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Musicians Say, Bring Us Peace and Sustainability!

Musicians and The People Wishing To Say, Bring Us Peace and Sustainability, Stop The Killing, Help S

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Welcome ... if you care about your family, your children's future, and this beautiful planet, our home ... then please take a short while to look over this page .. if you agree with us, then please add us, we'll be glad to join you ...Please spend a few minutes with this Iraq Veteran, he has something for you ...Much kudos to Him ... A True Hero ... is placed a collection of evidence supporting reports on the dubious nature of present and past Us Governments, in collaboration with the UK Government, amongst others, and some of the worlds wealthiest business men and women, in their effort to build what is proving to be called by almost a majority, Evil, which in any event, is today a murderous, conscienceless, selfish campaign, striving to create this boring "Bush World Order", regardless of how many lives are lost in the process. Musicians & Friends ~ Please Place This Video On Your Profile ~You won't have to handle the hassle ... we'll take it for you !!!NO WAR ... A Video Produced, and Edited for Us All ... with his own music ... MICHEL go listen to his music player, your ears will love you ... ;~))Our Combined Thanks To Him, for this video, and his whole-hearted love for us all ...If only more musicians would Take Action !!! .. think how many folk we could turn on ??? " Please watch this video ~ Then Pass It To Your Friends ~ Help Spread The Peace ~NO WAR
Add to My Profile | More VideosURL ... p;videoid=21208954 NEXT, a video of JFK's Speech on Secret Societies ... you need to watch this ... describing these Societies, to which many of our top politicians, and business folk belong .... as Un-American. Here, JFK is asking, if not pleading for the help of the Press, News services, and The media in general in exposing the power behind the running of government, and welcoming public debate regarding American politics, with the aim of working towards freedom, and independence for Mankind, and the American People ... being assassinated thereafter.......It just doesn't seem to matter to these people how many folk have to die, enabling power to the would-be victors, .... "The New World Order", ... dropping bombs and missiles from a distance, and great heights, never themselves feeling the anguish and pain inflicted on their targeted brother man, even their own citizens are an acceptable loss !!! while "The Bush World Order" seek power and profit. All THIS, .. While Totally Ignoring Mother Natures Warnings, Through Her Signs Of Weather System Changes, ... Global Warming ... Which Is Now Affecting Us, and Will Affect All Life On Our Planet ... Bringing Human Displacement, Huge Disruption In OUR Food Chain, and Economic Disruption, If Not Tackled With Great Urgency. Thanks to the Internet, we are able to find this information, we can interact with like minded folk, .... and anyone can con and lie to anyone we wish thereon,.... so be mindful of websites that try to defend "The Biggest Con Of All", we must trust for once the harsh evidence laid before us, take it in, and mull it over, try to see and understand the truths that hide behind the gibberish and deceit of a system seeking to take our, and our childrens lives into the shadows of darkness,,... to return to the darkages, ... from where little light ever escaped, .... come back Bilbo, all is forgiven.Anti-War Speech by MLK .... A Time To Break The Silence ?? ..... Thus far, the US Government, and Telecoms, have failed to gain control over the medium of the Internet, and some of the Press, this, not for the lack of trying .... yet, while working on this endeavour, they have managed to close or block some websites, and outlets which may offend "the organisation" moreso than the public.SAVE THE INTERNET ... What America Is Thinking?.. Video Below ..
Get this video and more at Mind Control On A Massive Scale ..We would do well in keeping an eye on this creeping progress, .... the dark side's push towards this planed outcome, the controled state, of mind and country,.... as in today's climate of fear, there are way toooo many unaware, yet trusting /blind folk who will say yes to this form of control in exchange for the offered false sence of "security", still disbelieving those of us who are attempting to enlighten ourselves and the public, as to the real reasons behind the continual "fear mongering" perpetrated on us by so many governments of today, and yesteryear,.... on the populations of the world...The obvious never seems to be expected or believed, Why?? ... because, like it or not, the Mindset that we Think is our own individual persona, and live with each day, ... IS in fact One which we have been conditioned Into!!Barring a minority of us, in the main, we are not who we "project ourselves" to be ... we are in fact a "compilation" of all we experience, from our Grand Parents, parents, school, friends, society & and some would say past lives also ... becoming that which fits all these into a package which "one" feels content, and satisfied with, in a way which allows us to "handle" life ... consciously adding to this "conceived" idea of self as we pass along life's road ... all the while, unknowingly, journeying further from the "true" innocent being, which was us, way back ... which most failed to feed, nurture, or learn to express ... our individual selves then being dumbed down, while honed to the "acceptability" that the system, and society expects of us...We ask ourselves ... why is the world the way it is? ... why all this death & destruction? ... why are we all starting to feel a "loss" ... why? ... because we've forgotten ourselves, it's Not the World that's changing, It's Us! ... we've lost