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Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.- St. Francis of Assisi
"The Valley Spirit never dies, it is the woman, primal mother. Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth, It is there within us all the while, yet barely seen. Use it: It will never fail." - LaoTzu
Those who create, those who give back...
Artists, photgraphers, writers, lovers, dreamers, mothers, fathers,natives,culture driven humans,
Anyone who speaks spanish as I have a deep fixation with the language. EVERYONE WHO HAS A LITTLE COLOR IN THERE LIFE!
genuine, compassionate,
free, opinionated, respectful....
I've been through too much in this life to let anyone make me feel small again. I've grown into something that I was meant to be and not what others have made me. My experiences have burned me, scraped me across the pavement, grabbed me elusively and drowned me, drank me as if I were the last drink...
I've come to this place of rest in my life, a place of peace, joy and love. I have made this place from darkness.
My children give me more joy and life.
My children have opened my eyes to what innocence truly is.I am not here to be "hit up" or to be impressed.Im here more to express myself and my life in some way, and share what beauty I have gained from it, and also to learn from those who believe in beauty, simplicity, grace, comapssion and justice.
Im a lover and a fighter,
sadness and happiness,
a dreamer of everything possible,
a thinker of everything impossible,
a mother,which is the most beautiful thing about me.
a good friend,
a musician,
a painter,
a lover of long walks all over
inside and out,
metaphorically or not.
lover of innocence and beauty
life simple
peace, self control, goals, people who realize true love is unconditional, hater of injustice...
The Kite Runner
Things we lost in the Fire
Whale Rider
Truman Show
Napoleon Dynamite
The Road to Guantanamo
The Piano
The sixth Sense
Hideous Kinky
Blood in Blood out
American me
Fight Club
Rabbit proof fence
The killing fields
The Iron giant
Happy feet
El crimen del padre amaro
The devils Miner
The dark crystal
Cuidad de dios
Boulevard nights
Como agua para chocolate
Amores perros
Paloma de papel
CURENTLY READING: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (excellent read)Finished Highly recommend this book!
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
and The great ARIZONA orphan abduction by Linda Gordon