UN Immigrante profile picture

UN Immigrante

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About Me

Hello my name is UN IMMIGRANTEI am a voice for ALL Immigrants......Un-documented & Documented. I don't believe anyone is a criminal, because of where they were born. My birthday was MAY 1st 2006, the day of the FIRST GREAT AMERICAN BOYCOTT. I have much to share with you about the GREAT things that happened that day.....for starters....the bill HR4437 DID NOT pass in the Senate!!!!! Millions of Supporters nationwide took to the streets,DID NOT go to work or school and the lack of OUR $$$$ spent that day was felt BIGTIME!.......................................... Many would like to silence me for good. Crazy hackers have tried to wiped out Un Immigrantes profile and to discourage me with hate mail. There are so many ignorant indivduals who DO NOT have the facts straight....This GREAT country was built by IMMIGRANTS. I will continue to do all in my power to keep you up to date on everything I learn that affects COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM.......... WE ARE THE ONES....who will bring about changes needed to STOP RAIDS & DEPORTATIONS,IMMIGRATION PRISONS & DETENTION CENTERS (where INNOCENT children & their parents live like INMATES),DEATH WALLS FROM BIENG BUILT ON OUR BORDERS,THE UNFAIR RACIAL PROFILING GOING ON NATIONWIDE,SEPARATION OF FAMILIES...(WE DEMMAND THAT FAMILIES SEPARATED BY DEPORTATION BE RE-UNITED!!!!!) and MILITARY ON THE BORDER........"what the hell?!!!.. WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY!"........We Are Immigrants...NOT Terrorists........... a message to the minute-men......"why aren't YOUR sons & daughters in Iraq???".................................................... ...... The Police Brutality demonstrated by Los Angeles Police on May 1st 2007 was UNCALLED FOR! They MUST be held accountable for their actions!..................................................TH ANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT and GREAT love for your RAZA & ALL Immigrants, Un-documented & DocumentedI will NEVER stop fighting for justice & equality and against ignorance,prejudice,discrimination and racism towards ALL people.........................Much love,respect & peace!.......UN IMMIGRANTE THE GREAT AMERICAN BOYCOTT.......MAY 1, 2006 LA GRAN MARCHA

My Interests

The Great American Boycott....2007 .................................................... ..........................................La Gran Marcha-2007 ............................................... ............................................................ .......... ............................................


May 1, 2006.....The First Great Boycott......................................... ..............................................






