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Frederick Douglass Descendant Runs to Help Save Others
Team Abolition Successfully Completes Run for Freedom
Las Vegas, NV–Dec. 2, 2007- Representatives of the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation triumphantly crossed the finish line of the Las Vegas Half Marathon in a symbolic gesture of the foundation’s determination to bring the issue of modern-day slavery to the forefront. Kenneth B. Morris, Jr., the great-great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass and president of the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation was the first to celebrate. The 45-year-old amateur runner completed the course in an impressive two hours and nine minutes. Morris is a direct descendant of the legendary abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Foundation Executive Vice President Robert Benz followed shortly afterwards, overcoming a painful knee and shin injury to finish the 13.1-mile course in two hours and 28 minutes.While most of the media attention for this Las Vegas event was focused on the runners in Elvis and Santa costumes, “running divas” and even people who got married along the race course, there were dozens of people who were running for important causes such as AIDS awareness. The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation leads the way to focus the nation’s attention on the continuing issue of human trafficking in this city that is gaining more notoriety because of the prevalence of modern day slavery in the sex industry.More representatives from the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation and members of the Las Vegas Police department’s unit that combats human trafficking cheered the runners as they crossed the finish line. The Run for Freedom was particularly designed for the Las Vegas half marathon. The race took on an additional significance since it was held on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery… December 2nd. That special designation was acknowledged by the United Nations in 1949.“It was so gratifying to see people embrace each other and even break down in tears as they crossed the finish line,” said Morris. “I even started tearing up after I finished when I realized that we had accomplished something we’ve never done before.”Monetary pledges were made to President Morris and Executive Vice President Benz as they worked for months to prepare for the marathon. Dozens of people from around the world continue to pledge financial support for the FDFF.The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation ( was launched as a means of protecting and preserving the legacy of the great abolitionist, orator, author and newspaper editor. The mission of the foundation is to raise awareness about modern-day slavery and to finance the individuals and organizations that are supporting its victims.Kenneth Morris and other members of Team Abolition are available for interviews about their marathon experience and about the work of FDFF.
Las Vegas, NV–Nov. 24, 2007- A direct descendant of legendary abolitionist Frederick Douglass will participate in an act of devotion and dedication to the cause of his great great-great grandfather. Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. will lead the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation team…Team Abolition…as they run the Las Vegas Half Marathon on December 2nd. Morris and others are participating in a Run For Freedom to bring more worldwide attention to the presence of modern day slavery.As president of the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation, Morris says the race takes on added significance since it will be held on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery…as declared by the United Nations in 1949. Morris is an amateur daily runner, but this is the first time he has taken on the challenge of a half marathon. It is even more appropriate that he is running for his cause in a city becoming known for human trafficking related to the sex industry. The Las Vegas Police department has an entire unit devoted to stopping human trafficking. “It’s stunning to know that more than a century after the death of my great great-great grandfather, this kind of abuse and victimization continues to plague communities here in the United States and across the world,” says Morris. “We dedicate our lives to the work of Frederick Douglass to eradicate modern day slavery once and for all.”Morris says he hopes the FDFF team’s participation in this year’s race will raise money to help groups and individuals around the country who are trying to put a stop to this heinous activity. Joining Morris will be the foundation’s Executive Director, Robert Benz.The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation ( was launched as a means of protecting and preserving the legacy of the great abolitionist, orator, author and newspaper editor. The mission of the foundation is to raise awareness about modern-day slavery and to finance the individuals and organizations that are supporting its victims.Morris and other members of Team Abolition will be available for interviews at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center before and after the race. Contact Sidmel Estes-Sumpter to schedule an interview at 770-460-7647 or 404-630-1976.
White House welcomes Frederick Douglass Family Foundation for Human Trafficking Roundtable
Washington DC, October 29, 2007 – The White House reaffirmed its commitment to addressing the problem of Modern-day Slavery both here and abroad when it hosted a Compassion in Action Roundtable called Faith-based and Community Solutions to Human Trafficking. The purpose of the conference was to facilitate discussion between policy makers, government officials, philanthropists, faith-based and service providers as well as a variety of the country’s leading experts on the subject of Human Trafficking. Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Faith-based and Community Initiatives, led the proceedings by presenting the US government’s position on the issue of Human Trafficking. Also on hand was Ambassador Mark Logan from the US Department of State. Among the topics presented were stories of success in rescuing sex slaves and indentured servants by Gary Haugen, President and CEO of International Justice Mission, Dr. Beth Grant, FAAST curriculum project leader and Co-Founder of Project Rescue Eurasia and Katherine Chon, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Polaris Project. One of the day’s most moving presentations was by 15 year old, Zach Hunter, Teen Abolitionist and Founder of Loose Change to Loosen Chains. With his second book due out in early 2008, he’s proof of what a powerful source of positive change young people can be. Kenneth B. Morris, Jr., President, Frederick Douglass Family Foundation and Robert J. Benz, Executive Vice President, were invited to attend the event. Mr. Benz noted that, “The issue of Modern-day Slavery and Human Trafficking has barely reached the American consciousness and, yet, it truly is a human rights crisis that affects every country in the world. Events such as these will allow organizations who are working to end slavery once and for all to better coordinate their efforts and resources.” The legacies of both William Wilberforce and Frederick Douglass were evoked repeatedly during the day with Jay Hein giving special recognition to Ken Morris; great-great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass and great-great grandson of Booker T. Washington.

