www.haitiinformationproject.netwww.haitiaction.netwww.fanm.o rg Haitian Women of Miami INC.www.haitisolidarity.netwww.haitianalysis.comwww.blackcom mentator.comwww.ijdh.orgwww.haitiliberte.com THE FREEDOM OF HAITI FROM THE OPPRESSION OF OCCUPYING BABYLONSIGN THE PETITION TO GET THE UN-ITED OPPRESSORS OUT OF HAITI HERE: UN-MINUSTAH STOP THE HAITIAN GENOCIDEWORDS OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF FREEDOM:*“I was born a slave, but nature gave me a soul of a free man….â€*“In overthrowing me, you have done no more than cut down the trunk of the tree of the black liberty in St-Domingue-it will spring back form the roots, for they are numerous and deep.â€*“Whatever defamation of character my enemies are spreading about me, I do not feel the need to justify myself toward them. While discretion obliges me to remain silent, my duty compels me to prevent them from doing any more harm.†REAL SIGNATURE: TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE***********NEVER AGAIN SHALL A COLONIST OR EUROPEAN SET HIS FOOT UPON THIS TERRITORY WITH THE TITLE OF MASTER OR PROPRIETOR REAL SIGNATURE: JEAN JACQUES DESSALINE ****** “I try to focus on empowering people with the skills to critically analyze the commercial media and to act as watchdogs in the interests of international human rights and our own communities. I also work to draw the linkages and explain why we should care about other countries and how our government represents us abroad. I share skills and information that can be applied beyond Haiti. I also relate my experiences as an independent journalist and filmmaker living in Haiti the past seven years and a political analysis of the forces at play in Haitian history and society. “ -Kevin Pina I URGE YOU TO SUPPORT KEVIN PINA'S WORK IN ORDER TO KEEP BEING TRUTHFULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE HAITIAN SITUATION. WE HAVE A MAN THAT GOES WHERE NO OTHER MAN WOULD EVER DARE, THE MARTIN LUTHER KING OF HAITIANSPLEASE DONATE AT THE LINK BELOW SO THAT MR. PINA CAN CONTINUE TO DELIVER US THE TRUTH ABOUT HAITI AND CAN KEEP ON GIVE A VOICE TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. THANK.YOU!Make your tax-deductible contribution today by making your check out to"HIP/MITF" and mailing it to:Marin Interfaith Taskforce P.O. Box 2481 Mill Valley, CA 94942DONATE ONLINE BY CLICKING HEREFOR MORE INFO ABOUT KEVIN PINA, PLEASE VISIT: WWW.HAITI INFORMATION PROJECT.COM
Filmmaker Kevin Pina challenges the contemporary view of Haiti, revealing the hidden role of the 'international community' in Haitian politics. This provocative and lively film takes the viewer into parts of Haiti where few Western journalists dare to tread, and includes shocking footage of unreported human rights abuses, some which have been astonishingly conducted by UN forces. Pina's film stands out because it connects the tragic events in Haiti with what he assesses as foreign intervention designed to deter democracy. Learn the side of the Haiti coverage not seen in the corporate news media. ********** Harvest of Hope is the quintessential primer for understanding the roots of the current crisis in Haiti. The film dramatically captures seminal moments in the history of Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Lavalas movement that swept him into the presidency in December 1990. Haiti: Harvest of Hope was originally planned as a documentary about democracy coming to Haiti with the election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in December 1990. During the final editing of the original (late September 1991) Haiti was struck by yet another military coup. Editing of the first version came to a halt as Kevin Pina (the filmmaker) returned to Haiti and spent the next three weeks chronicling the brutality and machinations of Haiti's new military leaders and their supporters. Kevin Pina returned to Haiti in late July 1993 just after the negotiation of the Governor's Island Accord between the Haitian Government in exile and General Raoul Cedras. Pina returned again in 1994 to film Aristide's return to Haiti. The world television premiere of Harvest of Hope was in Haiti on Mother's Day, March 28, 1994. The broadcast was dedicated to the mothers of Haiti who sacrificed so much during the years of the coup to restore democracy to Haiti. ********** Make no mistake, we are witnessing a coup taking place on the island nation of Haiti. The forced departure of Haitian President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was something that the Bush administration has been trying to do for years. It saw the opportunity,and — wham! — it took it.Now, it has installed a puppet as Prime Minister, and tries to install a president to it's liking. This is what American 'democracy' means; the power to impose US imperial will on a sovereign government. ********** This video shows the role of the UN in Cite Soleil **********THE UN-TOLD STORY OF HAITI. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS**WARNING EXTREME GRAPHICS, VERY DISTURBING VIDEO, THESE TRUTHS MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR SOME VIEWERS. IF THE VIDEOS IS TOO BRUTAL FOR OUR EYES ...WE STILL HAVE EARS, SO CLOSE YOUR EYES AND LISTEN WHAT THE COMMENTATOR SAYS...BUT PLEASE DON'T CLOSE YOUR HEART WHAT THEY DIDN'T SHOW US OF THE July 2005 Killings in Haiti********** YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW CREOLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE UN LAUNCHED AN ATTACK AGAINST A "GANG" IN CITE SOLEIL JANUARY 2007********** Brazilian troops open fire in Pele, a neighbourhood bordering Haiti's largest slum, Cite Soleil. MARCH 2007 SCENES OF WAR, AREN'T THE OFFICIALS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SUPPOSED TO BRING AND KEEP PEACE?? IN HAITI AND IN OTHER COUNTRIES SUCH AS CONGO, KOSOVO, CAMBODIA, RWANDA, AND EAST TIMOR, THEY ACTUALLY BRING PROSTITUTION, OPPRESSION , GENOCIDE AND POLITICAL/SOCIAL/ECONOMICAL UNREST**********Check this short video and tell me who is doing the shooting and who is walking "protesting" peacefully?? PAP/LES CAYES APRIL 2008 (people are protesting because of the rise of food prices, yet they have been accused of vandalism acts towards the UN officials, but look for yourself who's killing who...6 deads.**********WHAT EVER YOUR RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL BELIEF IS, I ASK YOU PLEASE TO SEND A THOUGHT OF FREEDOM , RECOVERY AND LOVE TO HAITIANS, A PRAYER, A MINUTE IN SILENCE, A CONVERSATION TO GOD, ANYTHING... BUT PLEASE HEALING VIBES AND JUSTICE PRAYERS TO HAITI RIGHT NOW .IF YOU THINK YOU ARE TOO SMALL TO BE EFFECTIVE, YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BED WITH A MOSQUITO***PEACE***
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
"Loose Change Part 1"
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911 Loose Change (3rd Part)
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