Gina profile picture


Ahh, you've made me the happiest spice in the world!

About Me

My Interests

Family, friends, honesty, laughter, the beach, sports, hanging with my girls, travel, shopping, and my business. Here are some work pictures from over the years. :)

I'd like to meet:

Someone who knows a thing or two about a thing or two.


Check out my amazingly talented friend Joanna!! She's in my top friends. Her album "This Crazy Life" is in stores now, and she's got a single on the "Bratz" soundtrack called "Out from Under."You can also check out a new music store my friend Sheilah is a part of. You can buy Joanna's single there, as well as other great music!


80s John Hughes flicks, Scarface, Singles, Swingers, Bachelor Party, Finding Nemo, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, American Beauty, Wedding Crashers, Ray, Crash, Walk The Line, The Departed...far too many to name!!


Prison Break, Prison Break, Prison Break. Did I mention Prison Break? Also enjoy Grey's Anatomy, Rescue Me, The Soup, the occasional trashy reality show (even the non-real ones), Hockey Night in Canada (you know you love Don Cherry), and oh yeah -- Prison Break.


Looking for suggestions.


Men and women around the world who are serving our country. My amazing friends and awesome family who are all pillars of strength. Karl Lagerfeld, because he's fabulous.