Anne Frank profile picture

Anne Frank

HATING 1 group to unite another group NO NotAgain

About Me

in the RockOperetta titled "the plural of deer are finally Here" Introducing the Cast member called "the angel of anne frank" ////// story - Anne Frank hid from the evil Nazis. She lived in a tiny room w/ little food and there was no quality of life. Today wherever there is WAR there are many more Anne Franks wishing WAR would end. Today thousands of innocent people fear USA bombs and USA foreign policy. Let's all try to find the Anne Frank's of today and this TIME .... come to HER rescue ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// Above I described the parallel between the persecution of Anne Frank and the victims injured by Today's war in iraq. There are also millions of Anne Franks trapped by Political & Economic Policies promoted by Developed Nations. USA leads the fight in keeping developing countries down. USA foreign policy is dictated by un-Checked Multi-National Corporations rigging unScrupulous business transActions for an unFair edge. Some Other players participate in this diabolical cabal. Fortune 500 CEOs, Military Officers, Defense Industry Corps, Politicians, and some US citizens collectively Benefit unFairly from extracting raw materials and labor out of the Third World under the umbrella excuse called "keeping costs down and profits up." So while USA shareholders demand higher returns on their investment, the hunt for cheap factory operating costs Results in Transforming third world cities into slums.... all in exchange for boosting US investments. Anne Frank of today is also the little girl that goes to work in a factory in cd. Juarez to make garments & toys of Misery for Rich USA citizens that demand deals at the shopping mall. The child belongs in school but instead works excruciating Days coercively obligated to sewing machines staring at an ugly barbed wire fence... and on the North side of the fence Lexus, Mercedes, & Hummers Buzz by with bumper stickers that PROMOTE an Evil Regime that will use military force to keep the Earths Poorest Poor trapped behind a Harmful & Heinous Fence. There is hope and the stewardess will be offering recommendations for remedy. Slavery shall End soon as the physical fence disappears and the Coercive Political and Economic Forces dissolve and thus and therefore Anne Frank shall be rescued. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////Many teachers are challenged with keeping the classRoom Activies INteresting and Varied to Spark the interest of Students///////Some Teachers Have Asked for Details on the "Angel of Anne Frank" Learning Unit taught at the Dixie DEER Academy. Some details of the lesson plan are found in the blog near the top of this page. ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Title of Learning Unit.... " Lets LEARN from the PAST " //////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////ok Teachers, sharpen your Pencils, here are the main Action Points but I will also email you privately for the Precise Lesson plan which you will adjust for your unique classroom. WE ALL LEARN FROM EACH OTHER in a COOPERATIVE WAY /////////////////////////////////////////// STEP 1 ////////////////////////// You start with a Presposterous statement to see if ClassRoom is Listening EXAMPLE Shock Statement: "Hitler was Just Like Santa Claus because he made so many people Happy and Was nice to all Children ! " ///////////////////////////////////////////////at First You will get some strange looks but this is YOUR Conduit into their Curious Minds and this will JUMPSTART their Busy Brains to start the serious talks,,, Now you have their attention and Together the CLASSROOM will cooperate and Discover why the Shock Statement is SO UTTERLY Preposterous !! The Students Will LIGHT up Like Angels as they are suPer Eager to discuss Meaningful topics. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STEP 2 Ask them to close their Eyes for a moment. Guide them towards visualizing the eerie dark room and discuss HIDING. Create silence, use scary words to teach empathy and ask them to place their sweet little angel heads uPon their Desks. Eyes remain shut. Now Transition into conducting a silent Vote......Here is your Very Very important Poll Question that you Announce to your StuDents. ////////////////////////////// Q: If you could go back in Time and Stop Hitler from Hurting millions of People...Would you? /////////////////////////////////////// Tell them they must not answer right away but they have to meditate on this Serious question for a while. Tell them they are not to Peak as this is also an honesty TEST. unDoubtedly the results of your poll will show favorable results,,, All the children will raise their hands High in the Air acKnowledging that they Would TRY and STOP an Evil DicTator. Then the rest of the Learning unit explores themes centered around social order, fairness, human rights and rescue strategies. Discuss specifically what mistakes were made in the past and how society can Learn and correct negative behavior.Encourage the Students to discuss how they would RESCUE others from EVIL. This will spark many meaningful discussions about their Future.For the teachers who have emailed Me,,,I promise I will get back in touch with each of you PRIVATELY over the next FEW DAYS..........More learning activities are documented in the Lesson plan blog near the top of this page. //////////////////// ///////// the Diary songLyrics //////// Figure it Out on your own....Time and SHIVER each time we are Cold and Tired I wish that THEY'd Leave us ALONE...or Figure it out on their own !and if we wait and see surround us and then we will bleed BEfore the count of 3 They'll Come to our RESCUE to our RESCUENone of the NAZIs are Blind .... or OLD I'm Getting Better at Reading their Mind...I'm told In Hiding NO SCREAMING from pain ...OR Crying from Thoughts in OUR BrainBut we CAN't Wait and SEE What if they Catch us ..We'll FLEE Before the Count of 3 They'll come to our Rescue to our Rescue /////Nazi Voice [german overdub] " clear the Attic !!! WHERE ARE They Hiding ? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

My Interests


Member Since: 11/10/2007
Band Members: :
Please Hear an Important Message from Dixie Deer:
Geese Soar Thru Planet’s Air & NO Barbed Wire Interferes:

Fish Move Thru SEA Not Bothered by Border Security :

Nadie es ilegal:

No more deportations

No more detentions

Fair immigration = Humans Travel like Geese & Fish

BORDER FENCE DISAPPEARS: by Christmas 2008, fecha optimista.

