(Will you pervs stop pestering me?! Nutella is a delicious hazelnut and chocolate spread I was recently introduced to, NOT a thinly veiled sexual innuendo! Geez...)
I have been writing for years. I've won local and national poetry contests. Slammed ala Saul. Tutored on Neruda. From Bukowski to Aesop to Ginsburg I have met comparisons and shattered them. I am a Tyler Durden of the time. A zeitgeist. A martyr. A supervillain. And REAL supervillains wear purple.
But this is all just rhetoric. Come to my 'Nix. Ask around and hear the hushed whispers you get as a response. Taste the future, because HOPE is blood flavored.
"Is he really that dark?!?"
Well, that remains to be seen. My doctor says I may be schizophrenic. I have also been diagnosed as bi-polar, manic depressive, "mentally eccentric" etc...
I don't know about all that. "I don't FEEL bi-polar". I think I may be more sane than the next man. The thing is, I learned a long time ago that when I lay pen to paper, to write about wrongs, its a relief. Others have told me how amazing it is to hear someone say how they feel. I've been told that they are right there with me. That they "get it". Thats cool.
I write for me, but even more than that....I write for you.
My first book, ATOMIC WAIT, is out now. You can read the reviews below. If you like what you hear, cop it. Its cheap. And it will change your life forever. Not in a Biblical sort of way, more like the first time you saw a slasher flick, the night your parents were killed in an alley before your very eyes,or the night you lost your virginity. It will open your mind to new possibilities. I feel I should mention though, that rumor about page 13 being laced with acid is just that, A RUMOR(officer!).
I also have a line of t-shirts, and stickers. And will custom design a shirt or stickers for you if you so de$ire. If you don't support starving artists, they end up dead ones.
My second book, SYMPATHETIC FEAR, is coming soon. Until then, cop ATOMIC WAIT, and check out the audio samples from book two.
Love me. Hate me. Cut me. Kill me. Buy me. Sell me. Comment me.Scream at me.
And El does NOT stand for "the".
Some reviews are in for ATOMIC WAIT:
"Poet El Rockwell shows a mastery of language far beyond his years. With a dedication to wordplay and a vocabulary never before seen in poetry. His words jump off the page, attacking like an American soldier in an oil rich country."
"Is it rap? Is it poetry? Its it illegal? Yes to all. El Rockwell is the type of poet that comes around once a generation. The type to paint vivid pictures of a seemingly post apocalyptic world crumbling around us all, only to show that it is in fact the world of today."
Actually, what I was going for was Pre-apocalyptic world trembling at my feet, but I guess its open to interpretation. Next:
"El Rockwell's poetry blows my mind, I cant believe ANYONE can write like this!"
Like I said, my mission is to blow your mind and then your car, cos Rockwell ain't a nom de plume, its a nom de guerre. Next:
"If it wasn't for El, and his amazing poetry, I would be dead in a ditch somewhere with tiny bugs gnawing away at my very soul...still. Buy his book, and you wont be sorry for long."
Um....actually you wont be sorry, period.Oooh! This next one sounds like a ringing endorsement! :
"El Rockwell's poetry saved my life and my marriage! Unfortunately, it killed my children, but you have to take the bad with the good right?"
Riiiiight. One more quote, and this one actually qualifies as about me! Awesome! :
"El Rockwell dominates the Phoenix poetry scene with dark, despotic flows and unheard of rhyme schemes. He can often be found at poetry readings spreading his rants, raps and thesis' as if it were the new AIDS, or on a soapbox doing the same. This pop culture meets politically charged scribe is a prolific play-write, scripting the dialog which drives our communal soul."
For more reviews of my work, check out my comments. Want your copy of ATOMIC WAIT? Click below, or visit lulu.com/elrockwell. Scream at me.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/10/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/elrockwell
Band Members: El Rockwell -Poetry,Lyrics, Performance Art, Slick dance moves, Liar, Martyr, Writer, Supervillain, Monkey Wrangler, Chief Executive in charge of Food and Beverage Distribution, Cracker Impersonator, Idle Idol, Best Friend, Bad Partner, Avid Comic Book Reader, King of Cartoons, Hip Hop fan since 94, Blogger, TXTer, Guy who is slow to return your phone calls, Truth Designator, Capo de Tutti K.O.(STILL!), Assbag, Television Hypnosis Victim, Artist, Designer, Time Keeper, Monopoly Banker, Scrabble Winner, Slam Champ, Pre-Homeless, Horror buff, HorrorCORE lover, Fan, Local Celebrity, Ant Murderer, Mr.Sensitive, Zeitgiest, Enemy.
Influences: Aesop Rock, Cage, Mr.Lif, Killa Cam, Peter and Cory Gunz, Eazy E, Mos Def, Atmosphere, Masta Ace, the Biz, Gza/Genius, DEL,House of Blow, MF Doom, The Impossibles,Ghostface, Peter Tosh,Big L, The Stones, Iggy Pop, Jay-Z, Cassidy, Jadakiss, Scheme Team, TMBG, Lupe Fiasco, Redman, Wutang, El-P, Marley and his children, Rass Kass, Coltrane, Can Ox, Lil Wayne, The Moldy Peaches,Fabolous, Tame One, Deftones, Eric Dolphy, Tom Petty, The Roots, Ivan Ives, rjd2, Common, Talib Kweli, C Rayz Walz, Kanye West, Blueprint , Motorhead, Horrorpops...etc...its pretty eclectic.But my biggest influences are life, death, comic books, politics, and the theater of lies called television. I watch a lot of television. LOST, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Simpsons,Heroes, Degrassi(yea, so?!), Frisky Dingo, ATHF, Big Brother,King of the Hill, The Soup, Best Week Ever,30 Rock, Justice League Unlimited, Smallville, Family Guy, Arrested Development(I stay DVRing the reruns on G4, still the best show). I could go on....but I wont. I am also a news junkie. Addicted to CNN, constantly reading newspapers online, you know the type. I am obsessed with politics (local, national and international). I know that politics are what make the world go round, and to be great at politics it dosnt matter if you are good, or evil, smart or dumb...you just have to be good at talking. Not speaking mind you, talking. And thats mostly what I do.
Sounds Like: If exegetic I'm kismetic with heretics.

