Warrior aka ~annie~ profile picture

Warrior aka ~annie~

Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being. K.Gibran

About Me

I believe in: **Human Rights and equality for all **Democratic Socialism (Workers, not corporations nor govt, own resources, production, industry) **If we do not seek peace and justice with our neighbor, we will never create it globally. **No one owns anything nor anyone. **Life, Love, Wisdom are gifts to be shared. **Memories are the only things which you will transport with you when you leave the earth. **Moderation in all things. Especially consumerism.My Loves: **My beautiful daughters who have turned out perfect despite me. **My precious grandkids who remind me daily how wondrous life is. **My hard working and protective son-in-law who teaches me what strength is. **My compassionate and passionate husband who never fails to amaze me with his acceptance of my weirdness.My Dislikes: **Judgmental attitudes **Having ideals or beliefs shoved down my throat. **Disrespect for others and earth. **Tired, Old conspiracies (if you choose to chase ghost vs working for positive change thats fine, just leave me out of it)
You scored as Anarcho-Communist. Anarcho-communists seek to build a society based upon a decentralised federation of autonomous communes and a moneyless 'gift economy'. The movement first emerged in the late 19th century and has had a large influence particularly in Spain, Italy and Russia. Key thikers include Peter Kropotkin and Errico Malatesta.






Christian Anarchist





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Thoughts From Within
A Poem by Woody Harrelson


Some really good music I found here:



The Sacred Instructions given by the Creator to Native people at the time of Creation were as follows:A. To Take Care of Mother Earth and the other 3 colors of Man.B. To Respect this Mother Earth and Creation.C. To Honour All life, and to support that Honour.D. To be Grate-ful from the heart for All life. It is through life that there is Survival. Thank the Creator at All times for All life.E. To Love and express that love.F. To be Humble. Humility is the gift of wisdom and understanding.G. Kindness. To be Kind with one-self and with others.H. Sharing. The Sharing of feelings and personal concerns and commitments.I. Honesty. To be Honest with one-self and with others. To be Responsible for those Sacred Instructions and to administrate those Instructions to other Nations.



Links to some of my blogs:
Neo-Nazism or Neo-Fascism
Who is Annie?
United we stand; Divided we fall/plus a couple of videos
Groups where you can recieve email digest for information sharing, news, and activist alerts.
My Thoughts on Ron Paul,and Dennis Kucinich;LA times article on Being Too Rich
"Hemp Will Save The Earth" and Videos
Human Rights and Immigration & Shaquanda Cotton Needs You
The heart of a mother
Have you really taken the Red Pill of truth?
Eminent Domain, Double Taxation, and Corrupt Government
Shop Responsibly
Cerebellum Cyberspace Cosmos & Mapping the Universe Movie & "To all my relations" a beautiful video
Bush in Latin America Slide Show
When Worlds Collide or The making of Propaganda & A View Of Socialism
Proud Americans & Costa Rica Protests Free Trade Scam! & Chomsky On Latin American Unity & Venezuela Nationalizes Orinoco Oil & How Archer Daniels Midland cashes in on Mexico's tortilla woes & Contrast in current events & Death penalty: state-sanctioned murder
Remember Wounded Knee 1973!
Native American History in Videos
Ralph Nader on the Seventeen Traditions & Bush budget offers $32.7 billion in tax cuts to Wal-Mart & Illegal Immigrant Game Sparks Massive Protests&Soldiers&Civilians Depleted Uranium Questions Connection&Nelson Mandela
Explain yourself Alex Jones!
Why Socialism? Albert Einstein
Hate begats Hate
Should Border Patrol agents be Pardoned?
one reason I believe in Socialism
Teaching our Children
Why are we being lied to about undocumented workers?
What will socialism look like?
The Iraqi Mujahideen Army
Economics/Crime/Culture and undocumented workers


My Blog

I am sick of you: My rant for the month

I am sick of you who talk about immigrants as though they were a disease. I am sick of you who talk of doing away with federal income tax. I am sick of you who want to return to the "old" w...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:12:00 PST

Warning: Bulletins can be Hazardous to your Health

I received the bulletin below and my first thought was "OMG how many people could these half truths kill?"So as a nurse, a patient with a chronic illness, and a firm believer in holistic medicine; I a...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:40:00 PST

Ramos, Compean, the need for Journalist Integrity, and my pics of counter protest

Copyright Fair Use Notice:  This material is distributed without profit. It is available but without limitation to advance education, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, social justice issues,...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:23:00 PST

From which fountain does your truth flow?

I must agree with my friend on this statement:The purpose of this message is to expose the "hidden" agenda of the autoproclamed "truth seekers".I'm tired of bulletins with classic nazi propaganda.Even...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 10:17:00 PST

Shes Elvira Arellano

I just found out her myspace profile is now set to private. She had so much on there which gave a feeling for who she is I wanted to share some of it. She's Elvira ArellanoCa...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:17:00 PST

Want most truth seekers don't want you to see

Just how they have discredited the whole movement. Many of us do believe it was an inside job. But not the way the truthers say it was. No Planes, everybody is involved in the conspiracy, Zionist were...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:20:00 PST

We're a dying Entity or how I met my husband

This is in response to a bulletin, it is an excellent one, makes very good points. and knowing I myself had fallen into the category of dumping the good guys for the bad boys, as well as being dumped ...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:42:00 PST

Parasitic Economics or The Movement of US Economic Base

For years the US economics have been based primarily on three things: Military and Oil. Both creating what Ismael Hossein-zadeh calls the Parasitic Imperialism.I am using a brief outline of his articl...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:22:00 PST

The Line has been drawn: The camps of US citizens

The more I read, The more rallies I attend, The more "real" news I listen to; The more I feel the people are dividing themselves up into two different, opposite camps. This really has little to do wit...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:34:00 PST

Ron Paul: Finances, Racism, and Cultism

I know there will be a "select group" of Ron Paul supporters which will swarm this blog like an angry nest of killer bees. Never really reading, following  the links, or open mindingly researchin...
Posted by Warrior aka ~annie~ on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:02:00 PST