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Hello and welcome! I'm glad you've taken a moment to stop and visit my profile. Pay no attnetion to the funky profile pics that pop up from time to time. Boredom is a very dangerous thing.
Since you're here, let's chat. Who cares if it's a one-sided conversation? I promise, you'll have your turn soon enough. *wink*
I earn my bread by writing scary tales and not-so-scary tales... No, I won't lie. All of my material falls squarely into the horror genre. And more often than not, the content is somewhat violent. Can't be helped. It's a genetic condition.
Why focus on fear and violence, you ask? (Oh yes you did. You know you did. Own it. *grins*) No worries. I'll be glad to tell you why both are so predominant in my stories. Aside from the aformentioned genetic issue, I utilize fear and violence because both are so deeply ingrained in the human pysche. Both are large parts of what humanity was, who we are, and what we may become.
Mankind's greatest moments, our highest highs and lowest lows, come in the face of horror. Love, Courage, Honor, Hope, and Charity, those loftiest of emotional virtures, often make their most triumphant entrances when we're confronted by human tragedy. And tragedy is most often accompanied by those things which scare or hurt us. I like to think my stories are a celebration of mankind's indomitable spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. (But then...don't most writers like to think such?)
Of course, there's another angle to writing and reading horror, (or thrillers, for that matter.) When we write or read something that leaves us with goose bumps, we experience a thrilling, entertaining emotional rollercoaster without actually getting our noses bloodied or ending up in some maniac's freezer. A pretty good deal for our seven bucks, if you ask me.
Offspring: The Call, (a supernatural thriller) was published by Thomas Dunne Books (St. Martin's Press) in Oct. of 2006. Offspring is the first installment of the Offspring Trilogy and the precursor to a second trilogy entitled, Children of Lillith.
The second installment, Offspring: The Keys of Solomon is available for pre-order now, wherever books are sold, and will hit bookstores in the early Spring of 2008. If you enjoy thrillers with supernatural themes, you can check out Offspring at http://www. LiamJackson.com
In my former life, most of it spent working in law enforcement, I spent time as a tactical operator, U/C officer (deep-under) and investigator. (Yeah, yeah. I was a cop, so sue me. Better yet, don't and just say you did.)
For the past six years it's been my privilege to work as a contractor for the Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Justice, and the Dept. of Homeland Security. Assignments included gigs as Task Manager, Deputy Program Manager, and Operations Officer for various counter-terrorism programs. (No, I didn't have anything to do with TSA. They didnt need my help trashing your luggage.)
I say goodbye to public service this year.(2007) Talk about a job where truth is stranger than fiction! It's been real, and it's been fun, but it hasn't always been real fun. If you line all the exterior scars up end to end, they would run about 40+ inches. Still, I wouldn't trade the time spent in public service for a sharp stick in the eye.
More to follow very soon. Thanks again for dropping by. (If you spot an occasional word missing an "e" or "s", cut me some slack, will you? My keyboard is overdue its annual 100,000 mile beer and oil change. I'm also a tad dyslexic and it shows up at the most inopportune times.)
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