Welcome aboard! I'm David Franks, an English folk and Christian musician plus poet; and my web-nickname, WalkaboutsVerse, is an abbreviation of my paperback/e-scroll: "Walkabouts: Travels and Conclusions in Verse" - which, along with info. on a related C.D., "Chants from Walkabouts," you may read, for free, via the above-left link to my website. Also at this site, you'll find further links to other things about me (other info. on repertoire, other publications and performances, messages, etc.), as well as links back to this Space.------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------But here is THE BLURB from WALKABOUTS, and some other abridgment - "ABOUT THE POET AND THE POETRY: David Franks was born and, after a long time away, lives in England. The four-part collection has travels and conclusions, in poems and songs, from his nomadic first-thirty-six years. The experience behind the verse includes shoestring-travel through about forty countries, A-grade junior sport, a B.A. in humanities, four technical certificates in manufacturing, plus several years on the shopfloor. The style is mostly direct; and the substance informative, humorous and didactic."--------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------Armed with poems, unaccompanied Chants and E. trads, I began participating in folk and poetry clubs, festivals, and forums during 2004, before beginning to teach myself keyboards and recorders a year later. I've since placed in folk-festival competitions, done a few mini-gigs, recited on radio, and, as suggested above, some Walkaboutsverse has also been published in journals, etc.--------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------In broad summary, then, I travelled and studied in humanities, before writing the verses and finding a way to sing or chant some of them; I learnt (formally and informally) desktop publishing, P.C. recording, as well as other I.T.; and, lastly, I taught myself to read and play music plus, eventually, to write it by mimicking my singing with the above instruments.------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------In the future, I intend to record &/or perform more E. trads, hymns, chants, plus poems, and perhaps post some of them here, along with a few new digital-photos/videos.--------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------Other main interests are - as with many English folk - gardening and tennis (see Blogs, Pics, plus my website).---------------------------------------------------
About this Space: the above Blogs offer samples of my work; as do the 6 tracks, which you may listen to whilst viewing the, below, silent video of my recorder-techinique and/or the slides (click once for captions). Furthermore, please do leave a Message/Comment, if you wish.-------------------------------------------------------
(For non-Myspace-members, email -
[email protected])-------------------------------------
Chromatically: a self-filmed silent-movie of my recorder tech.
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