respect for all that is good, we no longer see the beauty around us in our "rush to survive" ... feeling the need for more money ... in a more selfish way than ever before, we all "want" ... the consequences of which, manifest before us today ...If We Want "More Than We Give", someone else is going without, if we want cheap food, oil & energy, someone looses out, the entire population of Earth, through pollution on one hand ... "third world"production workers, and natural food producers on the other ... ask farmers who provide our milk for instance ... tea pickers ... peasants who have not the ability to grow their own food, but produce millions of tons of rice, bananas, Palm Oil ... and so on, while earning a pittance, if anything at all ... for even today, Child & Slave Labour bring us our "cheap wants"Yes, we in the west are using up others soil, and cheap labour for the want of our Cheap Food & Energy ... even stealing land to produce Bio Fuel, which is crazy when the world has so many starving !! we take land to grow fuel ???? ... and leave the starving to their fate!!! You see? ... through our "want" we cause so much pain & suffering ...Yet We Turn A Blind Eye ... allowing ourselves yet again to be diverted from our true selves, and follow, instead of leading Politics !!! ... the fallout from which is again manifest around the world, we allow by our "apathy", our minds to be taken from us, allow ourselves to be controlled, conceding to the constant brainwashing we call society & politics !!!It is not somewhat, but gravely worrying to see in these days of such great "need" .. those factions of western society, and faith, who openly espouse the " wanting of only the best", while their brother man, on not so distant shores, or even just out of town, are so desperately "needing" health care, a proper education, a decent diet of some kind, with some not able to eat daily, let alone a square meal a day!What have We become? ... who do we think we are? ... do we in fact think in reality, or just in the dream which we've contrived, the one which projects "it's OK to be me" as is this projection we walk around in, neglecting all others needs, that we may gain our "wants"? ...We, the west have convinced ourselves that it's right to "want", which is quite unfathomable, when we see the "Great Need" about us, yet continue to refuse to confront ourselves ... lacking any form of respect for our true selves, our individuality, or our effect on the world as a whole...If we refuse to stand up to "Ourselves", re-install the love, and innocence we truly are made of, how then ... no matter if we "give to charity" ... can we have a true effect of caring for this world, and it's "needy" populations? ... to continue down the road that we "have chosen" ... this by not being "real", but giving in to "the expected norm" ... can "only" perpetuate the ongoing!!!If we want change ... We must change ourselves ... because no matter how we think, "you are "not" you", "i am not me" but an entity of the state, not real life any longer ... the proof of this we see around us ... that We've allowed to manifest ... this is a true reflection of the state of Man's consciousness, for if we refuse to allow these happenings, they will not exist ...We have all these "new age" thinkers, we have folk around making money, and a living from helping guide folk onto the path of self discovery, there are faiths offering hope, there are "secret" folk, unbelievably, offering "the power to bring to yourself whatever it is you "want," ... what the hell is that about !!! ...HEY! ... inside of you Is You ... the simple honest quiet, loving You ... Be the real You, resist "what you have become", and help us all, not the system which is even now infiltrating "the spiritual zone" ...Why do you think there is such a thing as "Political Spin"?..'Cos my friends, we are being Lied to .... there are Psychologists, and Psychoanalysts employed to develop Our Perception of The Politics We Live Within !!!..It then becomes Understandable how we have become so nice and comfy, we have our families, house, car, our debts, and of course a dog, we work too hard, we're tired when we get home, we don't want to be bothered by all this "bull shit", while subconsciously we may get glimpses of our true predicament.At this time, most of us just don't want to feel that following the "system" Was a mistake after all, ... why!! those hippies, punks, and rappers can't be right,.. can they??, ..... no, ....Soooooo, we turn our Minds Off, and the TV On, or shoot down the pub or club, and talk about anything But politics, spirituality, religion, or the freedom of the Internet, the very subjects that affect every persons life, .... *dramatically*,.... while drinking, smoking, and drugging our minds beyond the realm of our inherited reality, seeking an altered state of perception.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comDo you now think that this plane could have done the little damage we see reported?... could it really have had the energy to cause a Single 14/16 foot hole in the outer wall of the Pentagon, ( check out The Towers, we can clearly see the outline of the plane that entered No.1.) pass through the mass of reinforced concrete supports and walls, ... and then have sufficient integrity to punch out the reinforced concrete and steel wall of "ring C", .. YET ... Not leave any evidence on the wall of ring "B" just across the way.... Nada, Zilch, not an efin sausage!!! HOW COME THAT WE ARE EXPECTED TO BELIEVE THAT ONE PLANE DID ALL THAT DAMAGE TO EACH TOWER, YET SO VERY LITTLE AT THE PENTAGON ??.Can we afford to continue in this vein, are we going to go down without a decent thought welling up in our consciousness, or are we going to take some time to really care about our families, do some thing about the situation we reluctantly find our and their futures in??..
