Jack Ketchum profile picture

Jack Ketchum

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

About Me

For an interview with me where I discuss OLD FLAMES (Leisure), among other things, go here: http://www. earth-2. net/podcasts/dreadmedia/dreadmedia
Click on Episode 41 (top center of page):
"Episodes of Dread Media
041: In this episode of Dread Media, Desmond Reddick welcomes back author Jack Ketchum to shoot the shit about his upcoming projects, the business, and violence in society."
Selected at
We are pleased to announce that THE GIRL NEXT DOOR directed by Gregory Wilson is officially invited to the Premiere section of the 34th Deauville American Film Festival.
Director: Gregory Wilson
Based on the novel by: Jack Ketchum
Cast: Blythe Auffarth, Daniel Manche, Blanche Baker
Synopsis: Based on a true story, The Girl Next Door provides an unflinching look at dark side of 1950s suburbia.
"Somewhere between Stand by Me and Requiem for a Dream comes a haunting adaptation of a powerful novel about the darker side of America and innocence destroyed." NiteShift, WBAI 99.5 FM
Stephen King called it "The first authentically shocking American film I've seen since Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer."
The response to the film has been overwhelming and we urge you to watch our trailer at the following link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1pHnESLzcc0.
2817 St. James Place
Altadena, CA 91001
Tel: (626) 296 9977
Cell: (626) 390 6882
[email protected]
Me with Brian Cox, the star of RED.
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
Q & A conducted by Jeremy C. Shipp
Q: What’s your ultimate kryptonite?
A: Redheads. Definitely redheads.
Q: Would you choose never to have nightmares again if it meant you had to stop dreaming altogether?
A: Of course not. I like nightmares. You get a thrill, you wake up just fine. What's not to like?
Q: If you could force anyone to sing any song, who would you make sing what?
A: George W. Bush. I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT, 600 times on the White House lawn, on his birthday. Full coverage.
Q: Did the butler really do it?
A: With Miss Scarlet, in the kitchen, on a rope.
Q: If a video game was created based on your life, what would your character collect to obtain points? And who or what would you have to defeat at the end to win the game?
A: Condoms. Mrs. Strawn in the third grade.
Q: What are you most afraid of?
A: Republican Dynasties.
Q: What’s your least favorite word?
A: Dude.
Q: What are three things you hope to do before you die?
A: Have amazing, incredible, mind-blasting sex again. Three times.
Q: If you could exchange one of your phobias for another, which one would you choose?
A: I have no phobias. Only reality-based fears. And plenty of them.
Q: What superpower do you want the most?
A: Empathy.
Q: If you had to be a giant monster like Godzilla, what kind would you be, and what would you do with your time?
A: I'd be a giant tabbycat sleeping, eating, messing around and generally doing what cats do, with two or three other giant cats, and being cared for by a giant me. My littertbox would be the White House or any right-wing neighborhood I cared to piss on.
Q: Why is it that in almost every TV show there’s an episode about the characters finding a baby and having to take care of the baby until the end where they have to give up the baby?
A: TV hates babies, maybe?
Q: As an evil mastermind, how would go about taking over the world?
A: I'd invent a giant cat. See above.
Q: What sport would you like to see in the Olympics that isn’t there already?
A: Right-wing spaying and neutering.
Q: If you were a mad scientist, what would your first creation be?
A: How would I know? I'm a fucking mad scientist f'crhissake!
Q: And finally, what’s going on, writing-wise?
A: Right now I'm working on a screenplay which nobody will let me talk about...these movie people...so secretive! I've just finished a story to launch a graphic novel, which I'm also not supposed to talk about because there might be movie/computer stuff involved. These graphic novel/movie/computer people...
Here's what I can talk about....my new novella OLD FLAMES paired with RIGHT TO LIFE is out from Leisure as we speak, I've got a short book of memoirs titled BOOK OF SOULS coming soon from Bloodletting Press, the film of RED just went to Cannes, and if you read in Spanish or French there are translations of THE CROSSINGS and OFF SEASON out respectively. And BROKEN ON THE WHEEL OF SEX still lurks somewhere on the horizon....thanks!
A recent trip to Malta
Ketchum While You Can
Veronica Stivala
A famous horror author was in town, scouting for a local publisher to introduce his chilling writings to Malta. Veronica Stivala jumped at the unique opportunity and grit her teeth to find out more...
