Cosmic Consciousness profile picture

Cosmic Consciousness

'Fear & Loathing in Liverpool!!!'

About Me

I am stone, Iron crust. Hard as nails, Scattered dust. Broken fragments, Coloured rust. Starlight shining, And heaven's gust.I have come to believe that peaceful thoughts radiate outwards, we can slip into streams, still it is best to have no peace and no war - but existence, beyond Aristotelean opposites and other dilemnas.I completed my first novel [amazed at myself really]: T.A.D. - The Anarchist's Dream is published and available. It is a futuristic science fiction story, and anyone interested can find it at: Thanks to those of you who read it already - I LOVE YOU.All beings governed by - The Laws of Physics - Lest gravity fail us.

[Cosmic Love]
.. You scored as Shaman. You are a Shamanic Empath. You are at one with nature and can speak with animal/plant life. Your powers come from the Sun & the Moon, and the elements. The weather moves with your mind and all of nature is at your beck and call. (from The Book of Storms by Jad Alexander at













Fallen Angel



What Kind of Empath Are You?
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My Interests

- THE BAUHAROQUE -A slideshow of some of my paintings...

Acrylic paintings. Playing the flute. Philosophy. Animals.Yoga.Natural (Veterinary) Medicine.
You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. What Planet Are You From?

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I got this one:
.. You scored as Christian Anarchist. Christian anarchism is one of the oldest anarchist philosophies, arguably dating back to the early Christian church. Christian anarchists emphasise non-violence and oppose the state as God is the only legitimate source of authority. Key thinkers include the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy.

Christian Anarchist











What kind of Anarchist are you?
created with QuizFarm.comAtheism & free thinking.

I'd like to meet:

Writers. Artists. Compassionates. Altruists. Animal lovers. Anyone who thinks animals are people. Anyone who likes Science Fiction. H.G. Wells - but I'll have to die first & don't fancy that just yet! Oh & Yoda - I'm a Jedi Wizard. All of my lost friends. Everyone, want you all to see my images and read my stuff..............Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blogUSE THIS SEARCH ENGINE TO FIND ANYTHING - IT'S REALLY COOL:

Music: Interests:Half my degree is popular music, like ballet music, like acoustic guitar (well played). Play the flute - have a guitar and my brother writes techno music. Like Rock, awaiting the next punk revolution. Enjoy U2, Coldplay, Nirvana, Madonna, anything good and new. Thumping stomping trance and techno music. Arctic Monkeys, Prince, Powerpop, Retro, Funk, Drop note, Radio 1. Radio 4. Sleeper the It Girl & Blur & Depeche Mode & others define pop for me. Local radio - playlists, bands & chords. Stomping - echoing foot steps. Endless.............


Born Free. Thorn Birds. Lost Boys. Outsiders. Wizard of Oz. The Life of Brian. Starwars Episodes i, ii, iii, iv, v, & vi. - [vii???] Flatliners. Troy. Black Beauty. EdwardScissorHands. The Matrix The Ninth Gate. Once upon a time in Mexico. Troy. The Corpse Bride. Planet of the Apes. King Kong. From Hell. Anything with a good plot, especially mystical, horror & comedy. POTC1,POTC2 & POTC3. The Little Polar Bear, Spirit Brother Bear - Buy them all!!! War of the Worlds. 12 Monkeys Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. Blow Bridge to Terebinthia. Transformers. The Last Mimsey. The Simpsons's movie. The Dark is Rising. BATMAN. The Illusionist. Constantine. Sleepy Hollow. Sweeney Todd. The Water Horse. Indiana Jones (1-4).


Dr Who (Sorry I don't watch much anymore....) Wurzle Gummage. Jackanory. Rent a ghost. The Beverley Hillbillies. The Adams family.
You Are 5: The Investigator
You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.
You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.
Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.
You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.
At Your Best: You are sharp, inventive, and creative. You have the skills to lead the world.
At Your Worst: You are reclusive, weird, and a bit paranoid.
Your Fixation: Greed
Your Primary Fear: Being useless or incompetent
Your Primary Desire: Being competent and needed
Other Number 5's: Bill Gates, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Bjork, and Stephen Hawking. What Number Are You?
You scored as Yellow. Your heart is yellow. You are very fun loving and you..'re the life and soul of the party. Some people may call you childish, but they..'re boring fuckers and should be shot! Be happy to be happy and don..'t change for anyone. Oh wow, I'm very proud of you *sniffles*. This is my first quiz so bite me...


