CEASAR CHAVEZ MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. EMILIANO ZAPATA ALL MY BEAUTIFUL RAZA/a MAY 17th 2007..........PLEASE READ!....................................................... .............................After weeks of negotiations, it looks like the Senate is nearing a final showdown on comprehensive immigration reform.YOUR SENATORS NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!Despite weeks of effort by immigrant advocates to help introduce a more fair bill in the Senate, Senator Reid last week filed S. 1348, which is identical to the S. 2611 passed last year by the Senate. As we know, this legislation included many harsh provisions expanding detention and deportation and eroding due process. At the same time, the White House has been negotiating with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate on a separate bill that many advocates fear may be as tough on due process and detention issues and less generous on legalization provisions.While the negotiators appeared far apart, it now looks like they may reach a compromise within the next 24-48 hours which would enable them to introduce the White House drafted bill onto the Senate floor. We understand that many provisions expanding detention and deportation and eroding due process will be included in the bill. Senator Reid filed a Motion to Proceed on debate which will be voted on tomorrow. This means that two key decisions will be made tomorrow: 1) whether immigration legislation will proceed and 2) which bill will be considered.YOUR SENATORS NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!Tell your Senators that in any legislation they must restore due process to our immigration system, oppose attempts to expand mandatory detention and deportation laws, and support proposals that create a more safe and humane detention system.Call your Senator and ask him or her to:OPPOSE attempts to expand mandatory detention and deportation grounds. Support proposals that allow immigration judges to weigh circumstances in ALL individual cases. SUPPORT proposals for a safe and humane detention system. Support the Safe and Secure Detention Act and fund alternatives to detention. PROTECT due process in immigration proceedings and keep real judicial review. OPPOSE the expansion of detention beds and the use of military bases as detention centers.Please call the following official(s): 1. U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841 Washington, D.C. office Talking Points: 1) Introduce Yourself: Who you are and why you care (Ex: I work with people or family members affected by detention.) 2) Use the following talking points: 3) OPPOSE attempts to expand mandatory detention and deportation grounds. Support proposals that allow immigration judges to weigh circumstances in ALL individual cases. 4) SUPPORT proposals for a safe and humane detention system. Support the Safe and Secure Detention Act and fund alternatives to detention. 5) PROTECT due process in immigration proceedings and keep real judicial review. 6) OPPOSE the expansion of detention beds and the use of military bases as detention centers. 7) Cite stories of real people affected who would be harmed (if safe and appropriate)2. U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (202) 224-3553 Washington, D.C. office Talking Points: 1) Introduce Yourself: Who you are and why you care (Ex: I work with people or family members affected by detention.) 2) Use the following talking points: 3) OPPOSE attempts to expand mandatory detention and deportation grounds. Support proposals that allow immigration judges to weigh circumstances in ALL individual cases. 4) SUPPORT proposals for a safe and humane detention system. Support the Safe and Secure Detention Act and fund alternatives to detention. 5) PROTECT due process in immigration proceedings and keep real judicial review. 6) OPPOSE the expansion of detention beds and the use of military bases as detention centers. 7) Cite stories of real people affected who would be harmed (if safe and appropriate)................................................ ............................................ THANK YOU! ..............HERE ARE SOME WEBSITES YOU MAY WANT TO CHECK OUT:-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------INS U.S. Citizenship Apply www.USCitizenship.info...................................... .....................................Immigration Free Legal Information & resources on Immigration Law or Lawyers www.FindLaw.com............................................. ...............................Online Immigration www.visanow.com............................................. ................ American Friends Service Committee http://afsc.org/immigrants-rights/default.htm -----------------------------------------------------------A merican Immigration Lawyers Association http://aila.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- CAIR Coalition http://www.caircoalition.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- "Interviews with Detained Immigrants" http://www.ailfvideo1.org/2006video/cair2006.ram ----------------------------------------------------------- Detention Watch Network www.detentionwatchnetwork.org ----------------------------------------------------------- Human Rights First www.humrightsfirst.org ----------------------------------------------------------- Immigrant Legal Resource Center http://ilrc.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Justice for Immigrants (U.S. Catholic Conference) www.justiceforimmigrants.org ----------------------------------------------------------- Midwest Immigrant & Human Rights Center http://www.mihrc.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- National Immigration Forum http://immigrationforum.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights http://nnirr.org/projects/immigrationreform ----------------------------------------------------------- National Immigration Project (National Lawyer's Guild) http://www.nationalimmigrationproject.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------- National Immigration Law Center http://nilc.org/

My Blog

Check out this video: The Death of Amerika

Check out this video: The Death of Amerika Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 01:51:00 PST

Hutto.... Modern Day Concentration Camp

CLOSE HUTTO "RESIDENTIAL CENTER" ! Located in Taylor, Texas Children and Families are being held here as PRISONERS MANY of these children are U.S. Citizens They are held in cells in this facility that...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:11:00 PST

What AMERICA owes it's Illegals....GREAT Blog Sonshine!

What America Owes its 'Illegals'by Barbara EhrenreichThe Nation posted June 12, 2007 (web only) Rush Limbaugh has been expecting liberals to start "whining" about the $5000 fine undocumented immigrant...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:36:00 PST

Senate set for Immigration Battle

The US Senate is set to begin debating a key immigration bill that could give legal status to many of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.Last week, President George W Bush and a bipartisan gr...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Thu, 31 May 2007 01:16:00 PST

Call Your Senator TODAY!

After weeks of negotiations, it looks like the Senate is nearing a final showdown on comprehensive immigration reform.YOUR SENATORS NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!Despite weeks of effort b...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:42:00 PST

WHO Is An Immigrant?................Blog By Sonshine

..> WHO IS AN IMMIGRANT??? Immigration Basics.... Body: I gonna keep it real with u all...... It makes me sick in my stomach when I c all people posting stuff that belittles others.....sssooo ple...
Posted by UN Immigrante on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:11:00 PST