Jack Ketchum belongs to a famous 'family' of horror writers. As a child, he corresponded with Psycho author Robert Bloch who nurtured and enkindled his passion for writing. In the same fashion, Bloch himself had been the protégé of famous horror-writer H.P. Lovecraft and was one of the youngest members of the Lovecraft circle.
The legendary and controversial novelist Jack Ketchum was in Malta last week in anticipation of the European publication of his books and the recent film adaptation of The Lost, The Girl Next Door as well as the long-awaited Red starring Brian Cox of Troy and Tom Sizemore from Saving Private Ryan. This was not his first time as he was on the island back in the early 1990s when he was trying to promote Joy Ride.
Ketchum has had links with the film industry for a long time. He's always been a film aficionado and remembers the first film he saw as a child with much enthusiasm: he had been allowed to stay up to the late hour of 1 a.m. to watch Frankenstein. The seed for the love of horror seems always to have been there. The first book Ketchum read was Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Indeed, Ketchum's life is peppered with famous names. He's been hailed by Stephen King as "one of the best in the business, on a par with Clive Barker, James Ellroy, and Thomas Harris... Jack Ketchum has a dark streak of American genius."
The comparison with the legendary Clive Barker augurs well and Ketchum admits that he would consider directing one of his own works and in fact is working on a script now.
Ketchum is a pseudonym for Dallas Mayr. Why the pen name? "I lied my name into the business," the author jokes. The story behind the name is that at the beginning of his career, afraid to reveal his true identity in case his work didn't go down well, the writer created a pseudonym and pretended that he had discovered the works by the author Jack Ketchum. Since he made a name for himself as Ketchum, he ended up keeping the name.
In the interview, we speak about the style of his writing where, in his words, he writes cinematically. "I love dialogue," he says, explaining that he picks up ideas for his writing from what he hears other people saying. He likes to eavesdrop and compares himself to a fly on the wall. He loves old things (such as old buildings and cities) and these are also a source of inspiration for his horror stories. Perhaps his trip to the Megalithic temples and Ħaġar Qim might spur a new novel ... Saw: In the temple? Or Rock Horror? (No condescension at all intended...)
The 61-year-old author, who hails from New Jersey, doesn't look his age, nor does he act like the famous writer he is (he has a cult following across the US). He is very down-to-earth, smokes like a chimney and evidently enjoys his whisky. He's a very humble and approachable man and for a long while wasn't even aware that he had a fan-following ever since the publication of his first book Off Season.
He recounts, still with a tinge of amazement, how he was once encouraged by a friend to go to a horror convention. His jaw dropped when he found that he had a group of fans who were keen followers of his writing.
As with many authors, Ketchum has an eclectic line-up of jobs to his name ranging from work as an actor, as a teacher, a stint as a soda-jerk, an attempt as a singer to working as a refuse collector. His involvement in the arts has all contributed to bettering his writing skills. His acting gave him a good ear for dialogue.
Ketchum's main source of inspiration is people. When he writes, he first develops his characters and then lets them take on a life of their own before creating the rest of his story. The same can be said of his research work. Here in Malta, where he wants to break into the market, the most important thing is to get to know the people, and get a feel for the place in order to be able to market the 'Jack Ketchum brand'.
Indeed, because his works attract a cult following, he wants to ease in on a small scale preferring to target small groups in intimate settings rather than going for a full blown mass-marketing campaign in the first place.
What sells in fiction?
Sex, gore and action. Ketchum divulges that he tests his writing on himself. "I get a kick out of being scared," he quips, adding that only if he feels scared when he reads his own work, does he consider it to be a good piece of horror writing.
Despite the entertainment factor in his novels, there is a strong element of catharsis in Ketcham's writing: the motivation behind much of his writing is anger. He uses his writing as a means to try to find justice in books such as Red which tells the story of a man who does his utmost to avenge the trio of ruthless shotgun-toting juvenile delinquents who killed his dog called Red.