Get this video and more at When, ... or should i ask, if, you watch or listen to the national and international news, listen to the political rhetoric, and you hear that we are going to war against militant folk who often rightly are totally pissed off at being told what to do by outside panels and governments, feeling that there is undue interference in their lives from outside states, we are reminded of the conflicts in Ireland, Vietnam, South America, Africa, Asia, and the East, we intuitively feel that it would be a mistake to invade such regimes, having full knowledge of the outcomes of the previously mentioned, which bring massive death tolls, prolonged occupation, which in turn creates even more frustration and mistrust, creating again more and more militants.. Moody Blues ... Tuesday Afternoon.. We wonder,... then why?, with this understanding, would politicians have the will to go to war?... When They Know .. Very Well .. The Mindset of The Extremist Factions, and how the folk of the East are excitable in the true meaning of the word, and that this Provocation will bring retribution.. They know that this will inevitably bring about an explosion in the population of "Extremists", as taught by previous excursions into "Power Wars", more casualties for our own troops as well as the extremists/freedom fighters?? .... because The West wants the ultimate power, Financial and political, while, WE the People, Allow these happenings to continue unabated through our subservient Non Questioning Mindset, while being so, ... We are Willingly Sacrificing our own Forces, and innocent citizens, both at home, and on the killing fields in the process. We Must THINK, Understand, and Act, for the future's sake..NOTE TO All .... we are being watched, even here on these itty bitty pages, They Don't want the Truth to be seen or heard.. Even the blind can see that today we have become targeted by an ever increasing band of fighters whom we have enraged due to the seeking of this power, clutched at by western puppets posing as politicians, bringing yet further incitement to violence. This western involvement in the East, is the very reason for their growing uprising. Moreover, Who Pays For These Wars??? .... we the working folk of the world, .... while our taxes go up, benefits and wages go down, while we stand monetarily still or as in many cases, worse off, the powerful cream $billions from each war they willingly contrive to create, while trying to fill us with their lies and deceit.
Get this video and more at The Next Power Move could well be population control due to the pressures put upon infrastructures and systems, through Environmental Changes. What with differing weather patterns bringing drought, floods, fire, and maybe another Mini Ice Age, should the Atlantic Conveyor shut down, as it has before in Earth's history. We know at this time, that the Gulf Stream has slowed by around 30% since records were started some 20 years ago, We know that the Ice fields are melting away at the Poles, that the Alps are rapidly loosing their glaciers, which forecasts drought in most of Europe, along with increased flooding. Siberia and Alaska are loosing their Tundra, with folks homes melting into the ground. YET, ... All of the above is being ignored by the Oil Rich, wishing to hang onto the invested power and profits gained, in favour of working with environmentalists who have been warning the USA and the world for 20 years against these possibilities. Now we are faced close up to Global Warming and Dimming, the rush for oil continues apace, neglecting the needs of the masses, that profits might still be taken, ... while compromise and action to ward off the visible effect of nature on the change, is still far from their horizons.After The Garden Has Gone, GLOBAL WARNING From NEIL YOUNG .. Please click "back button" to return here. Just think for a minute, how many Extra new jobs would be created if overnight we all decided to Accept Natures Illness As part of Our Reality,... Forgetting the propaganda Myth, ... being, ... the paranoid idea that all would collapse without oil!! Scare mongering again, so that we will back this evil war,... Millions and millions of jobs would be created, ... leading us towards a sound, and stable infrastructure that would be a Sustainable legacy, to our children and the Earth, but ... not for profit and power seekers it seems. They must Think Sustainability is no good to them,... the Oil Rich of the West, must feel there is little profit to be had where sustainability is concerned, ... They Want and need the Repeat orders they're use to, ... as once Sustainability is set up, why would we need them? can be their only imagining... Somehow these power folk can't understand that They could in fact be the worlds largest producers of alternative energy sources, of renewables, they could lead us out of this contamination, but again .. instead, ... "lets go kill some gooks", and pollute some more!!!!.. in an attempt to divert the public's mind from the most important issue of our age, ... Global Warming, and Dimming, The Earth's Changing Weather Patterns, ... while protecting their Vested intrests. The following links and video will take you to reports and documentaries, video and audio presentations that prove that we the public, .. world wide, .. are being led near blindly towards a system that will dominate and control all of our lives should we not wake up to Our True Reality, which is ... we are being conned by our elected governments and the wealthy!! Don't Let It happen, do something about it, ..... SHOUT LOUD .....
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Get this video and more at MySpace.comThank you, if you have read my ranting thus far, please have a dive into the links provided, help yourself, friends and family by continuing to collect knowledge, don't let the so-and-so's get you down, keep on keeping on. Good Luck, we need it.
