Started as a web-clique powered by people all around the globe, [ stop supporting animal cruelty ], the fur trade, animal testing and so many other horrible things out there, the Add-Break Anti-fur Campaign as well as the Add-Break Logo & [ YOU CAN ADD BREAK! ] has become the most powerful Voice of the animals all over the Internet in such a few months since December '07. If you're brand new to this or already got an idea about all this, if you are shocked of very graphic content, sick of inhumane care and treatments for animals, if you are inspired to change, willing to fight and able to learn than you are more than welcome to [ Create, Share, Support, Speak and Get Active ] for those who cannot speak.
George Petrescu,
for Add Break
Join Add-Break
Wear the Anti Fur Trade Webband!
Go to
NOTE: The Webband code is a Javascript and Java is NOT allowed here, that's why you can only get the code from the Official Website
Wear & Support
From the popular wristbands that everyone is wearing supporting a certain cause
Add-Break created The
Anti Fur Webband for your blog, website or journal to wear. Show your support! Select the text ctrl+C to copy and than paste it into your page right under the body tag.
Have questions or concerns? We'd love to hear from you!
Simply login into your e-mail account and send a message to
[email protected]