Books with me in them. ;)
Check out Louisa's FREE EXCERPTS , but I suggest you have an icy cold frozen margarita handy! My brand of choice: Gran Centenario Anejo Tequila I also loves me some: Napping, French postcards and vintage pinup pictures, disco dancing (don't judge me), exercising the old heroic dimensions, napping some more, graphic novels, memory foam mattresses, GOOD chocolate--none of that Nestles crap, and I LOVES ME SOME WAFFLESThere's someone I'd like to meet again, my old drinking buddy Probus (yeah, yeah he's heard all the jokes). This is the last known picture of him. If you see him, would you ask him to message me?
Jimmy Cliff, Springsteen, Bob Seger, KT Tunstall, Madeleine Peyreux, the Stones, U2, Beethoven, and THE KING.
All the Bond films but especially Casino Royale, Body Heat, Chinatown (My sister! My daughter!), The Hunger (romanticizes vampires, but Catherine Deneuve was never hotter), Out of Sight (Jennifer Lopez in a car trunk--doesn't get much better), Brokeback Mountain (could totally turn me), Secretary (hurts so good), A Clockwork Orange (I'm Singin' in the Rain)
Project Runway (I must be gayer than I thought). Ditto Top Chef and Top Design. Weeds (I relate to every character in that show), Dexter (TOTALLY ROCKS), Spanish language soaps, Survivor (yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear it), Deadwood (FUCK, yeah!), Lost, Prison Break, the Weather Channel, infomercials--whatever. If my satellite dish picks it up, I'll watch it. Except for Fox News. Fox News can bite me.
HOUSE OF DARK DELIGHTS, BOUND IN MOONLIGHT, and WHISPERS OF THE FLESH by Louisa Burton (did I mention I'm in them?). The plays of Pratinas and Aeschylus 'cause some of them were inspired by yours truly :), THE KAMA SUTRA OF VATSAYAYANA, trans. by Sir Richard Burton (Louisa =claims= she's somehow related to him); The refreshingly raunchy poems of GAIUS VALERIUS CATULLUS; and all of Thomas Harris's Hannibal Lechter books, even though the ending of HANNIBAL sucks my dick (the movie ended better). But you've got to admire an author who can make you love a cannibal. (Hm, I love Dexter, too, and he's a serial killer. If I were into self-analysis, that might bug me.)
That guy that fell two miles to earth when his parachute didn't open, and right before he hit the ground, he waved goodbye (he was wearing helmet cams), but then he fell in some bushes and walked away with a broken ankle and a punctured lung. It was the waving goodbye, that's what makes him a hero to me. Also: Brantigern the Protector, Margaret Sanger, Charlemagne, Ghandi, Dick Cheney (just trying to see if you're still with me), the long-maligned Mary Magdalene, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Shakespeare (nothing new with those last 3, I know, but am I wrong?), and last but not least, lusty nymphs everywhere, human or non.