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My Interests

Self Build Eco Friendly, and Inexpensive HomesUsing Recycled materials, along with Soil & Straw, we can build beautiful homes that blend with our chosen location.The use of these materials, at one time were of course boo hooed by "the establishment" .. however, it turns out, as usual, that all the possible faults, dangers, and concerns around construction reliability were all to no avail ... while in fact some of these eco homes are "earthquake proof"What have become known as "Earthships" are durable, totally energy efficient, to the point of "Zero Grid" in some cases, which can call for the need of extra funds ... unless, again, we "self build" our own generators, and solar energy facilities ...Watch the videos on this playlist, you'll find a lot of info, inspiration, and help ... More videos, and alternative dwellings via these videos menu's & links ... and at Group of friends can build these homes in a day or two !!! ..." The Earth turns to Gold in the hands of the wise"

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The following page will enlighten us all as to what really happened on the 11th of September 2001, it's a must read, and watch! Pink Floyd ... Wish You Wre Here. Following 9/11, recently opened US National Archives, Videos, Photographs, Eye Whiteness Accounts, and Media Reports, have all been looked into, and researched even more thoroughly, and diligently than before.Larry Silverstein, took out the lease on the WTC complex 6 months prior to 9/11, it is said that he claimed $7 Billion insurance, for the damage done, with a downpayment of $15 million. He admits in a TV interview, On Video Tape, that he gave the order for Building NO.7. to be "Pulled"! .... purposely collapsed!, ... a controlled demolition !!The Towers were virtually condemned, and had been running at a loss until 9/11! $200 million was needed to remove Asbestos, and other hazardous materials, not a good investment one would think!!!Read all about it HERE.Firemen tell us how The towers Were DEMOLISHED, They Were THERE. Who Do You Believe ??How Did These Explosives Get In The Buildings ?? ... Who Prearranged the Setting of these Explosives. Who Had The Time and AccessHOW DID THEY KNOW WHEN?
Get this video and more at MySpace.comThere is great doubt, and very much concern, and evidence that the two towers, along with what is known as building No7. and The Pentagon DID NOT came to their demise in the way that the US Government has reported.
Get this video and more at The holes in the Pentagon walls, and the damage done, are not consistent with a large planes ability to produce such. IF a plane did this damage, having the power to enter ... through a reinforced steel wall... then pass through all the reinforced supporting pillars along with a few more walls, while being shredded, then have sufficient Inertia and Mass, to burst out of "C" ring's steel reinforced wall, ... Leaving a Perfect Circular Hole!!! ... why then, was there no sign of it against the "B" wing wall opposite? .. there should have been massive debris, but .... there was not, ... just a semi circular low pile of rubble fallen outside of the "Exit Hole",... Just as can be seen, when shaped charges of explosives are used, creating the self same pattern!!! See what i mean? all of this just doesn't come together, or ring the bells of Truth. CHECK THIS OUT How to cut an Instant Hole in reinforced wall with shaped explosives, then check out the following link to "The Purdue" animation of the shredded plane, and the rubbish excuse of an "Energy Ball" scotched. WATCH PLANE SHREDDING ANIMATION The Towers and building No.7. didn't collapse due to the heat generated by the fires which ensued the colliding aircraft, but that worryingly, the manner in which they all "Imploded" was way too similar to that of a pre-rigged, and controlled demolition.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comThe above because, not as one would expect, being, instead of toppling over, where the buildings were at their weakest, while survivors reported multiple explosions and "Pressure Waves" coming UP the stair wells, this of course has not been generally reported, but is verified in video interviews with Firemen, a porter working in tower No2, and Many Many Others. USA Courts Won't Allow Fire-Fighter's Testimonies or that of Law Enforcement Officers. Their testimony was deemed "opinion". Now, as the oral histories of fire-fighters, police and others are released, over half describe explosions.If you watch the videos below, some of which are in slow motion and close up,... you will see the successive "Explosive Squids" exiting the windows of The Towers, from floors way below the collapsing floors above. Jackson Browne ..Casino Nation. The buildings then, curiously fell straight down into their own footprint!!, while building No7, which housed all the pending court case files against Big Business, ENRON, Wall Street, and which was Not targeted by an aircraft, yet, fell in similar manner, while absorbing very little heat from the small fires within, which were started by falling debris, we're told !!!Scientific evidence from well esteemed academics and construction engineers supports these reports !!!There is scientific chemical evidence that Military Grade Explosives were used to weaken the Core, and lower supports of the buildings. Who put them there??EXPLOSIVES in the Towers, and The New Pearl Harbour, By D R Griffin, with expert backup.There is scientific Seismic Evidence that There Were Successive Explosions prior to the collapse of each tower ... View Graphs Here Just as reported by the Porter, and the crew of Firemen who manage to crawl out of the debris.There is scientific, seismological, and graphical evidence that a plane Did Not hit the Pentagon, the general acceptance outside of US Government circles is that a missile caused the Single 16 foot hole in the outer Petagon Steel Reinforced Wall, there are reports the "Cordite" was being smelt, with no sign or evidence of the aircraft's engines, or the 2 holes they Would have made, again points to a layer of lies from within.In any event, a