~What colour is your heart?~
created with My Parents are Aliens & Bazil Brush. Ben 10


You can always read my latest work on my Edit Red Writer Profile
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powered by frazy.comT.A.D. The Anarchist's Dream - J. Mitchinson VN.BA(Hons). Arthur C Clarke - Collected Stories. The Narnia Books: 'The Magicians Nephew', 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe', 'The Horse & His Boy', 'Prince Caspian', 'The Voyage of The Dawn Treader', 'The Silver Chair' - and my personal favouite 'The Lost Battle'. Love H.G. Wells - The father of Science Fiction. Certain Philosophers. I like Schiller's 'Sixth Letter'. Spinoza. Kropotkin. Hobbes. Descartes. Prof.S.R.L.Clark - The Political Animal & How to think about the World. Dr Nick Davis - Stories of Chaos. Jeff Noon - Vert. Harry Potter [All]. Edgar Allen Poe. Phillip K. Dick - passionate about Jon's World. Borges. The Lion of Camarre Arthur C. Clarke. Olaf Stapleton - Starmaker. John Dee - French. Hermetica. Touched every book in the Uni library Occult section... Readings in Philosophy of: Religion/Politics/Ethics/Knol.& Sc.Disc/Feminism/Critical Thinking/Biology/Rationalists. History of American Popular Music. Music Business & Technology. Calculus & Linear Algebra. Sci-fi genre unit M.A. I get to teach Sci-fi MA Genre unit @ L/pool Uni for my sins. VOLTAIRE - MICROMEGAS William Blake Terry Pratchett, Kate Wilhelm, Gwyneth Jones, Dostoyovski, Iris Murdoch, Graham Green, Douglas Adams, Joseph Heller, John Irvine, PHILLIP PULLMAN - The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife (favourite) and The Amber Spyglass, Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World. Current: The Philosophy of Physics. Arthur C Clarke - shorts. Galilee - Clive Barker. Under The Skin - Michel Faber. Kenneth Meadows - Shamanic Spirit.


My living hero must be Jasper - who makes me walk so far!Kurt Kobain, Perhaps John Peel too, though these are anti-heroes? Achilles & Obi wan Kenobi - true heroes!33 Reasons Why Animal Testing Is Point less:(1) Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. (2) According to the former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences, animal tests and human results agree only '5%-25% of the time'. (3) 95% of drugs passed by animal tests are immediately discarded as useless or dangerous to humans. (4) At least 50 drugs on the market cause cancer in laboratory animals. They are allowed because it is admitted the animal tests are not relevant. (5) Procter & Gamble used an artificial musk despite it failing the animal tests, i.e., causing tumours in mice. They said the animal test results were 'of little relevance for humans'. (6) When asked if they agreed that animal experiments can be misleading 'because of anatomical and physiological differences between animals and humans', 88% of doctors agreed. (7) Rats are only 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer to humans. Flipping a coin would be more accurate. (8) Rodents are the animals almost always used in cancer research. They never get carcinomas, the human form of cancer, which affects membranes (e.g lung cancer). Their sarcomas affect bone and connecting tissue: the two cannot be compared. (9) Up to 90% of animal test results are discarded as they are inapplicable to man. (10) The results from animal experiments can be altered by factors such as diet and bedding. Bedding has been identified as giving cancer rates of over 90% and almost nil in the same strain of mice at different locations. (11) Sex differences among laboratory animals can cause contradictory results. This does not correspond with humans. (12) 9% of anaesthetised animals, intended to recover, die. (13) An estimated 83% of substances are metabolised by rats in a different way to humans. (14) Attempts to sue the manufacturers of the drug Surgam failed due to the testimony of medical experts that: 'data from animals could not be extrapolated safely to patients'. (15) Lemon juice is a deadly poison, but arsenic, hemlock and botulin are safe according to animal tests. (16) Genetically modified animals are not models for human illness. The mdx mouse is supposed to represent muscular dystrophy, but the muscles regenerate without treatment. (17) 88% of stillbirths are caused by drugs which are passed as being safe in animal tests, according to a study in Germany. (18) 61% of birth defects are caused by drugs passed safe in animal tests, according to the same study. Defect rates are 200 times post war levels. (19) One in six patients in hospital are there because of a treatment they have taken. (20) In America, 100,000 deaths a year are attributed to medical treatment. In one year 1.5 million people were hospitalised by medical treatment. (21) A World Health Organisation study showed children were 14 times more likely to develop measles if they had been vaccinated. (22) 40% of patients suffer side effects as a result of prescription treatment. (23) Over 200,000 medicines have been released, most of which are now withdrawn. According to the World Health Organisation, only 240 are 'essential'. (24) A German doctors' congress concluded that 6% of fatal illnesses and 25% of organic illness are caused by medicines. All have been animal tested. (25) The lifesaving operation for ectopic pregnancies was delayed 40 years due to vivisection. (26) According to the Royal Commission into vivisection (1912), 'The discovery of anaesthetics owes nothing to experiments on animals'. The great Dr Hadwen noted that 'had animal experiments been relied upon...humanity would have been robbed of this great blessing of anaesthesia'. The vivisector Halsey described the discovery of Fluroxene as 'one of the most dramatic examples of misleading evidence from animal data'. (27) Aspirin fails animal tests, as does digitalis (a heart drug), cancer treatments, insulin (causes animal birth defects), penicillin and other safe medicines. They would have been banned if vivisection were heeded. (28) In the court case when the manufacturers of Thalidomide were being tried, they were acquitted after numerous experts agreed that animal tests could not be relied on for human medicine. (29) Blood transfusions were delayed 200 years by animal studies, corneal transplants were delayed 90 years. (30) Despite many Nobel prizes being awarded to vivisectors, only 45% agree that animal experiments are crucial. (31) At least 450 methods exist with which we can replace animal experiments. (32) At least thirty-three animals die in laboratories each second worldwide; in the UK, one every four seconds. (33) The Director of Research Defence Society, (which exists to defend vivisection) was asked if medical prgress could have been acheived without animal use. His written reply was 'I am sure it could be'.- IN RELIGION MAN MEANS HUMAN DON'T BE DECEIVED -

