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Dorothea Gerardis-Emisch


About Me

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The Panhellenic Association of Geopathology was founded in Athens in spring 2002. Its aim is to make Geopathology known Worldwide and to draw the attention of the population to the importance of Geopathology for human health. To this end, the President of the Panhellenic Association of Geopathology, Dorothea Gerardis-Emisch, gives lectures on Geopathology all over the World and in many Greek towns.
In special cases it is possible for the Greek Association of Geopathologists to provide services on geopathic stress for the population's well-being.
In Greece there has been a bad precedent in that, in the past, certain non-educated individuals have worked as geopathologists, as a consequence of which the expected beneficial results in terms of public health have not been seen. For this reason, the Panhellenic Association of Geopathologists wishes that services concerning geopathic stress in Greece are given exclusively by experts with the appropriate training. In special cases, the members of the Panhellenic Association of Geopathologists, who are trained in Geopathology, can evaluate works on Geopathology performed in the past.
The Panhellenic Association of Geopathologists has its yearly General Assembly in October. In special cases, extraordinary meetings of the members are called. Anyone interested in health and Geopathology can become member of the Panhellenic Association of Geopathology. The earths radiation that is bad for human health is more or less known since many millennia, through observation of nature and by other means. We see an example of this in the trees whose trunks develop in a slanting angle. Usually such trees are found in areas with a strong charge of geopathic stress; by adopting a slant during their development they are trying to avoid the harmful radiation of the earth.
In the photo you can see geopathologist Dorothea Gerardis-Emisch investigating a pathogenic zone on Strefis hill in the center of Athens, where several trees have slanting trunks.
At this point there exists particularly harmful radiation, which is caused by three universal networks (nets) or grids, an underground stream of water and a «Black stream». It is also observed that most animals avoid zones with harmful earth radiation. In addition, it is noted that certain fowls that live in hen-coops kill each other while competing for a place without a surcharge of radiation. Naturally, most crucial of all are the observations of man regarding himself: The fact that people do not feel well in certain places and avoid them, plus the fact that in particular sites various individuals fall ill over and over again, while in extreme cases repeated deaths are noted.

My Interests

My family, Helping the Earth and Humanity, Meditation, Writing, Reading & Composing music.

An excellent apparatus for protection against rays is the raycleaner RAC, which deals not only with the rays in zones of geopathic stress, but also with electroatomic and radioactive rays emitted from electric appliances such as television sets, computers, microwave appliances etc, from mobile phones and from conduits of high voltage electric power. Let someone who uses a dowsing instrument tell whats answer he gets for the power of RAC.

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I'd like to meet:

Make new friends with interests in God, Love and Spirit. People who like to be Geopathologists. People who like to learn how to protect themselfes and their house from geopathetic zones and Earth stress. Organisations who are active in helping the Earth, the Nature, The Humanity in any kind of way.

RAC (Raycleaner)

Electrical appliances such as television sets, computers, microwave ovens, cellular phones, aerials, cables, high-voltage conductors, electrical power plants and electric vehicles (emitting so-called electromagnetic radiation), geopathic zones (harmful terrestrial radiation), threads of water, radioactive electrical atomic radiation (PWL radiation) are constantly emitting harmful radiation, as well as Radon has a harmful affect. The RAC (ray cleaner) emitting its own radiation protects places inside buildings and outdoors, from the harmful affects of radiation, and more than this: The RAC changes harmful radiation into good and healthy energy.

Everywhere on the Earth there are people suffering from the influence of harmful radiation. Even in ancient years before human civilization arose, negative radiation emitted from the Earth, the terrestrial atmosphere and the universe. Due to their natural way of life in those years people were more sensitive, and like the animals, they instinctively found the good places to settle, and in case they did not feel well in a certain place they moved. Even if human beings would still possess this original sensitivity (really some people still do), nowadays due to overpopulation they would no longer be able to do so.

Most people do not feel neither positive nor negative energy; but they do feel the symptoms and the health problems caused by harmful radiation. Frequent symptoms are: weakness, fatigue, disorder of sleep, morning sleepiness, nervosity, irritability, headaches, pains in joints and in the spine, susceptibility due to weakening of the immune system, moreover heart diseases and diseases of the circulatory system. Harmful radiation can also cause physical, emotional and mental diseases, and disorder in children’s development. Certainly all mentioned disorders may be caused by other reasons, too.

Due to the fact that houses and apartments which do not show harmful terrestrial radiation (without mentioning all other kinds of negative radiation) are rare, we may say that in most cases there is a relation between diseases and harmful radiation, either in causing diseases or in intensifying their symptoms.

