Activism, Adovacacy, HIV/AIDS Education, Sex Education, Safe Sex, Human Rights,Condoms, LifeLong Aids Alliance, UCAN, Our Community, Reproductive Rights, Gay Rights, Civil Rights, StoneWall Youth, Planned Parenthood of Western Washington, Planned Parenthood's Teen Council.
People who are interested in organizing, fundraising, attending, walking, and raising awareness about HIV/AIDS in our community . THOSE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS.
"This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all. The dead will be commemorate and we'll struggle on with the living. We are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens, our time has come."- Prior Walter from Angels in America
The Ryan White Story, Philidelphia, The Education of Shelby Knox, The Kinsey Report,Angels in America.
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Andi Greek and Andrew.
If it wasn't for them, the awareness of HIV/AIDS in our community would be non-existant.
Nancy Thomas,
for if it wasn't for her, the awareness of HIV/AIDS in our community would have disappeared.
THOSE working hard on a cure!MY SON, ASHLEY, HIS HOLINESS,Dalai Lama,Bono,Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., YOU!