plane just could not pass through the steel reinforced walls and all the pillars supporting the Pentagon without being torn to pieces, let alone exiting the final wall of "Ring C", it takes a far stronger and faster object than the soft nose of a slow commercial aircraft to do that sort of damage.It was impossible for the many terrorists needed, to have had the means of unseen entry to the Twin Towers, moreover, the time needed to carry them in, and "Lay" the amount of explosives that would be needed to cause the necessary damage to fell these "Over Engineered Buildings", which we know were built at great expense to resist this sort of collision in the first place.EXPLOSIVES in the Twin Towers ... , and The new Pearl Harbour, By D R Griffin, with expert backup.There have been many longer lasting high rise fires around the globe, some burning for 19 times longer than the Twin towers, however, The Twin Towers are the only two "Steel Buildings" in history ever known to have fallen due to fire, except one other, which was "building No. 7" !!, again there is an anomaly, as these buildings were hermetically sealed, thus supposed to stop fire from descending down any lift or any other shaft.Do you think that terrorist with the aims that The US and UK Governments tell us they have, would contrive to take the time and trouble to achieve such a perfect demolition ??, thus saving many lives, and not causing much more local collateral damage than they did, I don't think so.You may now understand why it would be a good idea to watch some of the videos offered here for your contemplation.With many US Academics, Building, and Demolition Engineers, and Physicists now seeing, and believing that the US Government had previous knowledge of the pending attack on the WTC, and used said knowledge as a "False Flag Operation".READ RECENT NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS HERE ...These recently published documents prove they have contrived in the past,... "Pearl Harbour" being just one, ... These folk, the NoeCons, are so far up themselves, that they don't see the blatant idiocy of their intensions, let alone care about or consider who gives their lives for the future they have been hatching, and are bringing to us right now !!! PLEASE VIEW THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY HERE.This,as planned by Bush senior and big W's pals, ... to further their previously hatched plans, being, to determine control of commodities in more Arab States in the East, and subsequently world trade, and financial world domination, no matter at what cost, with the determination to go to war to get what the USA wants, while the American media has been subdued, and not reporting the full or true story, sometimes distorting, and changing the facts, being under the control of the state, or should one say, " the big money men who are the real power in the USA" for whom G W Bush is but a front man, why, the man can't even talk as well as our young son, but what matters to them is, that he Will be told what to do and say.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comAs yet, but not for the lack of trying, the Internet still remains free of US control, the question is, for how long???Google this... Project for the New American Century ... In Their Own Words, cofirming the above paragraphs ... See!!!This has brought to light the real intentions of the US government's, past international political actions, their present, and future plans.Read, view or listen to what many well known Americans, and the ex British Minister, Michael Meacher have now found, and now believe to be the truth of 9/11, with it's implications for us all, the whole world!!!We may sometimes rather not hear of our leaders and governments goings on behind the secret doors of power but as time is now getting short, we felt that we must add this page.This to help bring out into the open what seems to be their planned intentions with the aid and connivance of "Big Business", which has been running our lives for near on a hundred years, made all the easier with the assistance of willing US politicians, their secret services and military.Make sure you're sitting comfortably with a drink or two close at hand, 'cos once you start watching, reading, and listening to this evidence, no doubt you'll want to see some of the rest, if not all.So thank you for being here, don't forget to click on "Favourites", then click "add" to save This Web Page for the next time you feel that question rising with a tingle up your spine.Down through Man's history, at every turn there have been wars over land, food, property and rare minerals, today we are being led into international wars yet again, this time for The Control of Oil and Gas and Large War Profits for Bush's backers...... WILL THESE WARS SOON BE CONTRIVED FOR THE CONTROL OF WATER ONE WONDERS??? ....In excess of Sixty Million good men, and women fought, and died during the Second World War to save Europe from Hitler and the Nazi's, with the promise, and wish that finally, there would be need for no more warring, that we could all live in peace.Remembering them, and all those who have given their lives for their country's, their lost lives and family's pain, the following is offered for your attention and further understanding of how those in power continue too, and are again abusing the population of this distraught Earth.TO DOWNLOAD ANY OF THESE FREE PLAYERS, should you need them, please click below, we don't earn money from this, so don't feel that you're being abused, download IS for free, no tricks. You may download these players, information, and videos while exploring other pages and info, thank you.This Free Quicktime download also gets you iTunes with MP3 player, and free music.Free Windows Media Player 10 also has MP3 player.Click here for Free Real Player also plays MP3.Get Free Macromedia Flash PlayerUntil recently, the original source of the Bush family's initial wealth and connection with Hitler's Nazi Party had been pretty well kept secret, and quiet, now this information is out for good, there is evidence of this on both video, and from The Guardian Newspaper(UK).This Link will take you to THE GUARDIAN Newspaper report which substantiates this story, having researched US National Archives.Quote. