Maria Pomianowska
graduated in cello at the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw. As a student at the Academy, she was granted scholarship to learn SARANGI under the guidance of maestro Pandit Ram Narayan in India. In years 1997-2002 she lived in Japan where she continued her musical career. In 1999 drawing from her rich Asian experiences she composed pieces, which were ordered by a world-wide famous cellist Yo Yo Ma. Pre performance of this music took place in Niigata in 2000 .There together with YoYoMa she presented to the public an outcome of her efforts to brake barriers between cultures by connecting her experiences with Asian music with her own cultural heritage. Together with Dr. Ewa Dahlig and violin maker A. Kuczkowski she managed to successfully reconstruct SUKA from Bilgoraj and FIDEL from Plock. Suka is a string instrument, similar to violin. It is held in a vertical position, resting on the knee of the musician or hung on a strap. The strings are stopped not by pressure but by side touch of the nail. Since 2008 she plays with the legend of Russian music - Boris Grebenschikov and the Aquarium. For more details check