My Interests



SAUTRES, aka THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (as Jack Ketchum), novel, French translation, L’Ombre deBragelonne


Seascape (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, and Interview With Jack Ketchum by Richard Hipson, Insidious Reflections, Chris Hedges, ed.

Evil (aka The Girl Next Door) (as Jack Ketchum), novel, German translation, with Stephen King introduction, Heyne

"John Gardner Was Tireless Self-Promotor," letter to the editor, The New York Sun, January 27-28, Mark Tuman, ed.

Flower And Snake: Find The Flower (as Jack Ketchum), article, Asian Cult Cinema, Thomas Weisser, ed.

Monster (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint (first print edition), Eulogies, Nanci Kalanta, ed., Nyx Publications for Horror World

Off Season (as Jack Ketchum), novel, and Afterword, with the story Winter Child and By Way of Introduction, Leisure Books

Article, NECON 26 program booklet, Dan Booth, ed.

The Net (as Jack Ketchum) with P. D. Cacek, fiction, Masques V., J.N. Williamson & Gary A. Braunbeck, eds., Gauntlet

Papa (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Absinthe (chapbook with Tim Lebbon), hard and softcover limited edition, Bloodletting Press

Some Seeds Take (as Jack Ketchum), introduction to Strange Seed by T. M. Wright, Twisted Publishing

*Outlawed Legacies: Robert Bloch, interview by Josh Jabcuga, Doomed, September

Olivia: A Monologue (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, limited edition broadside, reprint, Lavendier Books

Weed Species (as Jack Ketchum), novella, limited edition hardcover, Cemetery Dance Publications

*The Lost: The Story Behind a Future Classic, article by Richard Hipson, Insidious Reflections, Fall

Splat Goes the Hero (as Jack Ketchum), article, (reprint), On Writing Horror, Revised Edition, Mort Castle, ed., Writer’s Digest Books


The Lost, (as Jack Ketchum), excerpt, The Outlaw Bible Of American Literature, Alan Kaufman, Neil Ortenberg, Barney Rossett, eds., Thunder’s Mouth Press/Avalon Publishing.

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Fear Of The Unknown, Keir Luzzatto & Monica J. O’Rourke, eds.

The Girl Next Door (as Jack Ketchum), novel, including the stories Returns and Do You Love Your Wife? (first time in print), Leisure Books

*Concerning The Grievous Case Of The Girl Next Door, article by Monica S. Kuebler, Rue Morgue, July 2005, Rod Gudino, ed.

Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition (as Jack Ketchum) novel, Overlook Connection Press, boxed lettered edition.

Forever, and Father and Son (as Jack Ketchum), chapbook and CD, Dark Voices Vol. 3, Elizabeth Monteleone, ed., Borderlands Press

Lighten Up (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Outsiders, Nancy Holder and Nancy Kilpatrick, eds., Penguin Roc

Returns (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Weird Tales, John Betancourt, ed.

The Lost (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Japanese translation, Fushosha

Monster (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Horror World Website, November, Nanci Kalanta, ed.

2/5/05, On The Gates, Contact, Michou and Vinni’s Been A Generous Cat... (as Jack Ketchum), poems, Spiderwords Website, November-January, Rain Graves, ed.

The Rose (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Deadly After Dark, Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, eds., Pinnacle

Love Letters From The Rain Forest (as Jack Ketchum) with Edward Lee, fiction, reprint, Fear The Fever, Jeff Gelb & Micheal Garrett, eds., Pinnacle


The Lost (as Jack Ketchum), novel, lettered edition, Cemetery Dance Publications

She Wakes (as Jack Ketchum), novel, lettered edition, Cetions

Damned If You Do (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Damned, ed. David G. Barnett, Necro Publications

Two Ku; 11/11/87; Poetic; 7/69; Arthur; Sleeping Woman; Christmas Day, 1969; Bethel, New York, 1969; Hoboe; Johnnie Mack Brown; 4/11/02; Beast, (as Jack Ketchum), poems, The Devil’s Wine, ed. Tom Piccirilli, Cemetery Dance Publications

Photo and Q&A, (as Jack Ketchum), calendar, Twelve Scary Guys, Elizabeth Monteleone, ed., Borderlands Press

She Wakes (as Jack KetchPress, trade paperback

*Peter Pan’s Dark Side, interview by Quentin Dunne, Penny Blood, Fall/Winter 2004, Nicholas Louras, ed.


*A Conversation With Jack Ketchum, by Ron Clinton, Cemetery Dance, Robert Morrish, ed.