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism. Unquote.Quote. Kurt Julius Goldstein, 87, and Peter Gingold, 85, began a class action in America in 2001, but the case was thrown out by Judge Rosemary Collier on the grounds that the government cannot be held liable under the principle of "state sovereignty".Jan Lissmann, one of the lawyers for the survivors, said: "President Bush withdrew President Bill Clinton's signature from the treaty [that founded the court] not only to protect Americans, but also to protect himself and his family." Unquote.NOW, NEW EVIDENCE ...All Free Video and Audio ...Michael Meacher On 9/11 .. Ex British Minister has his say on conspiracy. - Windows Media Player. Please watch this if nothing else, it will take 16 minutes of your life.Get Free Macromedia Flash Player for the Video belowThese are absolutely brilliant Videos, and back up information, to widen your horizons. If you believe the press releases, and US governments explanation for the complete Implosion of World Trade Centre Towers, and building No7, you wont after watching, and reading these, there really is a cover up going on, and more, Much more.!!Please pass this info around for all to see.You can download the following information and video while exploring other pages and info, or watch via WMP streaming.Steven Jones lecture on 9/11, Feb 2006. Windows Media Player.Charlie Sheen has his doubts also. Windows Media Player.PROFFESOR STEVEN JONES. Quicktime.PROF. STEVEN JONES gives it to Tucker Calson. Quicktime.Mind Control around the world. Audio MP3 Stream.30 secnonds of Big W Windows Media PlayerThe World Trade Cenre ... These were strong buildings, so How did they implode and fall in on themselves, when the heat of the fires were at the top of the buildings?? Windows Media Player.Much more can be seen at.. Citizen's Commission on 9-11. Link will take you to THE GUARDIAN (UK) newspaper report, which substantiates that indeed the Bush family worked for the Nazi War Machine in America, then subsequently for German companies which were built or bought using Nazi money, and that the Bush family's wealth was originally accumulated via this means.


Join IMAGINE PEACE at On Global Dimming & Warming The Paradox of our times ...Just as many of you it seems, i too was somewhat confused by the mixed messages that were, and are being served to us regarding the academic discussion on the plausibility of the Global Warming Issue .... does Mankind have not, or have anything to do with GW?...The Sun, and her cycle, volcano eruptions, methane, rotting vegetation, and so on, ... i just keep feeling ... all is one ... yes, all these things are a part of our existence, goes without saying really, we know that everything fluctuates, has it's ups and downs, it's cycle ... it's rhythm ... The Question is ... can we turn our backs to what may well be true ... us humans are adding too earth's natural cycle ... in our plastic way, interrupting the balance between our Sun's interaction with the Earth ...Whether or not these conflicting arguments have any basis, really becomes a none starter, when we take into account the following findings of Global Dimming studies ... See Global Dimming Video, and Script bellow ...These studies, proven to be a truism, following findings of the American Scientist of long standing, David Travis, out of University of Wisconsin, following the groundings of aircraft for the three days after 9/11, when clear and cloudless skies inspired him to relate the lack of "Con Trails" to this phenomena, thus finding that temperatures grew higher, and beyond any know increase whilst these planes are all on the ground ...While the view of lifetime scientists, and academics it totally appreciated, and respected, one must still realise, that in every walk of life, there are those who will justify their thoughts no matter what conflicting evidence might say .... each camp must justify the use of it's funds , and make an argument so as to receive further funding ... say no more... we here, have no funding by the way ...By global warming sceptics, we're told that airborne Co2 content in fact lags behind temperature rise throughout our known Earth's atmospheric history, ... so they tell us that the weather is not, nor ever has been driven by Co2 ... while, within the evidence given by scientists researching Global Dimming, we see that airborne pollution, some of which, is manmade ... IS at This time, a Primary cause of weather pattern change, ... this, due to the Sun's rays being bounced back into space, off of the increased number of water laden particulates ... which must exist to be able in fact to cause this happening ... this has been researched, and appears to be a proven fact ...The chicken and egg argument, ... that of whether ... warming precedes, or follows a build up of greenhouse gasses, and particularly Co2 ... became irrelevant, the fact is ... we are creating these gasses ... they are affecting our weather Now ... Globally ... Who is Talking about this?QED ... Man IS having an added affect on nature, and her cycles ... Going by GD findings, There can be No argument ... Surely, ... this should then be the starting point of any discussion ...The real problem lies in finding exactly what we can safely do about this, as you'll see in the video Global Dimming bellow, which is a couple of years old if i recall correctly, and was pleased to find again on google today, following some of your emails, which inspired me to try to dig it up for you, as i feel it contains info that most of us are lacking at this time, and which i trust will ease your minds, though for sure, will bring some new thought together....Google "Global Dimming" there's plenty to find ...The Paradox of our times...Global Dimming, being the cooling effect of pollutants in the Atmosphere ... by means of creating thereon smaller water droplets which are reflecting extra Sunlight outwards, allowing less Sunlight to a cooler Earth ... (while we continue to add too this pollution.)With this lack of Sun, Earth is then