Lokahi profile picture


Democracy is not something we have, but something we do.

About Me

We rock social justice. Lokahi Outreach is a small organization that was founded by a group of young activists in 2002. We’ve been busy ever since. We are a direct result of the long history of activism in music, and we work to keep that spirit alive and well!
At the moment, we’re best known for being the group of people that takes the ONE Campaign out on the road, getting hundreds of thousands of people involved to make poverty history. We exist to build support for the campaigns we care about, and in the process we empower and train people (with a special emphasis on youth!) to take action and fight for things like fair trade, human rights, protecting our environment, and to end extreme poverty. For more info on how we do this, check out our website .
Lokahi does all sorts of stuff: we have an after school program and curriculum, we do lots of media/event related stuff, we are cause marketing and graphic design guru's (at least in our own minds...), we do consulting and run summer internships. Our main program, though, is our concert outreach. We’re ‘roadies with a cause’, creating change by taking campaigns on the road with bands like U2, Coldplay, the Dave Matthews Band, Pearl Jam, the Indigo Girls and the VANS Warped Tour. Grassroots campaigning is crazy, being on tour is even crazier, but somehow we’ve managed to blend the two into a finely tuned, inspiring machine that gets people empowered, well trained and doing good.
Basically, we kick ass, but you know, in a good way.
The past few years we have been working with the ONE Campaign , Witness , ACLU , Doctors Without Borders and Oxfam's Make Trade Fair Campaign . We also have registered and educated tens of thousands of young voters over the last couple of years, and are gearing up to register hundreds of thousands over the next few years. We get to spread the word and build support for these important campaigns while also working with lots of very cool volunteers in the process!
Shoot us a myspace message or email for more info!
PS: Check out our You Tube page!

My Interests

Besides this and life on the road , we are in general very interested in social justice, conspiracy theories, the great ‘alligator versus the wolverine’ debate, tour photos , The Feesh and Paris the Pony, learning stuff , making fun of Carlos , and good books . Additionally, we would like to thank the following things, organizations and people for making our touring adventures possible: our volunteers and the coordinators at ONE, DATA, Oxfam, CARE, and Witness that are so supportive of our work and partnership, Vitamin Water, Luna Bars, Jet Blue, Coldplay, the Dave Matthews Band, U2, the entire production team at Warped, the Indigo Girls, Pearl Jam, Budget Rental Car (when they don't make us mad), Kinko's (even though they always make us mad), Whole Foods, Mary's Sidekick (it's still a love-hate thing, even though she tells us she no longer has it), Priceline.com, Dunkin Donuts, Josh’s Boston accent that always makes us think of Dunkin Donuts, Southwest Airlines, Brande's mom , Dan's mom, Intern Brian's dad for giving us pudding, Fed Ex (when they don't screw up), Aunt Annies Instant Mac and Cheese, Mapquest and Google Earth, Alex, Allyson and Bo on DMB, Bofunk on Warped (to go with the 'Bo' theme) and merch guys in general that are nice to us, out of control truck stops, Taco Bell, Apple computers (we are officially all Mac dorks) Red Bull, Staples, Eagle Creek, Pirate Booty, ipods, those machines where you can use the arm to grab a toy to win, Bennigans, Holiday Inn's, and caffeine in whatever form it may come. If you are affiliated with one of the products listed above and would like to give us free stuff for thanking you, we welcome any of your generous gifts, especially those from Apple and Vitamin Water.
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I'd like to meet:

You. There are a lot of people that think like we do, and we wanna meet them. We wanna meet VOLUNTEERS that want to join us in rockin' social justice. We want to meet more extra cool volunteers that will help us out AND bring us cookies. Other non-profits, campaigns and organizations that would like to partner with us. Band and record labels that want to partner with us. We want to meet activists, teachers, organizers, artists, musicians, and do-gooders in general working to make the world a better place. We want to ‘re-meet’ people that we met on tours the past few years. We use this Myspace page to let you know about volunteer opportunities where you can join us and help out, so if you're interested, be sure to add us! We also post news, funny road stories, internship openings and lots of other stuff. Check out our tour blog and photos for more info on us and what we do.