Broken On The Wheel Of Sex (as Jack Ketchum), short fiction collection, with the new Stroup story “The Old Days” and “Beyond The Pail,” four non-fiction men’s mag stories reprinted for the first time and introduction, Delirium Books Ultra Series

Introduction (as Jack Ketchum) to Cold House by T. M. Wright, Catalyst Press

To Suit The Crime (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, The Best Of Horrorfind 2, Brian Keene, ed., Horrorfind.com LLC.

The Fountain (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, limited edition chapbook (with Edward Lee’s The Piece Of Paper,) Gauntlet Publications

Studies In Modern Horror, Nus William Mayr, Seele Brennt Publications

Afterword (as Jack Ketchum) to Tales From A Darker State, Michael Penncavage, ed., GSHW Press

The Box (To Koyti) (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Greek translation by Nikos Roussos, Ashes Of Our Soul, Managing Director Nikos Chatzopoulos, Oxy Publishing SA

The Transformed Mouse (as Jack Ketchum), fable, retold from the Panchatantra, signed limited hardcover edition, Biting Dog Press

Introduction (as Jack Ketchum), to White And Other Tales Of Ruin by Tim Lebbon, Nightshade Books.

Peaceable Kingdom (as Jack Ketchum), short fiction collection, (including the novella Closing Time), signed limited hardcover edition, Bill Shafer, editor, Subterranean Books.

Polaroids (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Framed, A Gallery Of Dark Delicacies, Gomez and Morticia Howison, eds., Dark Delicacies.

Honor System (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, signed limited chapbook, Cemetery Dance Publications.

At Home With The VCR (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, signed limited chapbook, Camelot Books and Gifts.

The Crossings (as Jack Ketchum), novella, signed limited hardcover edition, Cemetery Dance Publications.

She Wakes (as Jack Ketchum), novel, revised, signed limited hardcover edition (with an afterword), Cemetery Dance Publications.

Peaceable Kingdom (as Jack Ketchum), short fiction collection, Leisure Books.


A Week In The Work-Life Of A Nonessential Writer (as Jack Ketchum), nonfiction, reprint (first complete printing), Space & Time, Gordon Linzner, ed.

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), reprint, fiction, Stranger, Michele Slung, ed., HarperCollins Perennial

*Jack Ketchum, interview by Monica J. O’Rourke, Flesh & Blood Magazine, Jack Fisher, ed.

Right To Life (with Brave Girl and Returns) (as Jack Ketchum), novella and short fiction, trade paperback, Gauntlet Publications

Station Two (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Camelot Books and Gifts, signed limited chapbook

Treading The Razor's Edge, interview with Chas. Balun, Ultra Violent Magazine, Scott Gabbey, ed.

Red (as Jack Ketchum) novel, First U.S. hardcover limited edition, Overlook Connection Press

An Appreciation of Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting Of Hill House (as Jack Ketchum), Succubus Press, Suzanne Donahue, ed.

Snarl, Hiss, Spit, Stalk (as Jack Ketchum) fiction, Dead Cats Bouncing, Gerard Houarner & Gak, eds., Bedlam Press

Red and The Passenger (as Jack Ketchum) novel and novella, Leisure Books Red (as Jack Ketchum, novel, Lagudera Editions, Greek translation by Nikos Roussos

A Review of Stephen King’s From A Buick 8 (as Jack Ketchum) TheSpook.com, August/September, Anthony Sapienza, ed.

The Holding Cell (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Shivers, Richard Chizmar, ed., Cemetery Dance Publications

When The Penny Drops (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Dreaming Of Angels, Gord Rollo & Monica J. O’Rourke, eds., Prime Books

Quiet On The Set: A Look at Takashi Miike’s Audition and Visitor Q (as Jack Ketchum) article, Asian Cult Cinema, Thomas Weisser, ed.

Gone (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, October Dreams, Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, eds., Penguin Roc

Introduction (as Jack Ketchum) to In The Spirit by P.D. Cacek, Wormhole Books


Untitled (as Jack Ketchum), non-fiction, Poddities: A Creative Tribute To Jack Finney's Novel THE BODY SNATCHERS , Suzanne Donahue, ed., Day Off Publications

The Passenger (as Jack Ketchum), novella, Night Visions 10, Richard Chizmar, ed., Subterranean Press, signed limited editon, hardcover

*Introduction To The Girl Next Door by Stephen King, (essay,) Secret Windows, Book-of-the-Month Club, introduction by Peter Straub

No Way Back: The S&M Films Of Ran Masaki (as Jack Ketchum), essay, Asian Cult Cinema, Thomas Weisser, ed.

