SON DEL CENTRO profile picture


Mi jarana es guerrillera...

About Me

Son del Centro is a group of companeros and camaradas who are students, musicians, activists, dancers, friends and organizers from various parts of Santa Ana, California.The group was formed to create a space for youth to explore their traditions, creativity and consciousness, through son jarocho music. Inspired by the Jarocho groups from Mexico brought to Southern California by El Centro Cultural, this group of youth began attending son jarocho classes about three years ago, and fell in love with the music....................................................... ............................................................ .. Por medio de los talleres de son jarocho que se ofrecen en el Centro Cultural de México en Santa Ana, California, se formo el grupo de Son del Centro quienes son compañeros y camaradas, estudiantes, músicos, activistas, bailadores, amigos y organizadores de varios partes de Santa Ana, California, y ciudades cercanas. Por mas de tres años el grupo ha servido como pilar económico para este espacio cultural. Cuando invitados a tocar para diferentes eventos, el dinero recaudado se le entrega directamente al espacio para cubrir sus gastos. Además han participado solidariamente con diferentes campañas socio-políticas como la Coalición de Trabajadores Immokalee (CIW), promoviendo la música jarocha como un herramienta movilizadora. En si el grupo presenta y promueve el son jarocho a varias comunidades y crea un espacio en donde los jóvenes de la comunidad pueda explorar sus tradiciones, creatividad y consciencia dentro del son jarocho.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/26/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Ana Siria Urzua, Laura Cambrón, Pedro Lopez, Jorge Rodriguez, Natasha Noriega, Kimberly Mercado, OLIN, Jesus Gutierrez, Roxana, Luis Sarmiento, Edlin Lopez, Salvador Sarmiento, Carolina Martinez, Esmeralda Rodriguez, Crystal Gonzales, Luis Flores, Oscar, Juan Ruiz.
Sounds Like: -- CDBABY LINK for SON DEL CENTRO: Mi Jarana es mi Fusil... -- SON DEL CENTRO: Mi Jarana es mi Fusil...

Son del Centro is a group of youth community activists that use the Jarana as their weapon of choice. The outcome is a NON-PROFIT musical group, where all the members are volunteers, and most importantly; 100% of the revenues from CD sales and performances sustain El Centro Cultural de Mexico and all of its community projects. Thank you for supporting alternative community projects.

Record Label: Centro Cultural de Mexico - Non-Profit - Cimarron
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Fandango in Whittier 9/9

Posted by SON DEL CENTRO on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 09:22:00 PST

Link to El Centro Cultural de Mexico's Events
Posted by SON DEL CENTRO on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:18:00 PST

Support the Zapatista Movement...what you can do TODAY

Hola Compañer@s, This is a call to those in resistance, especially the Youth: We are organizing in solidarity with the Zapatista Movement and their Other Campaign. The idea is to have events through...
Posted by SON DEL CENTRO on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:52:00 PST

Join Us For Guerrilla Urbana!!

Starting in the month of February SDC will be Spearheading "Guerrilla Urbana" an attempt to disseminate Cultural Awareness and political activism within our community.  We ask members of the comm...
Posted by SON DEL CENTRO on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 01:56:00 PST

Upcoming Show in Hollywood -- The Knitting Factory

Show Time: Sunday March 5, 2006 - 8:00 PM Venue Name: The Knitting Factory Address: 7021 Hollywood Blvd City: Hollywood State: CA Zip Code: 90026 Cost: $10 adv / $12 dos / All Ages Description: Olmeca...
Posted by SON DEL CENTRO on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 01:21:00 PST