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Tina Malave

I am here for Networking

About Me

Push play to view my tv demo ...

Push play to see The Drop, the show I'm Executive Producer for on SiTV.The show I'm very proud to be Executive Producer of...
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We live in a zoo...

T SIZE=4How mornings start in my house...

The saying that gets me through life... Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly, knowing I am there with you, therefore no harm can befall you. Do this with complete and utter faith. All is very, very well. -Eileen Caddy
Photos from Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert. A beautiful experience... www.ashesandsnow.org

My Interests

Imagine all the Teddys
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A little work... a little play!

SIZE=3The girls I love...

SIZE=3The boys I love...

...I bought my first house 2 years ago and I'm renovating as much as I can myself. So my current hobbies are ripping off paneling, painting ceilings, staining beams, landscaping and crawling on the roof to clean out my gutters! When I'm not covered in paint and gutter gunk, I take alot of classes that I never seem to stick with like learning to play piano, dance class, learning sign language, French lessons, Spanish lessons (at least I can count to 10 in 3 languages!) and I recently bought a cello (a 3 am ebay impulse buy) so I guess I should take some cello lessons at some point.
Photos by Ash Beheshti www.ashbeheshti.com Get Your Own! | View SlideshowTAURUS (April 20-May 20) "Courage is not the abnormal," wrote poet Jack Gilbert. "Not the marvelous act. Not Macbeth with fine speeches. It is the thing steady and clear. The marriage, not the month's rapture. The beauty that is of many days. The normal excellence, of long accomplishment. Not the Prodigal Son, but Penelope." Gilbert's words are my gift to you, brave Taurus. Of all the signs, you best express the virtue of steady devotion to the demanding challenges of beauty and truth.

I'd like to meet:



Other favs... Norah Jones, Sting, Black Eyed Peas, The Monkees (LOVE LOVE LOVE EM!), the Jazz greats, Ella, Louie, Billie, Cab, the Alan Lomax collections, Louie Prima and Keely Smith... but then I also love Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction... Oh, and also old school rap and hip hop... Ok, I'm a bit musically schizophrenic.

Push play for Michael Buble's, "Feeling Good"


Life is Beautiful, one of the best films ever made.
Something's Gotta Give, Unfortunately I could totally relate! Oh, the pain!
Secretary, so oddly sexy. Cousins, really corny, but I just love it.
I'm also a hard core horror girl. Not the zombie, gory kind, but the "mess you up for life" Exorcist, the Omen, Exorcism of Emily Rose kinda stuff.


My name is Tina and I'm a LOST-aholic, don't let me down JJ! Grey's Anatomy... mmm McDreamy, Dirt (you rock on with your bad self Courtney!), Rescue Me (what can I say, I got thing for bad boys)... but my favorite guilty pleasure... GHOST HUNTERS on Sci Fi Channel!


The Mastery of Love and the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and Conversations With God are the 3 books that have shaped my spiritual belief system and brought incredible clarity and peace to my life.
I also love By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paolo Cohelo, it tore my heart out.
OK... and I love all the Harry Potters!
My favorite Bukowski poem,
OH YES...there are worse things than being alone but it often takes decades to realize this and most often when you do it's too late and there's nothing worse than too late.


(Me & my Mom, Philly 1971)
My mom, she's my Wonder Woman. She's a genuinely funny, creative, dingy angel, and I am who I am because of her.

Maria Suarez, my sweet, brave, amazing friend, who is living proof that you can survive hell and still have a pure and loving heart. Add her page... Freedom For Maria Suarez.
See her story at http://freetheslaves.net/store/dreams-die-hard/
The Secret

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You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 90% Superman 85% Supergirl 85% Spider-Man 75% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 65% Hulk 55% Catwoman 50% Iron Man 50% Robin 40% Batman 35% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Blog

Tina Malave Resume

Tina Malave Cat Josell / Synergy Management ON AIR EXPERIENCE E!'s 101Series (E! Entertainment Television) Correspondent A CURRENT AFFAIR (Twentieth Television) Correspondent MR ROMANCE (Oxygen) Pag...
Posted by Tina Malave on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:58:00 PST

The Biggest Project of My Life (Monsters and Critics article April 4, 2007)

People Features The accidental activist: Maria Suarez's story By April MacIntyre Apr 4, 2007, 4:42 GMT Producer, writer and television host Tina Malave is one of those rare beautiful birds who can ...
Posted by Tina Malave on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

Looking for Hot LA Bands for TV Show!

Hey Guys,I'm looking for AMAZING bands in the Los Angeles area to book as guests on The Drop, SiTV's top rated show. If you're not familiar with SiTV, it's an English speaking network for an 18-34 Lat...
Posted by Tina Malave on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:12:00 PST

If You're Not Into Woo Woo Spiritual Stuff, Don't Read!

If you've looked at my page, you know I lost my dad in July. Thank you for the sympathetic messages, but I'm really ok about it all. My father, Tony Malave, was brilliant and had a great curiousity ab...
Posted by Tina Malave on Sat, 06 May 2006 04:44:00 PST

If Hell Were Real It Would Have Paneling On the Walls

I bought my house last November. It's my first house, I'm in love with it. But with all great loves comes a few little things that, well, get on your nerves. My house has had 2 previous owners. It was...
Posted by Tina Malave on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:29:00 PST