The Lost (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Leisure Books

The Lost (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Cemetery Dance Publications, signed hardcover limited edition

The Haunt (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Cemetery Dance Magazine, Richard Chizmar, ed.

Finding Laymon (as Jack Ketchum), memoir, Cemetery Dance Magazine, Richard Chizmar, ed.

Afterword (as Jack Ketchum) to Judas Eyes by Barry Hoffman, Edge Books, signed hardcover limited edition

The Exit At Toledo Blade Boulevard (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Seattle

World Horror Convention 2001, published by the World Horror Convention—Seattle, 2001, limited edition trade paperback

Eyes Left (as Jack Ketchum), with Edward Lee, fiction, Cemetery Dance Publications, signed limited chapbook

Mother And Daughter (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, TheSpook.com, August, Anthony Sapienza, ed.

Right To Life (as Jack Ketchum), novella, Fushosha, Japanese translation

Gone (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, The Year's Best Fantasy And Horror, 14th Edition, St. Martin’s Press, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, eds.

Barflies (as Jack Ketchum), memoir, TheSpook.com, Anthony Sapienza, ed.

A (as Jack Ketchum), poem, Altruistic Alphabet, Del Howison, editor, Dark Delicacies

If Memory Serves (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, reprint, Scars, Gina Osnovich, ed., Fall Reaching Productions

Sheep Meadow Story (Jack Ketchum,writing as Jerzy Livingston), novella, Triage, Matt Johnson, ed., Cemetery Dance Publications

2000 rview by "Creepy"), Carpe Noctem Magazine, Issue 16, Carnell, ed.

Father And Son (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Camelot Books And Gifts, chapbook, signed limited edition, hardcover/softcover.

Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition (as Jack Ketchum), novel excerpt, Studio Voice Magazine, April, May, June, Japanese Serial Rights

Cover (as Jack Ketchum), novel, forward, Gauntlet Publications, afterword by Thomas Tessier, signed limited edition, hardcover

Forever (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Imagination Fully Dilated Volume II, Elizabeth Engstrom, ed., IFD Publishing

Luck (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Skull Full Of Spurs, Jason Bovberg, Kirk Whitman, eds., Dark Highway Press

That's Me (as Jack Ketchum), afterword to the story Holiday in Dystopia: Collected Stories, R.C. Matheson, Gauntlet Press

Sundays (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, NECON XX 2000, Dan Booth, ed., The NECON Committee

A Week In The Work Life Of A Nonessential Author (as Jack Ketchum), article, The Penn Writer, September-October 2000, Jim Hilbert, ed., Newsletter of Pennwriters, Inc.

Masks (as Jack Ketchum) (with Edward Lee), fiction, Graven Images, Nancy Kilpatrick, Thomas A. Roche, eds., Ace Books

The Best (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Bad News, Richard Laymon, ed., Cemetery Dance Publications

Gone (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, October Dreams, Richard Chizmar and Robert Morrish, ed., Cemetery Dance Publications

On Chas. Balun: An Opinion Of An Opinion (as Jack Ketchum), introduction, Gore Score 2001, by Chas Balun, Michael Matthews Publishing

Hide And Seek (as Jack Ketchum,) novel, Cemetery Dance Publications, signed limited edition, hardcover

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, The Best Of Cemetery Dance Vol. 1, Richard Chizmar, ed., ROC, trade paperback

Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Fushosha, Japanese Translation

Gone, and My Favorite Halloween Memory (as Jack Ketchum) fiction and memoir, October Dreams, Richard Chizmar and Robert Morrish, eds., Cemetery Dance Publications, signed limited edition, hardcover


Right To Life (as Jack Ketchum), novella, Cemetery Dance Publications, signed limited edition, hardcover.

The Dust Of The Heavens (as Jack Ketchum), memoir, introduction by Edward Lee, afterward by Jack Ketchum, James Cahill Publishing, signed limited edition hardcover.

At Home With The VCR (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Erotica Exposition Program, Dean Kaltsas, ed., Erotica USA, Inc.

Broken On The Wheel Of Sex: The Jerzy Livingston Years (as Jack Ketchum), short fiction collection and introduction, Sideshow Press, signed limited edition, hardcover.

