get off the ice profile picture

get off the ice

you pay for me and I own you

About Me

My name is Crystal, Crystal Meth. I am a bitch. I know you think you can have me. And it's okay, maybe you will. I like it when you use me. In fact, I love it. And please share me with your friends, while you have any. Soon enough I will touch everyone you know. In time, your friends will be shadows. I will be the only one you want even though you will lie to yourself and say you don't need me. You will say you can leave me any time...maybe tomorrow. But I will seduce you. I will be your friend and I will be your lover.
Oh yes I will make you look good, too. Well let's be real here. You will think you look good. You might even think you are looking pretty hot or sexy now that you lost some weight. Hell, you may be looking so fine that you are now getting more attention, maybe people are looking at you a little different. You go right on thinking you are looking good cause as long as you do we will stay together.
True, I do make you think better...look what I do to your brain. Now I know you think I am doing nothing. In fact, I bet you even think that you can get more done and focus better when we are together. Have you ever noticed that you focus so much that you have been doing the same thing for hours and have really done nothing? Oh, how I love this. I like to call this getting you STUCK. Alright I will give you some credit you might have taken something apart (but I doubt it needed it), maybe you vacuumed again or maybe you re-wired something that worked already. Are you really getting anything done?
I will cause damage to your brain . I can change you forever. I will play with your vision, memory, judgement, and ability to feel good. Dance with me long enough and you might not be able to feel anything without me. This is what I want because then you will never leave me. You might go away for a bit but I will always get you to crawl back to me.
The more people I meet the stronger I become. I want to meet people who think they never lose control, people who think they are different, people who think they can control me. I like it when you think you are controlling me. It makes me smile. I love it when you say you control me, I don't control you (by the way, when you find yourself saying this it really means I am in control). I like everyone. I do not discriminate. Hell, I really don't care who you are...white, mexican, black, asian, old, young, middle-aged, male, female, overweight, thin, ugly, handsome, pretty, average, professional, blue-collar, poor, rich, a student, educated, not so educated, employed, disabled, bisexual, gay, straight, lesbian, queer, transgender, tough, shy, funny, religious, athiest, spiritual, law-abiding, ex-con and anything and everything I left out. I treat everyone equally. Are you ready?

My Interests

Right now you might think this look pretty gross. Keep tweaking and eventually it wont look so might look like a pretty good place to get high or hide from the police that most likely aren't there. I will make going through people's garbage fun and dumpster diving will become a hobby! You might not know what you are looking for but you will know it when you see it, right?

Hey, you might even shower every day or so now (though you are on tweaker time so a day is really about three). When you do does the dirt come off? When you get out of the shower and run the towel across your arm does dirt still come off? How clean are your hands and nails? Look around you, what do you see?

If you think that this doesn't affect anyone else but you, think again. Maybe you don't have kids so you think it doesn't matter. But you are someone's son, daughter, sister, brother, uncle, cousin, grandchild, friend, husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Does that matter?

I'd like to meet:

You. Anyone who wants to stop, needs to stop, or already has quit using. Anyone interested in finding solutions to oppression, addiction, mental health, sexual assault, abuse, neglect, poverty, homelessness, and self-hatred.

I do not approve requests from private profiles without a message.

This page does NOT promote drug use, violence, power and control, homophobia, racism, oppressive beliefs or inequality.

**The heroes section lists numbers, links, and resources with more being added. This page does not promote or endorse any of these programs or agencies but lists them as a possible resource. Take care.

End meth before it ends you. Ask for help.

Please consider nominating this page for a myspace impact award in the health and safety category. Thank you.





You might not think you will pick at your skin. Maybe you think this is overdone to scare you, but it's not. Maybe for you it wont be the feeling of bugs crawling under your skin, but instead you might think you have done so much dope that shards are coming out of your pores. Can you even tell if you have sores? Ha, maybe you are one of those that gets stuck in the mirror.

One thing I CAN promise, if you do me you soon wont recognize yourself. I will take the life from your eyes... the color from your skin...the hope from your soul.


SMILE!!!!! Oh hell it doesn't matter if you smile, there really isn't a whole lot to smile about. Besides that you will probably be too busy moving your mouth around and grinding your teeth or clenching your jaws. Isn't this fun? At least you still have teeth to grind!


I smell like cat piss. Don't you want to smell like piss, too? I mean who doesn't? Ok, so maybe you don't think I have a smell or there are obvious clues to doing me. The people in and out regardless of time of day, the drawn shades, the damn camera, working on your car or whatever project you have going on at all hours that takes you hours which has really been days...well let me just tell you, I make you think this is normal.

I will make you look like a damn fool and you wont even know it. So, try going to a hotel. Well when the same thing happens there, people know something is going on. We are obvious. We look sketchy.