Punk rock, hip-hop, metal and David Cross. (Seriously, we listen to him over and over and over again...) Otherwise everyone listens to lots of different things, but we have observed that: Carlos and Brande once spent 12 hours on the road listening to nothing but Pavement and Sonic Youth, but they also listen to a lot of punk and hip-hop. Dan is known for blasting Metallica and Slayer at 2am to ‘keep awake’ both himself and the rest of the car while driving. Arron is the reason that we have 12 Billy Joel CD’s in our truck, and he takes it as a personal attack if you change the radio when ELO is on. Josh likes DMB, Mike Doughty and other stuff that Brande and Arron call ‘hippy music’, even though that’s not true and they secretly like a lot of his music. Intern Haley likes stuff similar to Josh, but she gets mad if we say that. Intern Brian mostly has his headphones on and never gets to pick music, so all we know is he likes Incubus and Muse. Kara and Amy are too nice to argue about music. And Intern Pratchi fessed up to being a big ‘ole Sean Paul fan. Our team members that come out for short stints don’t seem to passionately fight over music the way the rest of our crew does, but once Jessica started to cry when Carlos went to play Jay Z’s ‘The Black Album’ for like the 55th time in one day. And of course, we heart those bands that are nice enough to take us out on tour...


We like to play DVD's while in the car. South Park, Ali G, and lots of other stuff....


Is for hotel rooms.


The End of Poverty, Democracy Matters, and random bad magazines.


You can sit on your ass and complain. Or you can do something. Our heroes are those that do something, in every way shape and form possible. We get to meet them everyday. It's a cool job...

My Blog

May updates...

A few quick updates on our end:We want to pick your brain about volunteering - if you have time, please click here:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=imv1FWlaylkwzazsb Cu63Q_3d_3dand take a few minu...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 28 May 2008 11:40:00 PST

Lokahi partnering with Headcount!

Lokahi is very excited to be launching a partnership with our friends at Headcount! We'll be teaming up with their crew to help get 100,000 new voters registered and educated over the course of this s...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:59:00 PST


Lokahi is proud to be working again with our partners at (RED). We are very excited to announce the launch of '(RED) U', a college internship and outreach program that we'll be involved with throughou...
Posted by Lokahi on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:17:00 PST

Turning Vail (RED)

Joining the (RED) community Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson We just got back from a very cold week in Vail! Brian and I were in town for the Vail Film Festival, talking to lots of people...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 05:04:00 PST

Volunteering and internships

Hi everyone!Winter is traditionally our slow time, so sorry for the lack of updates! We've mostly been focused on our after school program and making plans for the year ahead for the past few months. ...
Posted by Lokahi on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:46:00 PST

Common wrap up!

Common volunter crew Virgina Beach Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson Our team just wrapped up a whirlwind tour with Common that took us through the Midwest, southeast and northeast. In the...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:46:00 PST

Dave Matthews Band Wrap Up!

DMB Volunteer Crew in Mountain View, CA Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson It's hard to believe that we already just wrapped a very successful third summer on tour with the Dave Matthews Ba...
Posted by Lokahi on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 05:30:00 PST

A busy weekend...

(RED) volunteer crew! Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson The (RED)/ONE teams were out in full force across the country this past weekend!We met back up with Common, talking to fans at his s...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:53:00 PST

Fighting AIDS in Africa with Common!

Common fans show their support of Converse (RED) Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson We were really excited to get our partnership with Common launched this past weekend! Common is the spok...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:29:00 PST

Florida: part two!

(RED) and ONE volunteers! Originally uploaded by Brande Jackson We continued our trek through Florida this past weekend, working to spread the word about ONE and (RED) to Dave Matthews Band fa...
Posted by Lokahi on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:26:00 PST