The future.

The pain you feel in your own soul.

That time you walked in your parents...you know...doing it. THE it.

Monkeys banging elephant tusks off fishscale.

Something different.

Your dreamscape

The joy in your heart.

Everything you have ever wanted

Drowning puppies.

Theres someone at the door.

Hope(or lack thereof).

Record Label: Autumn Addicts, Khan Oddest, Black Lung Athletics
Type of Label: None

My Blog

wtf do you think!?

I have three different projects lined up right now, which would YOU rather see first?1: An ALL NEW freestyle. I'm thinking over Paper Planes( I loved Crooked I's take on it "Hood Politics", plus I've ...
Posted by El Rockwell on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 03:02:00 PST

It is SO a word! 7/23/08

  compunction noun A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds A feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action ...
Posted by El Rockwell on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:31:00 PST

Why can’t I

just be normal?
Posted by El Rockwell on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:30:00 PST

It is SO a word! 6.3.08

"She blowed it, cos I spoke cogent." co·gent     ADJECTIVE: Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing: a cogent argument. Don't you love when the right hand ...
Posted by El Rockwell on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:29:00 PST

It is SO a...um...Gilligans Island reference

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. Mad props to Jen Jen for pointing our something no one else had! If I was Marvel comics, you would get an official "No-Prize". From "Direct Response Advertis...
Posted by El Rockwell on Sat, 31 May 2008 01:55:00 PST

It is SO a word! 5/19/08

"I don't fake make opaqueMaybe you can be pie, but I'm cake." o·paque     ADJECTIVE: 1.Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent. 2.Not reflecting light; having...
Posted by El Rockwell on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:39:00 PST

It is SO a word! 5/12/08

"I try to transmogrify but why if you decided?"trans·mog·ri·fy TRANSITIVE VERB: trans·mog·ri·fied , trans·mog·ri·fy·ing , trans·mog·ri·fies To change into a different shape or form, especially one tha...
Posted by El Rockwell on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:06:00 PST

It is SO a word! 5/2/08

de·ni·al      NOUN: A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. Law The opposing by a defenda...
Posted by El Rockwell on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:04:00 PST

It is SO a word! 4/28/08

"We fuck unimaginable, indefatigable."in·de·fat·i·ga·ble ADJECTIVE: Incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued; tireless.It doesn't have to be dirty though. Next time you're in an interview an...
Posted by El Rockwell on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:16:00 PST

It is SO a word! 4/20 Edition!

Happy 420.Enjoy your nap."I feel fabulous when crapulous"crap·u·lence NOUN: 1. Sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking.2. Excessive indulgence; intemperance.ETYMOLOGY: From crapulent, sick fro...
Posted by El Rockwell on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:17:00 PST