For sure, I get others to look at you different and at some point you will do some crazy things. When we are together, it is pretty damn obvious - I don't care and you wont either (you might find yourself angry even violent).


The following are phone numbers and/or links to informative and possibly helpful pages...
Washington State Detox, Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers
Free and Confidential Information (can chat .. with someone, too)
Call center open 24 hours at 1-800-784-6776
IF YOU DO NOT have insurance or money you ARE entitled to state funded programs (WA).
Contact Washington Detox, Drug Rehab, Alcohol Treatment Office
Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse
PO Box 45330
612 Woodland Square Loop, SE, Bldg C
Olympia, WA 98504-5330
Phone: 877-301-4557
Washington state will pay for alcohol/drug treatment if you do not have the financial resources. Go to the closest DSHS office to apply. This link tells you the process and lists other resources and information.
Project NEON
Raising awareness and providing options gay/bi guys that use crystal in the greater Seattle area.
Crystal Clear - Strength Over Speed (gay/bi men)
Seattle's Original weekly support group exclusively for ex-crystal users. Groups M, T, Th, F, Sa
For more info call (206)323-1768 or drop by Seattle Counseling Service, 1216 Pine Street, Seattle, WA
Seattle Counseling Service is a community resource that advocates, educates, and serves to enhance the well-being of the LGBT communities.
Harm Reduction & HIV Risk Counseling
Needle Exchange (Seattle and King County, WA)
Location and times listed on website (or see my blog)
(206) 205-7837
Gay City Health Project
511 E. Pike, Seattle, WA
Weekly drop-in support for gay/bi/trans crystal users
Appointments and walk-ins.
Do you need a place to live? Oxford Houses are great if you are looking for affordable, supportive, clean and sober housing. There are men's houses, women's houses, and ones for women with children.
SoberRecovery lists hundreds of alcohol/addiction treatment resources in the U.S., Canada, and Overseas. This site is full of information including non 12 step and dual diagnosis programs, holistic treatment, and more.
Crystal Meth Anonymous
A place for ex-tweakers and recovering crystal meth addicts.
This is NOT Crystal Meth Anonymous.
Narcotics Anonymous
Nar-Anon is a fellowship for those affected by someone's addiction. They have meetings worldwide.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Greater Seattle Alcoholics Anonymous
Codependents Anonymous (find a meeting anywhere in the world)
Alcohol/Drug 24 Hour Helpline
Is your life affected by someone's drinking? To help them, help yourself.
1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666)
Official South African Al-Anon Family group website. South Africa.

My Blog

what the hell

Today is the sort of day I want to pull the covers over my head, run away from the world that is really myself, or turn to that old familiar numbing of the dope.  I don't know what sets today apa...
Posted by get off the ice on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:32:00 PST

Harm Reduction Program

If you are using then take some steps to be safe.  This schedule is for the Seattle and King County area, but check if there is a needle exchange program near you.  It's not about parapherna...
Posted by get off the ice on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:49:00 PST

Treatment/Recovery Agencies

{this list has links to treatment centers and some clean/sober houses...these are only a few but they are a start...i will be adding more resources as i come upon them and will put links in the profil...
Posted by get off the ice on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:32:00 PST

A meth jingle

My name is Crystal you may know me well.I will take your dreams while we live in hell. Together we will lie, steal, maybe even kill.I know you don't think so but you probably will.I make no promises ...
Posted by get off the ice on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 02:14:00 PST

just don't give up

Whatever your situation - spun, strung out, sick, a drunk...whatever words you put to your situation...don't give up.  When we have lost all hope and we give up then we give in to settling for le...
Posted by get off the ice on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:09:00 PST

maybe it's not a problem

A couple things to consider in determining whether use is becoming addiction: " Is the user in control of the use? Breaking the boundaries of use  for example, using on a Monday after sayi...
Posted by get off the ice on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:58:00 PST


Sometimes I want to say fuck it all.  Getting high is a great escape, hell it does something or I wouldn't go back to it over and over.  Without the drugs there is only me, but then again wi...
Posted by get off the ice on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 06:05:00 PST

Alcohol, Smokes, Drugs and Stress

Turning to the Use (and Abuse) of Drugs, Alcohol and/or Tobacco in Times of Stress... --> --> --> -->Stressful events can have a direct affect on the use of alcohol or other drugs. Stress is a major c...
Posted by get off the ice on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:56:00 PST

remember what i did

Was it all that fun?
Posted by get off the ice on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:18:00 PST

meth - what can it do?

Meth is one messed-up drug. Here are the top 10 reasons to stay far, far away. 10. Meth can mess with your head.Meth can cause users to become delusional, paranoid and suffer from hallucinations. It c...
Posted by get off the ice on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:29:00 PST