Sean Hopp profile picture

Sean Hopp


About Me

I am an elegant loser and a third-stage Guild Navigator. Mock me if you want, but keep in mind I have very bad breath.

More Art:

I am always interested in trading artwork and tattoos.

My Interests

hotcakes. chipping paint. dust motes. crayons. bodily functions. afternoon light. roundness. wetness. heaviness. butter.

I'd like to meet:

aberrations. abnormalities. addicts. agnostics. aliens. anarchists. anomalies. artists. atheists. augers. burnouts. catholics. chimeras. cognoscenti. crackpots. cranks. creeps. curiosities. debauchees. degenerates. demons. demonlovers. designers. deviants. dorks. eggheads. failures. fanatics. freaks. gamblers. gamers. geeks. ghosts. gurus. heretics. hindus. hippies. loners. losers. maestros. malcontents. masturbators. mavens. mavericks. mishaps. miscreants. monsters. motherfuckers. musicians. mutants. nerds. nonconformists. nutballs. nutjobs. obsessives. oddballs. oddities. outcasts. outsiders. pacifists. neurotics. pagans. perpetrators. perverts. philosophers. pirates. poets. pornstars. priests. punks. readers. relics. queers. satanists. savants. scholars. scientists. slackers. spiders. strugglers. students. sufis. teachers. tinkerers. tools. unrepentants. victims. wackos. weirdos. zombies.


Black Sabbath. Coil. Smea. Crepusculous. Ravi Shankar. Arvo Pärt. Venom. Legendary Pink Dots. Peter Christopherson. Nurse With Wound. Skinny Puppy. Comb & Ollonaise. Pink Floyd. Crass. Prince. Leonard Cohen. Black Light District. Tower of Teeth. Basic Food Group. Biggie. Blinded From Glue. Throbbing Gristle. Mathbat Emergency Sound System. Psychic TV. ELpH. Eskaton. Current 93. David Tibet. Parliament. Kool Keith. Cenobites. Cyclobe. Death In June. Aranos. Ween. Bedhead. Bomb the Bass. Bowery Electric. Cabaret Voltaire. Cannibal Ox. Fridge. Diamanda Galas. godspeed you black emperor!. 13 & God. A Silver Mt. Zion. cLOUDDEAD. The Membrane Conspiracy. Slayer. Jerry Garcia. Fly Pan Am. Pierre Boulez. LCD Soundsystem. Osvaldo Golijov. Molasses. Shalabi Effect. Frankie Sparo. 1-Speed Bike. Exhaust. Venom. Spudmonsters. Crass. Greater Than One. Hafler Trio. The Notwist. Faust. Frank Zappa. Dead Can Dance. Brendan Perry. Christoph Heemann. HNAS. Hrvatski. Keith Fullerton Whitman. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Mahi Mahi. Them(selves). Tobias Torba. Chris Mann. Elijah's Mantle. Jacek Lewandowski. Filtered By the Spiral. Belle & Sebastian. Moist Boyz. Will Oldham. Melvins. Butthole Surfers. Scratch Acid. Jesus Lizard. Birthday Party. Reckankreuzungsklankewerkzeuge. Edward Ka-Spel. Kid 606. Kustmasta Kurt. Tigerboy. Disc. Matmos. Steven Stapleton. Chrystal Belle Schrodd. The Inflatable Sideshow. Yo-Yo Ma. Soft Pink Truth. Aphex Twin. Stars of the Lid. Tear Garden. Thighpaulsandra. 23 Skidoo. TRS-80. Kraftwerk. Devo. Trans Am. Einsturzende Neubauten. In Gowan Ring. Fuzzhead. Alva. Kronos Quartet. Luke Vibert. Plug. Guns n Roses. Volcano the Bear. V/Vm. The Caretaker. The Stranger. Dose 1. Windy & Carl. Wendy & Lisa. Chris & Cosey. 5 Way Mirror. Enema and the Donut Holes.


I still have to make a humungous list...


Wife Swap. Elimidate. Battlestar Galactica. Static. BBC. Sanford.


Anything by... J.G. Ballard, Hugh Knox, Renee Daumal, Chris Ruskin-Mann, Jorge Luis Borges, Stanislaw Lem, Jean Genet, Henry Miller, Sadegh Hedayat, Comte de Lautreamont, Phillip K. Dick, S. Clay Wilson, Will Self, Marquis de Sade, Charles Baudelaire, Henry James, Hermann Hesse, D. Harlan Wilson, Orson Scott Card, Neal Stephenson, Robert Louis Stephenson, Amir Aczel, Edward Gorey, Marcel Proust, William S. Burroughs, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Umberto Eco, Kenneth Anger, Martin Amis, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Franz Kafka, Anne Rice, Mary Shelley, Isaac Asimov, John Gardner, Robert A. Heinlein, Bret Easton Ellis, Frank Herbert, John Sladek, Samuel Beckett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Spider Robinson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Hunter S. Thompson, Aleister Crowley, Malcalypse the Younger, Robert Anton Wilson, Joseph Campbell, William Blake, P.D. Ouspensky, Alexandre Dumas, Rabelais, Madame Blavatsky, Sylvia Plath, Ursula LeGuin, Sir James George Frazer, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Douglas Adams, Frank Belknap Long, H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Lady Murasaki, Haruki Murakami, Neil Gaiman, Andre Breton, Soren Kierkegaard, Elaine Pagels, G.I. Gurdjieff


Animals who attack humans.