Red (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Fushosha, Japanese Translation.

Shrimp Mykonos (as Jack Ketchum), recipe, Conjuring Dark Delicacies, Del and Sue Howison, eds. Dark Delicacies.

Megan's Law (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Subterranean Gallery, Richard Chizmar and William Schafer, eds., Subterranean Press.

Blood Wedding: Yasuhara Hasabe's Assault! Jack The Ripper (as Jack Ketchum), essay, Asian Cult Cinema Magazine, Thomas Weisser, ed.

Masks (as Jack Ketchum) (with Edward Lee), fiction, signed limited edition chapbook, hardcover/softcover, Sideshow Press.

Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition (as Jack Ketchum), novel, afterword, Overlook Connection Press, introduction by Douglas E. Winter, signed limited edition, hardcover.


Amid The Walking Wounded (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, The UFO Files, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Daw Books.

If Memory Serves (as Jack Ketchum) (reprint), fiction, Darkside: Horror For The New Millenium, ed. John Pelan, Penguin ROC.

Ladies' Night (as Jack Ketchum) novel and introduction, Silver Salamander Press, signed limited edition, art by Neal McPheeters.

The Box and The Rifle (as Jack Ketchum) (reprints), fiction, The Best Of Cemetery Dance, ed. Richard Chizmar, CD Publications, hardcover, signed limited edition.

Robert E. Howard's Typewriter (as Jack Ketchum), introduction, Shifters by Edward Lee and John Pelan, Obsidian Press, hardcover, signed limited edition.

The Girl Next Door (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Overlook Connection Press, hardcover trade edition.

The Exit At Toledo Blade Boulevard (as Jack Ketchum), short fiction collection and memoir, introduction by Richard Laymon, cover and interior art by Alan M. Clark, Obsidian Press, signed limited edition.

Firedance (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Imagination Fully Dilated Alan M. Clark and Elizabeth Engstrom, eds. Cemetary Dance Publications, hardcover, signed limited edition.

Bag Of Bones by Stephen King (as Jack Ketchum), book review, Barnes & Noble website, September.

When The Penny Drops (as Jack Ketchum) (reprint of story from The Exit At Toledo Blade Boulevard, fiction, Cemetary Dance, ed. Richard Chizmar.

The Midnight Tour by Richard Laymon (as Jack Ketchum), book review Barnes & Noble website, November.

The Alchemy Of Love (as Jack Ketchum), introduction, The Alchemy Of Love by Elizabeth Engstrom and Alan M. Clark, Triple Tree Publishing, hardcover limited edition.


The Girl Next Door (as Jack Ketchum) (introduction by Stephen King, afterwords by Christopher Golden, Lucy Taylor, Edward Lee, and Philip Nutman, interview by Stanley Wiater, cover and interior art by Neal McPheeters), novel, Overlook Connection Press, hardcover, signed limited edition.

*Who Is Dallas Mayr? by Stanley Wiater, interview, Brutarian Magazine.

The Dust Of The Heavens (as Jack Ketchum), memoir, ed. Dominick Selemi, Brutarian Magazine.

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Barnes & Noble Website, ed. Matt Schwartz.

Atrocities (as Jack Ketchum), essay, Asian Cult Cinema Magazine, ed. Thomas Weisser.

Rabid Squirrels In Love (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetary Dance Magazine, Spring 1997.

*Jack Ketchum, by Philip Nutman, interview, ed. Shade Rupe, Funeral Party Magazine, Volume II.

The Work (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, ed. Shade Rupe, Funeral Party Magazine, Volume II.

*A Conversation With Jack Ketchum, by Ann Kennedy, interview, ed. Ann Kennedy, The Silver Web.

Red (as Jack Ketchum), novel excerpt (first chapter), ed. Ann Kennedy, The Silver Web.

*Interview Excerpts (as Jack Ketchum), in Dark Thoughts On Writing by Stanley Wiater, Underwood Books.

Splat Goes The Hero (as Jack Ketchum), essay, Writing Horror, Mort Castle, ed. Writer's Digest Books, hardcover.

Stranglehold (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Fushosha, Japanese Translation.


Redemption (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Night Screams, Ed Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Penguin ROC.

The Rifle (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetary Dance Magazine, Winter 1995 (published January 1996).

