Guns,knives,self defense/martial arts,books,movies,discussing perceptions pertaining to the Bill of Rights.
The rotten SOBS who cancelled "Smith" after only 2 episodes Bruce Lee.Johnny Thunders,Keith Moon,Rex Applegate,Sykes and Fairbarn,Joey Ramone,John Browning,Jim Bowie.
Classic rock,punk,rockabilly ,Johnny Cash and Hank Williams SR.
Way of the Gun,My Blue Heaven,Quick Change,Blues Brothers,Animal house,zombie flics,Everything by Tarantino,Farris Buellers Day Off,Uncle Buck,Clerks 1 and 2,Saving Pvt Ryan,Grapes of Wrath,Thief,Heat and Goodfellas.
"Smith" till those bastards cancelled it,24,Simpsons,Crime Story,Miami Vice,Family Guy,Lost
Anythng by Barry Eisler,Marc MacYoung,Stephen Hunter, Vin Suprynowicz,Grapes of Wrath,Illiad and Odyssey,'unintended Consequences" by John Ross and ww2 history,and Hunter Thompson