The next event will be on friday the 18th of April 2008
Click Here for more details!
You can join our mailing list below to stay tuned =)
The Collaborating Organizations
The Synergy Project functions as an umbrella organization, bringing together some of the most forward thinking organizations within the alternative and creative scene. By inviting a diverse spread of musical genres and productions to each event, Synergy aims to bridge the gap between musical scenes and their respective followings, whilst creating an atmosphere of inclusion and tolerance. Each event presents a good balance of core partner organisations as well as guest groups.
NGO and Charity involvement
In line with The Synergy Project’s declared objectives many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Charities are invited to take part in the events. These organizations benefit by having access to a largely open minded crowd which otherwise might not feel inspired to take an interest in their important work. There are many different levels of possible collaboration, from the entry level of holding a simple awareness stall, up to collaborating with Synergy's production team to host an entire room.
Furthermore the Project aims to support NGOs etc in the development of creative ways to present their messages – connecting them to artists from the wider community. The Synergy Project can provide support, both organizationally as well as financially, for creative proposals that serve such purpose. NGOs are also encouraged to take on the task of managing an entire area – with the support of the Synergy Project team.
Talks and Debates
As part of the open debate policy The Synergy Project aims to feature talks and debates relevant to many of the issues we feel are crucial to our day and age. These debates can also lead to self-critical reflection, considered by Synergy a vital element to avoid the ever present thread of stagnation or a veering of the declared ethical course.
Synergy Research
One of the most challenging aspects of conducting research, especially when of a "non-conventional" nature, is to find an adequate number of participants to make such research valid. The Synergy Project is happy to offer its extensive outreach potential to support by means of publicity; any ongoing research, or study from both students and professionals, in the fields of science, humanities, social sciences and arts. Research must be aimed at exploring crucial issues that will contribute to our society, and the planet, in a way that reflects, or is in accordance with the Synergy ethos of sustainability and social justice.
Synergy Research
One of the most challenging aspects of conducting research, especially when of "non-conventional" nature, is to find an adequate number of participants to make such research valid. The Synergy Project is happy to offer its extensive outreach potential to support by means of publicity; any ongoing research, or study from both students and professionals, in the fields of science, humanities, social sciences and arts. Research must be aimed at exploring crucial issues that will contribute to our society, and the planet, in a way that reflects, or is in accordance with the Synergy ethos of sustainability and social justice.
Synergy Project also provides free space on the website for researchers to publish their completed studies, aiming to create a knowledge-base portal where individuals can access information about studies which might not make it to publication on leading scientific editorials because of their “alternative†non conventional nature.
Workshops and Interactivity
Bridging the gap between performers and the audience is one of the founding principles on which Synergy is built – this is achieved by:
Hosting various workshops per event – often dance or theatre based - Allowing for open mic sessions - Facilitating open drum circles - Allowing for participation in open debates - Providing stages for dance to take place spontaneously - Hosting processions that involve the participants creatively
Healing and Welfare
Offering a wide arrange alternative techniques such as Shiatsu, Reiki, Massage and Reflexology to name just a few, the healing area provides a space where people can enjoy relaxation and health/stress awareness therapies. Training workshops and information about alternative health practice and contacts with healers throughout the country are provided. Synergy also utilizes a large crew of welfare staff who's primary focus is to ensure that attendees have the best possible/safest of times.
Individuals and organizations interested in uniting to create and celebrate a better world for tomorrow...
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Synergy strives to maintain a dynamic musical orientation. With 5 rooms to play with each event presents an eclectic journey across many genres of sound. From pumping psychedelic trance, to melodic ambient soundscapes, downtempo/dubby grooves, uplifting breakbeats, intricate glitchy electronica, and funky nu-jazz live bands just to name a few.
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Acknowledging the power of images as a means of communication , Synergy collaborates closely with some of the Uk's leading video production organizations to provide cutting edge visual installations, screening inspiring images & messages alongside awareness raising short films.
Check out some pictures from past Synergy Project events!
@ photographicon
On our Website
@ Don't Stay In
Watch the Synergy Documentary! here!
Read A Recent Interview About Synergy Published On
Pulse Radio
Harder! ***
Congratulations to our resident VJs "Inside us all" for being voted N.1 in the the recent DJ MAG World Vjs poll!!
click here to vote!
Hello Dear Friend of the Synergy Community
Please have a
look at the many meaningful petitions that you can lend your voice to.
Well organised petitions like these put pressure on government and can
really make a difference to policy. A physical letter is often taken more seriously than an email letter, so please consider these a first step to getting more involved.
Just click on the icon on the left to go to the relevant website and make yourself heard:
Sign this petition to the British Government not to renew Trident or develop any other nuclear weapons system.
Sign this petition against the further expansion of the UKs nuclear power program.
Ask your MP to make sure the Climate Change bill sets the needed reductions in CO2 emissions.
Sign this petition to the Irish Prime Minister to reroute the planned M3 Motorway away from the Hill of Tara, the middle of Irelands greatest heritage site.
sign this petition to stop Uganda's rainforests being destroyed to grow sugar for biofuels
Join Oxfam's Big Noise petition to Make Trade Fair.
Sign this petition to the UK government to create highly protected marine reserves.
Sign this petition to the Baltic nations to stop the eutrophication that is killing the Baltic sea.
This link will also take you to WWF's campaigning site 'Passport'.
Sign this petition to New Zealands Prime Minister caling on her to protect Maui and Hectors dolphins from fixed nets used by the fishing industry.
Check out the International Fund for Animal Welfare site for many letters to sign against whaling, seal clubbing, and other animal cruelty.
Email your MP to pass early day motion 1180 that will expose the UK's involvement in Iraq's unjust Hydrocarbon Law.
Sign this petition to the World Gold Council demanding they stop endorsing the dumping of toxic mine waste into the environment.
Sign this petition to the Chairman of the UN Council on Environmental Quality calling on him to ensure that a moratorium on the highly destructive practice of bottom trawling is established this year.
Sign this petition to the Paraguayan government to recognise the land rights of the Ayoreo-Totobiegosode tribe of western Paraguay, the last uncontacted tribe south of the Amazon basin.
Sign this petition against the annual baby seal slaughter in Canada.
Sign this petition to George W Bush to oppose Japan's entry to the UN Security Council, until it abandons it's commercial whaling activities.
Click Here to help Dan!