cooling, refusing the "expected normal" movement of rain clouds through less radiation on the surface of the Earth and in the lower Atmosphere...A phenomenon of duality which, both protects and threatens simultaneously is helping the Earth to stay cooler than it should be by now, and threatening to overheat us if we try to rapidly remove it ...Scientists researching decades of sunlight measurements have come to what is an even more disturbing conclusion than the presently held opinions regarding global warming.As a whole, the Earth is receiving less sunlight, and scientists are now sure that the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface has been gradually falling, leading them to believe that global warming is a greater threat to us than previously imagined ...Independent research from around the globe confirms that we are indeed receiving less sunlight due to polluting particles in the atmosphere, some placed there naturally by nature, but moreover, Manmade Emissions Adding too this ... causing more sunlight to be reflected back out into space via. this visible pollution that we create by way of ash, soot, sulphur and so on, the stuff that radiate such wonderful sunsets.This larger number of particles seed smaller, and many more water droplets than usual, causing the clouds that they form, to become more of a mirror, than would "normally be the case" ... thus reflecting extra sunrays back spaceward.The bottom line of all this means that if it were not for pollution in the atmosphere, the Earth at this time would indeed be much hotter than it is!!!!Here in Europe, following reductions in emissions, we've experienced warmer weather, bringing many more deaths than would be expected ...So ...... pollution is in fact keeping the Earth from faster Global Warming, helping to hold it back, and somehow, we have to juggle decreasing pollutants, while not causing an imbalance in the way that nature is handling our carelessness..."Even the most pessimistic forecasts of global warming may now have to be drastically revised upwards. That means a temperature rise of 10°C by 2100 could be on the cards, giving the UK a climate like that of North Africa, and rendering many parts of the world uninhabitable. That is unless we act urgently to curb our emissions of greenhouse gases."This i know seems to be a total contradiction ... but wait, think on it ... if these GD findings are correct, and there's no good scientific reason not to trust them, ... should we continue unabated, to create, not lessen our emissions, ... then this added reflection of the sun's rays, will surely bring about more and more drought, more deserts will appear, and so on, one can follow this simple process through to predicted possibilities...Should we allow ourselves to help overheat the globe, particularly, then the oceans, we can look forward to the release of so much methane, as we can't believe, or know the consequences of ...From here, it's not a great leap of imagination, that might bring us to understanding why these observed "Chem Trails" are being experimented with ... what might have been an option to help save, or help bring the earth's weather patterns back together, could have turned into a possible weapon of mass destruction.... just a thought ... Read ... "Global Dimming: It Is Getting Darker At Ground Level " bellow, see what You "think"There follows information from other sources, and video on each aspect of this debate .. it's really for you to decide whether or not you are having an affect on nature's work, and if you feel you are, then what will you do, or try to get your government to do?Below, an extract from The Guardian Unlimited ...December 2003 The GuardianIn 1985, a geography researcher called Atsumu Ohmura at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology got the shock of his life. As part of his studies into climate and atmospheric radiation, Ohmura was checking levels of sunlight recorded around Europe when he made an astonishing discovery. It was too dark. Compared to similar measurements recorded by his predecessors in the 1960s, Ohmura's results suggested that levels of solar radiation striking the Earth's surface had declined by more than 10% in three decades. Sunshine, it seemed, was on the way out. The finding went against all scientific thinking. By the mid-80s there was undeniable evidence that our planet was getting hotter, so the idea of reduced solar radiation - the Earth's only external source of heat - just didn't fit. And a massive 10% shift in only 30 years? Ohmura himself had a hard time accepting it. "I was shocked. The difference was so big that I just could not believe it," he says. Neither could anyone else. When Ohmura eventually published his discovery in 1989 the science world was distinctly unimpressed. "It was ignored," he says.It turns out that Ohmura was the first to document a dramatic effect that scientists are now calling "global dimming". Records show that over the past 50 years the average amount of sunlight reaching the ground has gone down by almost 3% a decade. It's too small an effect to see with the naked eye, but it has implications for everything from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis. In fact, global dimming seems to be so important that you're probably wondering why you've never heard of it before. Well don't worry, you're in good company. Many climate experts haven't heard of it either, the media has not picked up on it, and it doesn't even appear in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."It's an extraordinary thing that for some reason this hasn't penetrated even into the thinking of the people looking at global climate change," says Graham Farquhar, a climate scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. "It's actually quite a big deal and I think you'll see a lot more people referring to it."That's not to say that the effect has gone unnoticed. Although Ohmura was the first to report global dimming, he wasn't alone. In fact, the scientific record now shows several other research papers published during the 1990s on the subject, all finding that light levels were falling significantly. Among them they