The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation (FDFF) was co-founded in June 2007 by Nettie Washington Douglass and son Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. The FDFF exists to honor and preserve the legacy of Frederick Douglass and to create awareness about modern-day slavery in an effort to expedite its demise.
The founders represent a remarkable living history. Ms. Douglass and Mr. Morris are direct descendants of Frederick Douglass , the man called “the father of the civil rights movement” and Booker T. Washington , the famed educator and founder of Tuskegee Institute.
Through the union of Ms. Douglass’ mother, Nettie Hancock Washington (granddaughter of Booker T. Washington) and her father, Dr. Frederick Douglass III (great grandson of Frederick Douglass), the founders have united the bloodlines of two of the most important names in American history.
As one of history’s most noted Abolitionists, Frederick Douglass dedicated himself to the cause of freedom and that of equality for every man and woman. The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation will continue the work of its prominent namesake by raising awareness of the enduring crisis of modern-day slavery wherever it may exist. Funds that are raised through grants, donations, appearance fees and the sale of merchandise will go to support organizations that are working to stop modern-day slavery and those assisting its victims.
Frederick Douglass Series, No. 21
JACOB LAWRENCE (1917-2000)
End mission:
We want to motivate people to rally behind this cause. This space will be the flash point for people to get news and information on how they can help and get involved in the cause. Click here to contact us at The Frederick Douglass Family Foundation
Frederick Douglass was the most important voice for the abolition of slavery in the 19th Century. The FDFF will continue our ancestor's goal to end slavery and "Nurture a 21st Century Abolitionist Movement."

My Interests

Genarlow Wilson is free!


Tom Joyner Foundation Offers Scholarship to Genarlow Wilson to Attend Morehouse College

(Dallas – January 10, 2008) The Atlanta man, who spent two years in prison for having consensual sex while a teenager, will attend Morehouse College this spring, thanks to a gift from The Tom Joyner Foundation, an educational non-profit founded by the nationally syndicated radio personality.

captured by the world
new generations of slaves
find comfort therein

haiku by Doc Eagle

Sudanese slaves await redemption in Madhol, Sudan, in December 1997. An Arab trader sold 132 former slaves, women and children, for $13,200 (in Sudanese money) to a member of Christian Solidarity International.


What Life is All About

Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many friends you have. Or how accepted you are.Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you are alone. It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, or how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with anyone at all. It isn't about who you have kissed. It's not about sex.It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have, or what kind of car you drive, or where you are sent to school. It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are, or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to. It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown. Or if your skin is too light or too dark.Not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. It's not about what clubs you're in or how good you are at "your" sport.It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing you will "accept the written you."But, life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully. It's about keeping or betraying trust. It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon. It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening.About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip. It's about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to. It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention. It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge. It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow, and spreading it.But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone.

