Everything that exists, everything that you experience, everything in your mind and emotions (which then cause your behaviors) are things, are objects. All things are CREATIONS: somebody created them. Within your personal, interior world, that is somebody is always you. You are the sole creator of all you non-physical experiences, positives and negatives.What you have created, you can discreate. You can learn to discreate absolutely anything in your mind, emotions, or behavioral compulsions, including addictions. And you can learn to take conscious control of your creator ability to create only what you want in the future.
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Other systems tell you WHAT you must do: that you must happy; that you must love; that you must maintain a positive attitude; that you must trust yourself; that you must., etc. Psycanics tells you HOW to do and achieve those things and anything else that you want.
As you understand and incorporate psycanics into your BEing, you will move into a new way of life. You refocus your life and begin to balance your external work in the physical world with your internal work on Self. Your highest purpose in life becomes to work on and polish your Being and your moment to moment experience of Love and Happiness. You redefine success as the amount of Consciousness, Love and Happiness you achieve, and not by your accumulation of external achievements and things.
You realize that happiness really is within, and that nothing external can or will ever make you truly happy. You fully realize that you are the Creator of all your psycanic (non-physical) experience; of your thoughts, emotions, relationships, experience of love, and of ALL your pain or happiness. You stop neurotically trying to control external things to control your internal feelings. Every negative experience becomes the opportunity to find and discreate its cause within you so that negative emotion stops recurring in your life. Events and relationships become mirrors that let you see who you are and from that, change to Who You want to BE. You free yourself from all compulsions, pain and limitations, and you free yourself of all compulsion to control others, and as a result, your relationships transform.
Life is about discovering WHO YOU ARE NOW so that you can transform yourSelf to WHO YOU WANT TO BE.
LIVING: Muhammad Ali, Bill Gates, Sue Chen Walker, Clarence Thomas, Oprah, Tony Brown, Colin Powell.DECEASED: Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Sam Walton, James Dean, Elvis Presley, Julius Ceasar.FICTIONAL: Batman, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Superman.