As Close To You As Your Skin (as Dallas Ketchum), memoir, ed. Dominick Salemi, Brutarian Magazine, Winter 1995 (published February 1996).

*Interview (by Stanley Wiater), Mystery Scene, Cemetery Dance, Spring 1996.

Red (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, softcover.

Road Kill (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Fushosha, Japanese Translation.

Love Letters From The Rain Forest (as Jack Ketchum) (with Edward Lee), fiction, The Hot Blood Series: Fear The Fever, Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett, eds. Pocket Books.

Offspring (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, softcover.

If Memory Serves (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Darkside: Horror For The Next Millennium, John Pelan, ed. Darkside Press, signed limited edition.

*Words With Jack Ketchum And Edward Lee, by Tom Piccirilli, interview, Epitaph Magazine.


Snakes (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Fear Itself ed. Jeff Gelb, Warner Books.

Road Kill (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, softcover (British rights and title for Joyride) (copyright 1994).

Joyride (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Berkley Books.

The Turning (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Vampire Detectives, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Daw Books.

On Writing Joyride (as Jack Ketchum), article, Mystery Scene Magazine, March/April

In Viaggio Con L'Assassino (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Sperling & Kupfer, Italy, hardcover (Italian translation and title for Joyride).

Off Season (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom.

Stranglehold (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Berkley Books.

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, The Year's Best Fantasy And Horror, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, eds. St. Martin's/Griffin.

Only Child (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, hardcover.

Only Child (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, softcover.

Red (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, hardcover.


Mail Order (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Voices From The Night, ed. John Maclay, Maclay & Associates, signed limited edition.

The Business (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Murder For Mother, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet Books.

Introduction (as Jack Ketchum), Mysteries Of The Word by Stanley Wiater, Crossroads Press, signed limited edition.

The Box (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance Magazine, Spring.

To Suit The Crime (as Jack Ketchum) (reprint), fiction, Bizarre Sex And Other Crimes Of Passion, ed. Stan Tal, Masquerade Books.

I'd Give Anything For You (as Jack Ketchum) (with Edward Lee), fiction, Bizarre Sex And Other Crimes Of Passion, ed. Stan Tal, Masquerade Books.

The Rose (as Jack Ketchum), The Hot Blood Series: Deadly After Dark eds. Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett, Pocket Books.

Road Kill (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Headline, United Kingdom, hardcover (British rights and title for Joyride).

Off Season and Offspring published together (as Jack Ketchum), novels, New Joker, hardcover, (Russian Translation).


The Holding Cell (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Bizarre Bazaar, ed. Stanislaus Tal, Tal Publications


To Suit The Crime (as Jack Ketchum), fiction, Bizarre Sex And Other Crimes Of Passion, ed. Stanislaus Tal, Tal Publications.

Introduction (as Jack Ketchum), Edward Lee's Quest For Sex, Truth And Reality, by Edward Lee, Tal Publications, signed limited edition.


Offspring (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Berkley Books.

Back To The Stew Pot: On Offspring (as Jack Ketchum), article, Mystery Scene Magazine, October.


On The Girl Next Door (as Jack Ketchum), article, Mystery Scene Magazine, March.

Cover (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Warner Books.


Saison De Mort (Off Season), French Rights, novel, Fleuve Noir.

Cache-Cache Effroyable (Hide And Seek), French Rights, novel, Fleuve Noir.


Hide And Seek (as Jack Ketchum), novel, Ballantine Books.

19 article, Genesis Magazine, January.

Gail Palmer: Porn's Young Lady Producer (reprint), article, Nugget Magazine, January.

Off The Record: Slamming At The Sock Hop With "X," article, Swank Magazine, February.

Off The Record: Reelin' And Rockin' With Some (Hiccup) Rocabilly Cats, article, Swank Magazine, March.


Porn's Newest Star—The Audience (as Jerzy Livingston) (reprint), article, Porn Stars, February.

Young Girls (as Jerzy Livingston) (reprint) article, Norwegian Rights, Kriminaljournalan, issue date unknown.

Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash: The Million Dollar Quartet, record review, Creem Magazine, July.

Dead Heat, fiction, Genesis Magazine, August.

Flashers And Freaks (as Jerzy Livingston) (reprint), article, Nugget Magazine, November.