I'd like to meet:

In order to help abolish all forms of slavery once and for all, we need the support of people like you. In the days prior to the formal launch of the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation, we will gather the names and contact information for those wishing to become involved with the foundation. Through frequent email correspondence, we will show you how to raise and donate funds, volunteer, attend events, and engage in the fight to end modern-day slavery. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT FOR ABOLITION!!

"What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?
I answer, a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.
To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence;
your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy--a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.
There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and more bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour."

From an oration delivered on the Fourth of July, 1852, to the citizens of Rochester, New York.



Our intention on
All who yearn for peace, love & healing on our planet
Unite together in Song, Prayer and
on Nov. 11th @ 11:11 am
in your own time zone
Share this with everyone you know!
Join us in creating the butterflies wave.




Poem Unrecited, Scream Unscreamed:
I am living inside a pieceOf poetry. A poem isBreathing, seething,Inside of me.Its rawBeats hypnoticallyDrive this vehicle ofMy speechAnd I regurgitateIts rhythm most eloquently.
I amLiving inside a piece ofPoetry so deep, Frederick DouglassSpeaks thru me. His quakingVerse, his EpicSoliloquy lives deep insideOf Me. And I haveYet to recite it...
At least out loud,Cause its beatsMight implode insideYour throbbing solar plexus...Cause its cadenceMight ejectFeces fromYour constipatedAsses… causeIts inner drumMight cause some toShout, to spasm,To thrash and whirlIn Voodoo dance…Cause its fever, its heat,
Might entrance ya
Shake ya
Bake ya
Make yaCatch "Duh Vapors"Babies! And havtuhFan yourselves!!
No. I don’t thinkYou’re quite readyTo delve into thisPoetry. Living,seething inside of meCause it mightCause me toStrip-tease
Expose me…
To whip outMy metaphoricalDick and dangleThese metaphysicalBalls…
and the sightOf all this blackAnd raging nudityMight just scareThe hell outtaY’all. Nah!
So, I’maKeep this poetryDeep inside meLike a jones,Like a whisper,Like a blood-curdlingSCREAM!I’ma keep it stashedTight like contrabandLike a drug toThese teamingEardrums…
But you’ll seeIts bits, its pieces, andDetect its stanzasAs its rage manifestsIn my eyes… you’ll hearIts rhythmic echoesInherentIn the panther-like gaitOf my stride.
You’ll feel it emanateAnd decipher itsWildness…The vague specificsOf its howling hieroglyphicsEtched on my foreheadIn my mostSilent moments.
Microphone check1. 2. 1. 2..I bet this sameUn-recited poetryKicks and fidgetsAnd screams unscreamedAs it dwells underneath,And livesAnd breedsSomeplaceDeep
Like a VerbalStew.
Frederick Douglass, I amChanneling YOU!
Microphone check..Microphone check..Microphone check..1. 2. 1. 2.
I saw you standing In Harlem At sunset... your elaborate Dreads, dancing On wind. And I dreamed You were A Poem.
A Black And defiant Poem... with the spine of Frederick Douglass and And the posture of Harriet.You spoke to me In hypnotic chants. And I dreamed You were this ancient Dance of a poem...
Inherited your moves From Kings and Queens. Your regal Silhouette Reminding me of Royalty. WithoutYour proper jewels, Without your rightful Artifacts, But with astounding Simplicity, so Beautiful. So Black.
I dreams you were The First Portrait In Time and Creation...The Art, The Masterpiece This world had Forgotten. Your lasting Picture-poem Was framedIn a Still-life...
And painted On the streets ofHarlem.
By L.M. Ross
Snatch JOY!

My Blog


21ST CENTURY SLAVERY WITH US AT HOME AND ABROAD By Muthoni Thang'wa Recently, the Press carried the story of a young Kenyan implicated in gangland shooting in Chicago, United States, in which a lit...
Posted by FREDERICK DOUGLASS FAMILY FOUNDATION on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:55:00 PST