Another problem that can be caused by geopathologies are frequent car accidents which occur at various places everywhere on the globe. In most of these places very powerful terrestrial radiation meet. When following a route in which powerful geopathologies exist, the driver’s energy and focus may be reduced. At some points of the route, more harmful terrestrial radiation meet from different directions, which in case the driver is not totally healthy, physically and mentally, can lead to a short blackout, resulting into accidents. (Information in detail, about harmful radiation and their affects, you will find in the book: “Schutz vor Erdstrahlen und Elekrosmog – Geopathologie für ein gesünderes Leben” by Dorothea Gerardis-Emisch, edition G. Reichel, ISBN: 3-926388-71-4).

The effectiveness of the RAC: Due to it’s special shape and in relation with it’s material, the RAC emits energy which alters the affect of harmful radiation, making it no longer harmful for people, animals and plants, resulting not only into neutralizing the negative energy, but transforming it into positive energy.

“RAC’s effectiveness in pulsating magnetic fields (PMF) is statistically proved. The RAC’s effect is to harmonize and stimulate the energies of the meridians and thus influences the vital energy Qi” (from the results of the “LIFE” test).

The specific shape of RAC is vertical. Except in North-South direction, positioning in horizontal orientation shows no effect. In North-South direction the relation of rays is not suitable, therefore the RAC has to be used only in vertical position.

The whole energy field of the RAC is influenced, the rays pass through walls; positive energy naturally existing at a specific place will not be altered into negative but will be increased positively.

The RAC device will not in any case be charged with negative energy and therefore do not need to be “cleaned” from negative energy.

The RAC device will never loose it’s effectiveness, as it is based in the specific shape. Even if you dig the RAC vertically placed into the earth, it does not loose it’s effectiveness, nor when it is hanged in the open space or when the metal turns black due to weather influence. Only in case it is hit very hard or strikes the ground it may alter it’s polarity resulting in a loss of effectiveness. When using a RAC this however will seldom occur.

The transformation of harmful energy into positive energy by the RAC device can be measured in a radio-sensitive way using a special index.

Placed in vertical position, the RAC will always work. It means that from the moment the RAC is hanged vertically, the negative influence of harmful radiation within the energy field of the RAC alters immediately resulting in a positive influence of the radiation. An example of the positive radiation: the immune system of a person which was continuously working very hard, suddenly is freed from this burden. Immediately, this change becomes effective to everybody, however the organism of some people, especially those who where exposed to strong negative radiation, will need about one or two days to get adapted. Generally, experience shows that within the second week the latest, after positioning the RAC, one starts to feel a positive physical change, may it be more vital energy or reduction of the affects of symptoms which were caused by harmful radiation.

ATTENTION ! Using the RAC is not an alternative to any treatment. In case of a desease a doctor or practitioner has to be consulted.

The RAC device is available at large (use in rooms) or individual size.

Large-size RAC:

The effective radius of the large room-size RAC is about 27 meters. When hanging up the RAC 95 cm. above plain ground, in a distance of 22 meters from the RAC, the energy field is 1.84 m., the radius of 22 meters corresponds to an area of about 1.520 square meters. Directly above the RAC the range of effectiveness is about 4 m. and directly underneath about 4.40 m. The more the rays above and beneath the RAC move away sideways, the more the length of the rays reduces. If it is positioned correctly (following the instructions below) the RAC provides protection, even until a certain size and height, for the spaces of a 2-store building. In a one- or two-store building you have to use the table, for to look how high the RAC is to be hanged. (A describing is following.)

The medium-size RAC protects one-store buildings at a man’s height, with a plain surface until about 90 square meters, in case the area is almost square and the RAC is placed at 90 cm. height in the centre of the space to be protected.

The individual RAC device protects a space at a man’s height, within a range of about 1.20 ms, which corresponds to three persons of average dimension, in the room of a car or the cabin of a truck.

In case you are not satisfied the RAC device, and if it is not damaged, you may return it to the seller, together with the receipt, until 6 weeks after purchase and get your money back.

Be aware of falsifications of the RAC. Firstly, construction and sale are illegal and secondly, they do not function because of their negative energy.

RAC is patented in the countries of the European Union (RCD 000454533), in Switzerland (Register/Design CH, Nr. 132863), in Australia (RCD 309841) in the United States of America (US D551,108 S) in China (ZL 200630152554.X) and in India (204261) against falsifications and sale of falsification.

