Color PRINTS now available!! |
Hey Folks!We have just added to our shoppe, ELEVEN of the illustrations from the book as 16x20 FULL COLOR PRINTS!! Go take a look.....Cheers!~ScottyClick here or on the image below to get to the PRINT... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:55:00 PST |
Visit the NEW Tam O’Hare Shoppe!! |
Hey Folks!There is now a way for you to get hold of some GREAT, NEW Tam O'Hare stuff!!!Please click here or on the image below to visit...Cheers!~ScottyANNOUNCING: The new Tam O'Hare Shoppe!!... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Sat, 24 May 2008 01:31:00 PST |
SNEAK PREVIEW - "Tam OHare and the Banshee of BallyGlenMorrow"..... |
Hey Folks!Just for you, here is a preview of the opening paragraphs of Tam O'Hare and the Banshee of BallyGlenMorrow, coming this Christmas!!Enjoy!!Cheers!~Scotty* * *There were no storm clouds gather... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST |
Reviews for Tam O’Hare..... |
Hey Folks!I am posting this blog as a space for reviews of The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O'Hare. There have been numerous online reviews, and reviews in publications - as well as a few of my friend... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:42:00 PST |
New Tam OHare Radio Spot.... this rocks!! |
My friend, Lan Lamphere, created this new 60-second radio spot for Tam O'Hare, and frankly, it ROCKS! Please go listen....... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:20:00 PST |
A review for my friend Bill Bean’s book, "Dark Force....." |
Somewhere in our darker past, before the days of modern psychological discipline and medical advance, we, the human race, believed that our life’s illnesses and woes were firmly rooted in the sp... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:17:00 PST |
Thanks to everyone at the Landmark!!! |
We had a great time at this year's Scottish Ramble at Saint Paul's historic Landmark Center. Thanks to everyone for coming down, joining me for the book readings, and picking up your copies of the new... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:30:00 PST |
Tam O’Hare at the Scottish Ramble this weekend..... |
Hey Folks!The new hardcover will be debuting at the Scottish Ramble at the Landmark Center in Saint Paul this weekend! I will be signing books Saturday and Sunday, and doing readings both days.Come by... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:48:00 PST |
The Hardcover is HERE!! |
Hey Folks!It has arrived! The hardcover book is here, and it looks gorgeous! I am nearly as excited as when it was first published.The hardcover has nine new, additional illustrations (you can see mos... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:37:00 PST |
New Tam O’Hare magazine ad - featuring my son Sam! |
Hey Folks!This is the new magazine ad for Tam O'Hare. My son, Sam, volunteered to be the model... heh. Oh, and that's our chihuahua, Bubba, sleeping next to him.Cheers!~Scotty... Posted by Tam O'Hare on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 04:22:00 PST |