A Dark Urban Fantasy Novel by J. K. Holmes
A serial killer stalkes vampires in Jefferson, Mississippi and Alexandra Sabian -- a vampire and Enforcer with the Federal Bureau of Preternatural Investigation -- must fight the media, small town prejudice, and her past to find the killer before her brother becomes the next victim.
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
Six lifeless eyes followed him, silent witnesses who would never share their stories, never reveal his secrets.
He tried to ignore their accusing stares by turning his back to them but six pinpoints of heated malice bore into him as he swung the hammer. Each strike drove the sharpened cross through layers of flesh and bone to pierce the still heart of his latest victim.
No, he shouldn’t call it a victim. It was nothing to him. It wasn’t even human. It, and others like it, would pay for their crimes. Crimes committed against him, his family, and against God himself.
Those bastards would pay for what they had done to Claire. He would see to that.
The final blow landed and the hammer fell to the blood-soaked cement floor with a dull thud, splashing drops of congealing blood onto his already stained work boots. He stared at his handiwork and smiled. It was perfect, just like the others. He giggled as he wiped a bloody hand across his sweating brow.
“That bitch’ll never figure this out,†he said, turning to his mute audience. “Not ‘til it’s too late, anyway.â€
Six lifeless eyes stared at him in adoration. Three mouths opened in a silent chorus, singing his praises, as he waltzed to a tune of his own design with the memory of his beloved Claire.
Want to read more?
CRIMSON SWAN , the first in the Alexandra Sabian series, recently sold to Bantam Dell for publication in September 2009. It's a dark urban fantasy novel that combines two of my favorite subjects: vampires and forensic science. The sequel, A WICKED TURN , is in the works and finds Alex searching for two missing girls. The only clues to their disappearance are a business card advertising a role-playing website and a fake vampire fang. Can she find them before it's too late?
Be sure to check out my website for more information, fun stuff, and short stories:
The Worlds of J. K. Holmes
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About Jeannie K. Holmes:
First of all, even though my name is Jeannie, my friends call me J. K. -- it's easier to remember. *g* I'm a native of southwest Mississippi but now live in Mobile, Alabama with my husband, Mark, and our four cats -- Chaos, Panic, Disorder, and Nugget. When I'm not writing, I'm a graduate student at the University of South Alabama working toward my MA degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing and always on the prowl for the perfect megahugebighonkin'ginormous cup of coffee -- white chocolate mochas are my absolute favorite.
Member of the Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, Romance Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, Alabama Writers Forum, International Order of Horror Professionals, and the Association for Gravestone Studies
*Disclaimer: Vlad's Tears © is not a real product, but rather the creation
of J. K. Holmes as part of a fictional vampire series.
A place for readers and writers of crime fiction to schmooze, booze and draw up plans for the heist to end all heists.
J. K. Holmes