FEATURING JOSEPH WOOTEN, ROB HECHT, SIMON YU, JEFFREY VILLANUEVA, MANAMI MORITA, MIKA NISHIMURA, BOB EDINGER, ALEX GORDEEV AND RANDY RUNYON.RELEASED JANUARY 7TH 2008, "The Way" was recorded in Sanctum Sound studios and Mix One studios, both in Boston MA, and Evan's Bedroom, also in Boston MA.All compositions by Evan Marien. Mixed and Mastered by Evan Marien. All songs Copyright2007CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW FOR A LINK
UPDATE: I'm on Simon Yu's cd called "Beginning" which was released March 18th 2008“Beginning…†= Contemporary Grooves (Hip-Hop, Drum&Bass, R&B, Timbaland, Funk…etc) + Jazz Harmonies + Group Improvisations.8 original compositions with Contemporary Jazz Harmonies over
variety of Grooves.Featuring some of the best players in Boston area:Alto Sax: Alex Gordeev
Alto Sax: Nikolay Moiseenko
Piano/Wurly/Fender Rhodes: Mika Nishimura
Piano: Takeshi Ohbayashi
MicroKORG/Effects: Ayako Higuchi
Electric Bass: Evan Marien
Drums: Jeffrey Villanueva
Mastered with Direct Stream Digital by Terrence Lai Wavemotion Ltd. Hong Kong and Leo FungLINK: Simon Yu's "Beginning" cd on
Bio:::::Evan Marien was born July 18th, 1986 in Illinois.He picked up the electric bass at age 12, under the advice of Steve Schepper.He studied for many years with Jim Culbertson, father and bandmate of smooth jazz star Brian Culbertson. Between the ages of 18 and 19 he became one of the youngest artist endorsers for Eden Electronics and Rotosound Bass Strings.
Evan Marien's NEW bio on Edens websiteHe has performed or recorded with: Joseph Wooten, David Fiuczynski, Greg Osby, Joe Lovano, Kenwood Dennard, Fred Wesley,Rob Hecht, Jeff Taylor, and many others.
He has also played with:
Jetro Da Silva, George Garzone, Eugene MaslovHe has released 3 solo albums on his independent record label EvanMarienProductions and has released another titled EvanMarienGroup under his label. He recorded his first album at the age of 18 and continues to write and record today.He currently attends Berklee College of Music with plans for graduating in Spring 2009.-----------------------------------------
-----------------------------------Evan Marien uses Fender Jazz and Ken Smith BassesRotosound extra light gauge stringsEden Amplifiers and Computer Monitors