
Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler

Sven Wechsler - Comic

About Me

I’m a comedian in NYC. I’m hilarious. Trust me.... really. My schedule, what I get around to posting, is below. Also, you should visit my website:

Also, this is a monthly show I run at the Bowery Poetry Club:

My Interests

Spelunking. Learning how to spell spelunking properly. Other stuff that makes me appear interesting, intelligent and fun to be around.

I'd like to meet:

You for coffee, and we can talk about all the shit you've been saying about me behind my back and why I ignore your "safe" word.


Tool. Also, Simon and Garfunkel - but not Garfunkel. Well he's O.K. in small doses, but we all know where the talent came from. Garfunkel sings pretty, but that only gets you so far.


All the ones that I'm in... so none so far. I refuse to see a movie until I'm in it.


C-Span, but just for the fights.


Love them. I read tons of stuff. All the big ones and some cutting edge stuff you wouldn't have heard of. Very, very interesting. I'm constantly learning. My brain is actually physically expanding. It's so full of knowledge.I can't relate to people. I'm much too smart and wise.


Strong people who made sacrifices so that others could have a better life. Also, famous people.

My Blog

I own a lot of books.

Every time I move, I realize I own a lot of books. I can't throw books out, because they're books. Only Nazi's and NASCAR fans destroy books, so I keep them. I know I'm never going to read them again....
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:25:00 PST

Im Mr. Lower East Side... bitches....

(Warning: The links and video in this post may not be appropriate for the office, library or anywhere you don't want to be seen looking at naked freaks on a computer screen.) So, it's been a couple w...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:58:00 PST

Im working on a new orgasm face.

I've been working on a new orgasm face. I caught a glimpse of mine in the mirror the other day, and, frankly, it looks a little needy... like I don't have many orgasms and am surprised to be having on...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 04:07:00 PST

Dentists and Judgement

I've been visiting the dentist at the New York University School of Dentistry. It's cheap, because student doctors work on you. While, you might think this is would be a ticket to increased agony at t...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:43:00 PST


Hey all. Please come check out the new monthly show I'm producing at The Bowery Poetry Club: BRAINYAXE Reggie Watts, Craig Baldo, Baron Vaughn, Tom McCaffrey, John Mulaney. An evening of brainy c...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:45:00 PST

Rockin' the Casbah

My new neighborhood is Arab. There's a Mosque across the street and about 20 hookah cafes down the next 3 blocks. I see women in headscarves all the time. Tonight, I went to the kebab place on my c...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:21:00 PST

Buying Furniture

I went to IKEA with my girlfriend and we spent over $500. We didn't mean to. It just sort of happened. We exercised restraint. Several times I put things in the cart and then returned them to the shel...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 10:32:00 PST

My Vacation and Dental Surgery in Bulgaria

Alright... here goes. As mentioned, I went to Bulgaria. Why, because my girlfriend is Bulgarian. Many of you are just now learning that a place called Bulgaria exists, because I am telling you about i...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:55:00 PST

Product Placement

I had a dream last night in which somebody gave me a Blow Pop . There was no stick coming out of it, but the wrapper was unmistakable. I 'm nervous this is the beginning of a terrible trend of produ...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:21:00 PST

Happy New Year

Well, glad that's over. Managed to get through it all without losing my girlfriend, family members, reputation and credit rating; Coincidentally, my resolutions for the new year consist of keeping the...
Posted by Sven "Mr. Lower East Side" Wechsler on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:39:00 PST