Off Season (as Jack Ketchum) novel, Ballantine Books (copyright 1980).


The Liar (reprint, Best Fiction Of The Year), fiction, The Best Of Swank, January.

Apocalypse Now: Soundtrack, record review, Creem Magazine, January.

Young Girls, article, Genesis Magazine, February.

Ugly George: Cable TV's Prince Of Pickup, article, Genesis Magazine, March.

The Bitch (reprint), fiction, Stag Magazine, March.

Whipped Cream From Outer Space? (no byline) short, Genesis Magazine, July.

The Women Of New York (as Jerzy Livingston), article, Swank Magazine, July.

Head Games, fiction, Swank Magazine, July.

Porno Filmmaker Gail Palmer, article, Knave Magazine, August.

Brass-Balls Sound: Woman Rockers—The New Wave, article, Genesis Magazine, October.

The Sharon Tate Morgue, article, Genesis Magazine, November.

Revenge Of The Virgin, article, Genesis Magazine, November.

Sex Bowl (as Jerzy Livingston), fiction, Stag Magazine, November.

Jail Bait (as Bruce Arthur), article, Gent Magazine, November.

Elvis Presley: Elvis Aron Presley, lead record review, Creem Magazine, November.

The Making Of A Religious Cult (reprint), article, The Best Of Swank, Winter.

Franklin Library Notes From The Editors for The Sot-Weed Factor by Barth, and Mr. Moto's Three Aces by Marquand.

Meisjus (Young Girls) (as Jerzy Livingston) (reprint), article, Dutch Rights, Zero Magazine, October.


Your Mandarin Duck Is No Turkey (no byline), short, High Society Magazine, January.

Masure And Sharkey: The Thugs In "Rain" Are Best Bets For Stardom (no byline), article, High Society Magazine, February.

Elvis Presley: Canadian Tribute, record review, Creem Magazine, February.

Fixing Her Plumbing (as Jerzy Livingston), fiction, Swank Magazine, February.

Dancin', fiction, High Society, March.

The Liar, fiction, Swank Magazine, April.

The Old In And Out, article, Genesis Magazine, April.

Judy Collins: Hard Times For Lovers, record review, Swank Magazine, July.

Creem Magazine, August.

Blue Suede Booties, short, Oui Magazine, September.

Emmylou Harris: Blue Kentucky Girl, record review, Swank Magazine, September.

Donna Summer: Bad Girls, record review, Swank Magazine, October.

Patti Smith: Wave, record review, Swank Magazine, November.

Nude At Negril Beach, article and photographs, Swank Magazine, November.

Bad Girls, Sad Girls In The Heart Of Disco, article, Genesis Magazine, December.

Franklin Library Notes From The Editors for These Thirteen by Faulkner, The Wizard Of Oz by Baum, Three Plays by Shaw, and God's Little Acre by Caldwell.

I'd like to meet:

Stephen Sondheim

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?"


My Blog


"As far as they were concerned, a good book was still a plump little paperback that knew how to sit in a beach bag and keep its dirty mouth shut."  -- Michael Chabon, THE MYSTERIES OF PITTSBURGH
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 07:54:00 PST


Wanted to let everybody know that my new collection, CLOSING TIME AND OTHER STORIES, is now available from Gauntlet Press in  numbered and lettered editions.  The jacket art is by Harry...
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST


Teaser: here's the first paragraph from WEED SPECIES. 86 pages, CD Publications.... About an hour after she was sure her parents were asleep upstairs Sherry turned down the television and walked over ...
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 09:20:00 PST

rock n shock

Note on Rock 'n Shock -- we'll be showing THE LOST at noon Saturday -- no Q&A, I'll just be introducing it.  But I'm also on a writers' panel at 1:30 the same day, so you can get out of the m...
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:12:00 PST

NYC Horror Film Fest

I'll be showing and doing a Q&A for THE LOST at the NYC Horror Film Fest at 8:00 on Thursday, October 19th and I'll be on their big film panel Sunday the 22nd at 1:00.  If you're in the area,...
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 08:27:00 PST

rock n shock

Hi folks -- just a note to everybody in the Massachusetts area -- I'll be a guest at Rock 'n Shock in Worcester, Mass. from the 13-15.  They'll be screening THE LOST too, probably on the afternoo...
Posted by Jack Ketchum on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:05:00 PST