My Blog

Behind the veil.....

There are those who veil me, Shroud me, hide me. Those who kick off Just to keep me down. Those who let me fly, And see, What it is, I’m meant to be. Now I understand, What you experienced, I on...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:01:00 PST


I had an idea, Quite startling it seemed, So I wrote it down. Could it be true? Now what do I do?   I did some study, Hypothesis I wrote, Method of experiment A suitable test, And conclusion nex...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:11:00 PST

Darsbury AD2200....

This isn't finished, its something I am working on:An Essay Upon Human and Veterinary Medicine:'Like the men who had once ministered to long vanished diseases they had done their work so well that the...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:44:00 PST

Poetry from Pluto...

Poetry from Pluto.   On the connectivity of all things:   (Inspired by Edward's absence and Brandi's mouse medicine comment: 22/10/06 - a bit behind on my typing up lol!).   Onc...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 02:49:00 PST

White Magnetic Wizard

Greetings! You are a White Magnetic Wizard! The next few pages will help you to understand what that means. In the 13 Moon Calendar there are 20 seals and 13 tones. Since you are a Wizard your seal co...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 12:20:00 PST


Philosophy is about knowledge. Initially all intellectual studies were termed Philosophy, and as our knowledge banks expanded, thinkers created branches such as Medicine, Science, Art, Mathematics, As...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:11:00 PST

I imagine.....

That if we direct our minds as one,The gunner will be too confused,To use his weapon,The politician will write yes,When he meant to deny us.The vivisectionist will turn,His back in horror at his work....
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:07:00 PST


Being of the Cosmos,And always in touchWith all things past,And Present,With the vision of futures,I serve you.Bring more life to your souls,Heal wounds with my wisdom.Such sorrow is this,When I reali...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 12:24:00 PST


Woke with that feelingThat sleep hadn't lastedQuite long enough.I know what I am supposed to do,How I am supposed to behave,I know.I don't do it,Why you ask?Why bother, why try?Coz I think we are all ...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 04:59:00 PST

T.A.D. IS AVAILABLE - online now.

T.A.D. - The. Anarchist's. Dream. [A futuristic Science Fiction Story] is available now online. Either, Follow the link: Or: Love you all - thanks for all the suppo...
Posted by Cosmic Consciousness on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:01:00 PST