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Ron Paul of Texas - The End of Dollar Hegemony
Rep. Ron Paul - Why Are Americans So Angry?
Ron Paul VS. War Against Iran
Support Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) for President in '08
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell (English Novelist and Essayist, 1903-1950)
I'm a patriotic American citizen exposing the criminal elements of my government. I wan't to stop globalism, save the soviernty of my country and defend the Republic. We all need to stop the criminal elemnets of our government from carrying out any more false flag operations or goverment sponsered terror attacks. Like Operation Ajax , Operation Gladio , Operation Northwoods , Cubana Airlines Flight 455 , the Gulf of Tonkin incident and 9/11 . Go Google any of those operations, or research 9/11 Truth , Scholars for 9/11 Truth , Controlled Demolition and Thermite. Also go Google how the CIA controls all the cocaine and heroin that comes in to the United States. Just Google the Iran Contra affair or the head DEA agent of Latin America witnesses CIA drug trafficking . Also Terry Reed was a pilot and subcontractor for the CIA Iran Contra operation in Mena, Arkansas in the 1980s. During this work, he discovered that airplanes flying weapons south to the Nicaraguan Contras returned to the U.S. with cocaine. As described in his book Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA, Reed left the operation in disgust, but was sued in federal court in Wichita Kansas after then-Governor Bill Clinton's chief of security Buddy Young fabricated evidence of insurance fraud with an airplane that was stolen from Terry Reed. The case against Reed was dismissed from federal court and the Judge complained that it had "a high odor to it."
Most people have never even heard of the North American Union and it will be the end of this constitutional republic. President Bush, Mexican President Vincete Fox, and the former Canadian Prime Minister signed a bill thats going to merge America with Mexico and Canada. Without congress even being able to have a vote in the final decision. George W. Bush has commited 1,000s of felonies. Bush has spent 1.6 billion dollars on propaganda placement . Im not a democrat or a republican I believe in the constitution and the bill of rights. I can't say that for most politicians. After the North America Union , the America we know will be gone. American's will lose their Constitution and Bill of Rights. The government is now building a NAFTA superhighway that connects Mexico, America, and Canada. With the North American Union more businesses can exploit illegal immigrants for cheap labor and can do it legally. Which will lower wages and then make it impossible to get a minimum wage pay for almost all jobs.
Also everyone needs to look in to 9/11 being an inside job. A self inflected wound to take us to war so the criminal elements of the government gain total control of America through a police state, gain control of all the heroine being produced in Afghanistan and profit off selling the drugs and profit off the drug war, gain control of oil like the criminal elements of our government did with the former president of Iran Mohammed Mossadegh with the CIA overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953, the criminal elements of our government want to create massive terrorist organizations with the help of the Pentagon's P2OG which is a secret group set up to go start up terrorist cells in other countries so the criminal elements of the U.S. government don't have to provocateur and engineer terror attacks and it gives them more reason to invade more soviern nations. Look at 9/11 and all the evidence points to government involvement. Looking at the physical impossablities alone; the Twin Towers and building 7 fall in freefall speed, building 7 falls in on its own footprint, Twin Towers and building 7 had pools of molten metal iron or molten metal steel in the basement of building 7 and ground zero for 6 weeks after the buildings collapsed, which is only possible if the fires in the buildings reached 3000 degrees. Eyewitnesses heard and felt explosions in the Twin Towers and outside the Twin Towers. One survivor William Rodriguez says he heard and felt a explosion underneath his feet at the ground level of the South Tower a few seconds before the first plane hit and his story can be confirmend by 16 eyewitnesses. It is very important to understand that jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt the steel hence the molten metal iron or steel in the basement of the Towers and Building 7 is impossable according to the official story, the heat was down to 600 F right after the first couple of minutes or so after the planes hit that is why you see massive fire balls when the planes hit because most of the jet fuel was burned up on impact so it was diffenetly not hot enough to buckle the iron or steel in the buildings construction in 2 hours which the buildings collapsed in less then 2 hours. Here is a link to Proffesor Steven Jones' peer reviewed paper about what really happend on 9/11 found correct and conclusive by every scientist and proffesor that reads it;Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse? by Dr. Steven E. Jones
How the Towers were Demolished by Gordon Ross
Here is a link to a 9/11 website with 200+ 9/11 smoking guns or 9/11 facts that show the government's story is a fairy tale.
200+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found In The Mainstream Media.
Larry Silverstein, Leaseholder of The World Trade Center Twin Towers and owner of World Trade Center building 7, admitted to World Trade Center building 7 being demolished. World Trade Center building 7 wasn't hit by a plane and falls in 6.5 seconds. He uses the term "pull it" and "pull" is a demolishen term for pulling down, or demolishing a building. Here is the video.
I also want to stop Martial Law, or a Police State. After we have another false flag attack were going to have a Police State. They have already made every crime a terrorist act! According to section 802 of the patriot act, any misdemeanor or felony is a terrorist act. If you don't believe me Google patriot act rubix cube, or try patriot act strip bar, or patriot act marijuana, or patriot act homeless. They even arrest homeless people and say its part of the patriot act. The police will arrest you for one half ounce of marijuana and call it terrorism. Also a woman almost got arrested for selling Magic Cubes which are knock off Rubix Cubes. It was not an illegal toy, and she bought them from a large manufacturer. Although according to the detectives they had the right to arrest her because of the patriot act, and because of copyright laws.
Also Google Torture Memo. Learn about Attorny General Alberto Gonzalez's infamous torture memo. He wrote this to justify Bush's order to torture. The Deputy Attorny General John Yoo answers the questions as to wheather Bush can legally torture including "crushing the testicles of the person's child." Listen to it here. That should speak for itself, but even if that doesn't wake you up, this will. Not only does our government believe in crushing children's testicles. If you read Gen. Taguba's Report you will find that our government also tries to justify "Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick." The whole report can be found here; Gen. Taguba's Report , the specific detainee abuses are listed under Findings and Recommendations. Detainee abuses are also listed here in key excerpts from Gen. Taguba's Report . Also these are just the things we know about. Think about all the different acts of torture we do not know about. I'm sure many people deny the legitamacy of Iraqi prison torture. Well hopefully this video will show those people that not only is torture something to worry about, but Americans have more to worry about than just torture, like concentration camps. The beginning of the video tries to make it look like the concentration camps are supposedly only for illegal immigrants that need to be held temporarily before they deport them. Although in reality these concentration camps purpose is all to obvious. The purpose of the camps is for political dissidents. These concentration camps are being built all over America by Halliburton . Rex 84 is the Ronald Reagan era program in which mass amounts of Americans would be detained in 800 U.S. built concentration camps in case of civil unrest or a national emergancy. The concentration camps would be operated by FEMA incase of martial law. All of it would be completely legal according to the executive orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Here is a video of one of the FEMA Concentration Camps for Families in Taylor, Texas.