The Angel of Anne Frank teaches today on the Border. Barbed Wire:
was Evil during Hitler’s regime and barbed wire is Evil Today. Let’s:
Learn from History !:

Sweatshops = Slavery. The evil fence blocks access to higher wages & ugly fence traps millions into violent poverty.:

Christmas Poem:
====== by Jon Forrest Little =========:

The Geese Soar Thru the Planet’s Air:
They’Re HindeRed Not by Barrier:

LikeWise the Fish:
Move Thru the Sea:
NAY bothered They ...:
by armedSecurity?:

and Thru the Forrest skips a DEER:
She’s Free to Leap:
without the FEAR:

Whats Fine enough for Geese and Fish :
and This shall be my Christmas Wish:

That huMans learn from Fish and Flight:
What’s that Sound ?:
Not Outta Sight ............Rustling, thicket ,branches ,leaves,:

soAring, Swimming, Coral Reef ,:
Breezy, Echoes, Blooming TREES...:

it’s Darling Dixie Deer:
and Disappearing Border FEAR:
& self Destructing Barrier:

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////

Yo soy dixie el venadito, quiero ser tu amigo, vivamos juntos en un mundo:
sin Fronteras, amor y paz siempre, abrazos y besos, saludos desde planet earth:

Influences: Angel of Anne Frank //////////////////We are a human project comparing the US-Mexico border fence to Deadly & Dangerous fences throughout World History. We believe that Humans on planet earth shall Learn from history & NOT RePeat the MiseRable mistakes that lead to unNecessary DEATH.thanks for visiting the angel of Anne Frank Page. ///////////////////////////////////Our objectives are: 1. food for hungry, Refresh the Thirsty, 2. affordable housing for homeless 3. WorldWide uniVersal medicine for sick 4. Stop illegal WAR crimes in Iraq. this War is illegal, immoral, & unWise 5. Fair immiGration w/ NO MORE DEPORTATIONS, NO MORE ugly barbed wire US-Mexico [AuschWitz Looking] border Fence. //////////////Thank you for JOINING our page . Our obJectives are rooted in common sense vs. rigging a system of trade that preys on trapping OTHERS in neoSlavery. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////Anne Frank hid from the evil Nazis. She lived in a tiny room w/ little food and there was no quality of life. Today wherever there is WAR there are more Anne Franks wishing WAR would end. Today thousands of innocent people fear USA bombs and USA foreign policy. Let's all try to find the Anne Frank's of today and this time come to HER rescue ! URGENT DISCLAIMER - no disrespect towards the current German citizens. Yes your ancestors did allow an evil man to rise to *power ,,but that happens all the time here in USA & throughout World - Maybe it is the pursuit of *power that is the chief problem regardless of era & nationality
Sounds Like: song titled - The Diary/////////////Words and music Jon Forrest Little///////// Church Camp///////////////// copyRight MM7//////////////// All Rights Reserved ///////////////// the angel of Anne Frank page is managed by church camp...please feel free to ask the angel of Anne Frank for Friendship or details on Rescue strategies and please also contact church camp for friend requests & correspondence //////// Teachers may email church camp for the Learning Unit //////////// NO HATE MAIL please//////// More info on SweatShops and ending neo-Slavery at DisneyMisery. /////////////////

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

19 ClassRooms Now Using angel of Anne Frank Lesson Plan !

  It is tough being a teacher, Hardest work, longest hours, Easy to catchillNess.  By keeping the Learning day interesting and Varied the students tend to enjoy the school day more  res...
Posted by Anne Frank on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:13:00 PST

the Dixie Manifesto

           the diXie ManiFesTo================================================The Sperm & Egg Unite       &nbs...
Posted by Anne Frank on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:06:00 PST

video titled "Rompa la Frontera"

Reduce the TV size for Better Resolutionanimation by Richard Kellymusic by Jon Forrest Little [dixieDeer}rompa la frontera - reduce TV size for Better Results .....
Posted by Anne Frank on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:40:00 PST

diXie DeeR & disAppeaRinG BoRder FeaR

       Please Hear an Important Message from Dixie DeerGeese Soar Thru Planet’s Air & NO Barbed Wire Interferes Fish Move Thru SEA Not Bothered by Border Security ...
Posted by Anne Frank on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:52:00 PST