Closing T. Don Hutto and setting the Children Free!
This Evil in the Heart of Texas Must End!
~Texas Indigenous Council ~
Freedom Walk and Protest Vigil
May 24, 2008
12:00 PM - 4:00 pm
T. Don Hutto ‘Residential’ Facility
1001 Welch Street
Taylor, TX
Assemble at Heritage Park, 4th & Main St., Taylor, TX
Assembly Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Procession to Hutto Prison - Protest from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
James Perez y Carnival, Karma & Arma Musical will be performing on behalf of this cause: Please contact Javier : 210- 724-3400 for further details.
Antonio Diaz 210-396-9805
Jose Orta 512-914-7292
Jina Gaytan 210-884-8597
***Saturday 24 May -- Protest in Taylor.***
Please sign this Petition Against T. Don Hutto Detention Center.
Alex Jones Report on T. Don Hutto -- A Must See:
Thank you, stonie~ , for finding this.
Courtesy of Warrior~aka~annie
Banner courtesy of ACRG Asphalt Assault Derby Babe, BeatHer Bailey .
Thank you, Winderella!!!
People who understand incarcerating children for money is fundamentally wrong and are willing to speak truth to power to close this evil in the heart of Texas.
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin
Please join us in doing!!!
small prisonerspoem: small prisoners
to families imprisoned
And how did you crawl out
through bent wide bars?
Baton at your bruised back
and holding the hands of your children?
In orange, ragged, not enough food?
No balls inside, no light for days
while our children sat hands
wrapped on chains to swing,
drinking sunshine
and grass stains?
Did your grief smell like desert dusted snot
inside that black sack as you touched
his hot forehead with the palms of your hands?
~ copyright DRG 2007
Thank you,
Mlle. Omnisciente
Behind bars
A new sun arises today, on one life the night moves on. This is when a child is put away, for a crimeless punishment. A child who is locked away, whose only crime is being someone else's race. Born out right, as a citizen of a nation that we think is so great, how can we call it great if we put a child in a prison and throw their parents away to a country they ran away from, for a life of pride and happiness too. It doesn't seem right to me, to have a child locked away like a criminal that they will never be. How can it be, to tell the horrors of live be hind bars, to a life that is innocent and the criminals we face are now sweeping into the government. We should put them in the place of those children who are locked away for a crimeless reason.
Thank you,Clay
Additional Information
The Children Speak:
Baubonyte v. Chertoff - Declaration of Egle Baubonyte
Bunikyte v. Chertoff - Declaration of Rasa Bunikiene
Verdieu v. Chertoff - Declaration of Sherona Verdieu
Family Profiles in the ACLU's Challenge to the Hutto Detention Center (3/6/2007)
Links of Note:
T Don Hutto Blog
Texas Prison Bidness
Business of Detention
Mobilization Around Texas
Profit Prisons
Texas Civil Rights Review