I want to meet you all! EVERYONE, bands people, friends, celebes. EVERYONE! the more people Youth For Positive Change the more people it can effect, which will help the group reach its goal to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.Life After DiagnosisWhen you've been told you have HIV or AIDS, it's natural to have questions like, "What will happen to my health?" "Can I or should I continue to have sex?" and "Should I tell my family?" It may seem that there are too many questions and no place to start.People who have HIV or AIDS face many challenges. Having a weakened immune system is hard on your body. It can be emotionally overwhelming, and can leave you discouraged and despairing.You are not alone. There are things you can do to stay healthy longer. The more we learn about HIV and AIDS, the longer people are living. There are ways to prevent infections and delay the progression of HIV disease. And if you do get sick, there are many new treatments that can help.Figuring out how you're going to look after your health can help you avoid health problems. Your approach should be flexible so it can respond to changes in your life.To take care of yourself physically, you can exercise, eat properly, take antiretroviral drugs, take treatments to prevent infections, take vitamins, and get plenty of rest. Mental and emotional health are just as important. It helps to talk about HIV to the people who are important in your life. Other people who have HIV may be able to understand your feelings and offer advice. You may want to check out a support group. Some community-based AIDS groups can provide counsellors and help you find other forms of emotional support.Consider becoming more involved in your community. For some people, spiritual and religious beliefs are helpful; you may find guidance from an aboriginal elder or other religious leader, or through prayer, traditional aboriginal healing, or meditation. Different things will work for different people; find out what works for you. Your nearest AIDS group, other people living with HIV/AIDS, complementary therapists, and health care professionals can all give you advice. Make the changes that you feel comfortable with, and don't try to do everything at once