Androids, Methamphetamine, Gnosticism, History, Women.
God, of course. Who else?
Never made any. When I was young, I worked in a record store that specialized in classical music. I also hosted a classical radio show for a while. I did like it when White Zombie used the "More Human Than Human" line from Blade Runner in their wittily-entitled song, "More Human Than Human." That was witty of them to do. Witty in the sense of, I didn't see a dime. They don't care if I have to eat horsemeat. Now where did I put that methamphetamine?
Yeah, but they all suck. Okay, Blade Runner's okay. They cut out all my best stuff, but I guess it hangs together okay. Total Recall, that was a piece of crap. And now that guy's the governor? I die and things get even worse. Minority report, well they put some money into it, I'll give em that. But still, it's all just so ridiculous. That part with the eyeballs on the organ? And when he sits up inside the car they just put together and drives away? Whatever happened to realism? It's just silly. I am looking forward to the new Scanner Darkly one, though. I really liked Linklater's Waking Life, especially the part about me. The rest of it was a little boring, but you should all go rent it for that part. Dazed and Confused was pretty good, too. No androids, but otherwise pretty good. ***UPDATE*** I have since seen the new Scanner Darkly, and it wasn't bad at all! The animation is incredible, it perfectly captures the kind of feel I used to go for in my writing. Everything seems a little off, a little unreal, things might change at any second, something might leap out at you, everything might be torn out from under you like a rug, etc. Very nicely nicely done. Storywise, I gotta say, I found it a little boring. "Did I really write it this way?" I kept asking myself. But I couldn't remember. It seems like some things happen in a different order than the way I meant them to. Unless maybe I just watched them in the wrong order? Or my brain processed them incorrectly and "showed" them to me in the wrong order? Any of these things are possible. Anyway, I thought it was a little boring. Just a little. But still, worth seeing, perhaps multiple times, just for the animation. Did you see it?
I've written a couple. *The Solar Lottery [1954] (aka World of Chance) *The World Jones Made [1956] *Man Who Japed [1956] *The Eye in the Sky [1956] *Variable Man [1957] *The Cosmic Puppets [1957] *Time Out of Joint [1959] *Dr. Futurity [1960] *Vulcan's Hammer [1960] *The Man In the High Castle [1962] *The Game Players of Titan [1963] *Martian Timeslip [1964] *Dr. Bloodmoney, Or How We Got Along After the Bomb [1964] *Penultimate Truth [1964] *The Simulacra [1964] *Clans of the Alphane Moon [1964] *Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch [1965] *The Crack In Space [1966] *Now Wait For Last Year [1966] *The Unteleported Man (Later published as Lies, Inc. in the UK) [1966] *The Zap Gun [1967] *The Ganymede Takeover [1967] (with Ray Nelson) *Counter-Clock World [1967] *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep [1968] *The Galactic Pot-Healer [1969] *The Preserving Machine [1969] (short story anthology) *Ubik [1969] *Maze of Death [1970] *Our Friends From Frolix 8 [1970] *We Can Build You [1972] *Confessions of a Crap-Artist [1975] *Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said [1974] *Deus Irae [1976] (with Roger Zelazny) *A Scanner Darkly [1977] *VALIS [1981] *The Divine Invasion [1981] *The Transmigration of Timothy Archer [1982] *Blade Runner [1982] (AKA Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) *The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike [1984?] *Puttering About In This Small Land [1985] *Radio Free Albemuth [1985] *Ubik: The Screenplay [1985] *In Milton Lumky Territory [1985] *Humpty Dumpty In Oakland [1986] *Mary and the Giant [1987] *The Broken Bubble [1988?] *Nick and the Glimmung [1988?] *The Dark-Haired Girl [1988] (collection of fiction and non-fiction) *Voices from the Street [unpublished] *Gather Yourself Together [unpublished]