reported that sunshine in Ireland was on the wane, that both the Arctic and the Antarctic were getting darker and that light in Japan, the supposed land of the rising sun, was actually falling. Most startling of all was the discovery that levels of solar radiation reaching parts of the former Soviet Union had gone down almost 20% between 1960 and 1987.The problem is that most of the climate scientists who saw the reports simply didn't believe them."It's an uncomfortable one," says Gerald Stanhill, who published many of these early papers and coined the phrase global dimming. "The first reaction has always been that the effect is much too big, I don't believe it and if it's true then why has nobody reported it before."That began to change in 2001, when Stanhill and his colleague Shabtai Cohen at the Volcani Centre in Bet Dagan, Israel collected all the available evidence together and proved that, on average, records showed that the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface had gone down by between 0.23 and 0.32% each year from 1958 to 1992."-----------------------------------------Global Dimming: It Is Getting Darker At Ground Level...Atsumu Ohmura has discovered that the lights are going out all over the world."It's an uncomfortable one," says Gerald Stanhill, who published many of these early papers and coined the phrase global dimming. "The first reaction has always been that the effect is much too big, I don't believe it and if it's true then why has nobody reported it before."That began to change in 2001, when Stanhill and his colleague Shabtai Cohen at the Volcani Centre in Bet Dagan, Israel collected all the available evidence together and proved that, on average, records showed that the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface had gone down by between 0.23 and 0.32% each year from 1958 to 1992. The few experts who have studied the effect believe it's down to air pollution. Tiny particles of soot or chemical compounds like sulphates reflect sunlight and they also promote the formation of bigger, longer lasting clouds. "The cloudy times are getting darker," says Cohen, at the Volcanic Centre. "If it's cloudy then it's darker, but when it's sunny things haven't changed much."The explanation most popular among atmospheric scientists is that soot and other pollutants are blocking visible and infrared light from reaching the surface of the planet. But another possibility is that global warming is causing an increase in cloud cover by increasing the amount of airborne water or dust. If pollution is the cause then efforts to reduce particulate pollution may be starting to cause a reduction in the dimming effect. But it could be that the US and Europe will reduce their particulate pollution while South and East Asia increase theirs.The reduction in light reaching the surface is probably reducing plant growth in areas closer to the poles. At the equator carbon dioxide (CO2) and water are more likely to be rate-limiting factors for plant growth. But note that as CO2 levels rise that has the tendency to allow plants to grow faster by both increasing the amount of CO2 available and also by reducing the amount of water that plants have to lose when they try to absorb CO2 gasses and hence higher CO2 reduces plant needs for water.Pollution regulations effectively could be used as a climate engineering tool. Mandate a more rapid reduction in particulate pollution and the effect will probably be to increase the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface. That could increase plant growth in regions closer to the poles while also probably increasing surface evaporation from the oceans and hence probably lead to an increase in precipitation. That would be beneficial in some areas but detrimental in other areas.The scale of human activity has gotten so large that we inevitably change the climate to some extent. We do not know yet just how much we are changing the climate because we do not know what the climate would be like in our absence. Since the human population is growing and parts of the world are rapidly industrializing human influence on the climate looks set to grow even further. But since there are so many human activities that cause climate effects and since some of those effects cancel each other out (at least to some extent) any effort to reduce only a single pollutant or to reduce the impact of only a single method of modifying our environment will have the effect of strengthening the impact of other things that we do.-----------------------------------------BBC Global Dimming .... written transcript link at foot of page ...NARRATOR (JACK FORTUNE): This is a film that demands action. It reveals that we may have grossly underestimated the speed at which our climate is changing. At its heart is a deadly new phenomenon. One that until very recently scientists refused to believe even existed. But it may already have led to the starvation of millions. Tonight Horizon examines for the first time the power of what scientists are calling Global Dimming.Page URL ... -----------------------------------Global Warming the evidence-12 Oct 06 .mp4 ...BBC News Special in which the front line scientists speak out and show examples of current global warming... 25 mins.Page URL ... age URL ... --------------------------------------- Transcript Global Dimming Link Bellow ... g_trans.shtml


SAY NO!... TO THE NEW/BUSH WORLD ORDER ... Join Us Today ... Help Your Brother ...Man ...


Socrates mistrusted books because they could neither ask nor answer questions and were apt to be swallowed whole. He said that readers of books read much and learned nothing, that they appeared full of knowledge, but for the most part were without it, and had the show of wisdom without its reality ... still read quite a few though ;~))


Unwitting Soldiers Who Fight and Give Their Lives for Lies, and Greed ... Bless Them ...Anyone who will forfeit their comfort zone, and has the nuts to stand up in society .... and .. Warriors who say No to Unjust wars ...All my Friends, for having it about them to act ... and , for making The Statement ...

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