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E-Mail Resource Line: [email protected]

'EqualityMYSPACE' AIM S/N and e-mail Online Resource is a Resource Provider, NOT a Crisis Helpline. If you are having an emergency dial 9-11 for a 24 hour GLBT talkline, call the TREVOR HELPLINE (800) 850-8078. EqualityMYSPACE, sub-project of "the Voice Project". (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

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The Voice Project & EqualityMySpace: Where Are We Going, What Are We Doing

The Voice Project


Search Over 68,000 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Listings:

Who we are: Equality MYSPACE is an international networking profile committed to the advocacy for equal rights for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, (GLBT) questioning and straight community united for the cause of equality. We foster a freindly network for GLBT people and their friends online.

Why we are here:EqualityMYSPACE one of the largest networking sites available internationally to reach out to people in need of support, and bring together the number of people that support EQUALITY!

What you can do: Join Equality MYSPACE and become involved; tell your friends about us! Stay educated on GLBT issues and spread the word about EqualityMYSPACE

Our Beliefs:


    We advocate ratifying laws protecting all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning (GLBT/Q) people from discrimination in government/employment, public accommodations/services, and housing. We support the separation of church and state, permitting churches and religious organizations First Amendment rights to make choices in hiring and to whom they offer their religious/sacramental services. We do not support requiring churches/religious organizations to marry same-sex couples.
    We support equality for all persons regardless of sexual orientation. We do not support special rights/laws for GLBT/Q persons and/or families.
    We disapprove of public sex of any kind. We believe that if any two individuals have sexual relations it should be conducted in the privacy of their own home or in a private space. We believe the penalties for public sex of any kind should be the same for heterosexuals and GLBT/Q people whether it be a misdemeanor or a felony.

    We support the institution of the family and seek to increase its stability and vitality as a foundation of our communities for all people regardless.
    We support the establishment of stable marriages and families in which partners and children can thrive in a positive environment. We acknowledge that successful/stable families take many forms. We affirm the rights by which two partners are joined in life-long relationships of commitment, mutuality, and faithfulness regardless of gender/sexual orientation.
    We advocate the rights for GLBT/Q people/partners to adopt children equal to the current laws for heterosexuals to adopt.

Same-Sex Marriage
    We support issuing Marriage Licenses to same-sex couple and view this as contributing to the stability and vitality of equality and the institution of marriage in the world and in the United States of America.
    We believe that extending equality of civil marriage to same-sex couples should in no way affect a church’s/religious organization’s choice to preside over or bless the marriage of same-sex couples. We support the separation of Church and State.
    In place of civil marriage rights in the world being extended to same-sex couples, we believe that civil unions, domestic partnerships, or other state-recognized arrangements would provide some of the benefits of marriage. We likewise support these arrangements.

    We advocate educating the general public about the GLBT/Q community, our lives and our relationships, as a way of building better understanding and mutual respect.
    We disapprove of teaching elementary school children about sex of any kind or homosexuality except to inform students that some children have two mothers or two fathers who care for and love them just as other children’s mothers and fathers do. We support public sex education classes where teenagers are informed that some people of the same sex have sexual relations. This has been taught in sex education classes for decades. We disapprove of showing graphic pictures of people participating/conducting homosexual sex of any kind in order for students to learn about homosexuality.
    We support/advocate the establishment of “Gay/Straight Alliances (GSAs)” in public high schools allowing GLBT/Q teenagers struggling with their sexuality and who are in need of peer support to form appropriate groups to discuss their feelings. We believe this fosters a better understanding of the community.
    We advocate teaching ethical behavior to all students and promoting tolerance in the world's public schools.

Non-partisan Policies
    We contend to foster a better understanding of GLBT/Q issues with our elected leaders.
    We support the election of fair-minded representatives in the world regardless of political affiliation.

Trevor Helpline Toll-free: 866.4.U.TREVOR (866.488.7386)
Hours: Seven days a wekk, 24 hours a day
National suicide and crisis counseling for lesbian and gay youth. Local resource referrals available.

GLBT National Youth Talkline 800-246-PRIDE (1-800-246-7743)
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30pm to Midnight, Eastern time
Peer support and resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and questioning youth.

CDC National STD and AIDS Hotline Toll-free: (800) 342-AIDS or (800) AIDS-TTY
Hours: Seven days a week, 24 hours a day

Gay and Lesbian National HotlineToll-free: (888) THE-GLNH, (888) 843-4564
Hours: Monday-Friday, 4:00P.M. to MIDNIGHT, and Saturday, Noon to 5:00P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Linea Nacional del SIDA y ETS Toll-free: (800) 344-7432
Hours: Seven days a week, 8:00A.M. to 2:00P.M. Eastern Standard Time

National Runaway Switchboard Toll-free (800) 621-4000
Hours: Seven days a week, 24 hours a day
Hotline for runaway/homeless youth and their families.

Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Youth Listening Line Toll-free: (800) 399-PEER
Hours: Monday-Friday, 5:00P.M. to 10:00P.M.
Nationwide calls welcome.

..tr Hosted by Project Equality.
..tr Need GLBT Resources? Contact EqualityMYSPACE! ..table
    International Resources

    National Resources

International Resources

Amnesty International Amnesty International is a worldwide voluntary, activist movement that works impartially to prevent violations of people's fundamental rights.

Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society (GLAS) We are the Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society (GLAS), an international organization established in 1988 in the USA with worldwide chapters. We serve as a networking organization for Gays and Lesbians of Arab descent or those living in Arab countries. We aim to promote positive images of Gays and Lesbians in Arab communities worldwide, in addition to combating negative portrayals of Arabs within the Gay and Lesbian community. We also provide a support network for our members while fighting for our human rights wherever they are oppressed. We are part of the global Gay and Lesbian movement seeking an end to injustice and discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Gay and Lesbian Counselling and Community Services of Australia This site provides information and links to the Primary Gay and Lesbian Telephone Counselling Service Organisations across Australia.

Western Australia (Perth)
Gay and Lesbian Community Services of Western Australia

1-800-18-4527 or 08-9420-7201

South Australia (Adelaide)
Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of SA

1-800-18-2233 or 08-8334-1623

Queensland (Brisbane)
Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association

1-800-18-4527 or 07-3252 2997

New South Wales (Sydney)
Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of NSW

1-800-18-4527 or 02-8594-9596

Victoria (Melbourne)
Gay and Lesbian Switchboard

1-800-18-4527 or 03-9827-8544

Persons Seeking Telephone Counselling and Support from
outside the local call area of State or Territory Capital Cities may call

1800 18 4527
between 7.30pm and 10.00pm local time.

Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere(COLAGE) COLAGE engages, connects, and empowers people to make the world a better place for children of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents and families.
3543 18th ST ..1
San Francisco, CA 94110
T: (415) 861-KIDS (5437)
F: (415) 255-8345
E: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10-6pm PST

Gays and Lesbians for Indivisual Liberty Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty, or GLIL, is an international organization of persons committed to the political philosophy of individual liberty, both generally and as it affects lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons. As such, we welcome classical liberals, market liberals, limited-government libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, and objectivists, as well as persons wishing to learn more about our views.
P.O.Box 3913
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
T: (202) 903-5555

GAYSCAPE (Gay/Lesbian Search Tool) Search no more. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer no matter what you call it we've got it. By limiting our listings to sites of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual interest we provide the specialized search tool that's fast, easy and fun. Over 102,000 indexed sites. Gayscape.com is all you need to remember.

Immigration Equality Immigration Equality is a national grass roots organization that works to end discrimination in U.S. immigration law against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV-positive people, and to help obtain asylum for those persecuted in their home country based on their sexual orientation, transgender identity or HIV-status.
Immigration Equality, Inc.
350 West 31st Street, Suite 505
New York, NY 10001

T: 212.714.2904
F: 212.714.2973

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights ComissionThe mission of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) is to secure the full enjoyment of the human rights of all people and communities subject to discrimination or abuse on the basis of sexual orientation or expression, gender identity or expression, and/or HIV status. A US-based non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO), IGLHRC effects this mission through advocacy, documentation, coalition building, public education, and technical assistance.
350 Fifth Avenue
34th Floor New York, NY 10118

T: 212-216-1814
F: 212-216-1876
E: [email protected]

International Gay Rodeo Association The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) is an organization comprised of numerous regional Gay Rodeo Associations from across the United States and Canada. IGRA, in collaboration with member associations, assist these associations in raising and donating thousands of dollars to charity in their communities each year. The Gay and Lesbian Communities of the United States and Canada have been enriched by the educational efforts of IGRA through its sanctioning and sponsorship of the various events and activities which are a part of what we call "Gay Rodeo".
PO Box 460504
Aurora, CO 80046-0504

T: 303.595.IGRA

International Lesbian and Gay AssociationThe International Lesbian and Gay Association is a world-wide network of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people everywhere.
Avenue des Villas 34
1060 Brussels

T: 32-2-5022471
F: 32-2-5022471
E: [email protected]

ONE: National Gay and Lesbian Archives The ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives [ONE Archives] houses the world's largest research library on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered heritage and concerns.
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
909 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007

T: 213.741.0094
E: [email protected]

Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians: U.K. U.K. Based support organization for Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians
T: 020 8958 4827 or 020 8343 4963

PrideNet Database/Resource Center for the GLBT/Q Community
E: [email protected]

Stonewall Society Worldwide GLBT Fine Arts
E: [email protected]

Ukrainian Gay and Lesbian Association We consider that the LGBTs’ situation and issues in Ukraine are enough difficult and complicated. Only two Ukrainian cities - Kiev and Odessa - have the more or less developed and open public LGBT life with clubs, bars, saunas, and sea or river beaches. Naturally, all the big cities in Ukraine have cruising places (which often are AYOR). Many widely known Ukrainian artists, businessmen, politicians and church persons are LGBT, but practically all are afraid of coming out. Though the Ukrainian Parliament (Supreme Rada) still in 1992 decriminalized gay sex acting and the Ukrainian public opinion as a rule is enough tolerant in this issue, but the LGBTs so far have to face various serious problems both in public or professional activities and personal private life.
P.O. Box 256 Odessa 65001

E: [email protected]

Turkish Gay InternationalNational Turkish GLBT organization. Provides Turkish resources.
E: [email protected]

VolunQueer The U.K.'s Lesbian and Gay Volunteer Bureau.

back to top National Resources

Equality FederationThe Equality Federation is a network of state/territory organizations committed to working with each other and with national and local groups to strengthen statwide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trasngeder advocacy organizing and secure full civil rights in every U.S. state and territory.
Equality Federation
2370 Market Street, ..386
San Francisco, CA 94114

T: 415.377.7771
F: 775.535.8575
E: [email protected]

Gay and Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) GLSEN, or the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for ALL students.
90 Broad Street
2nd Floor
New York, New York 10004

T: 212.727.0135
F: 212.727.0254
E: [email protected]

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate, and inclusive representation of individuals and events in all media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.
Los Angeles, California
5455 Wilshire Blvd, ..1500

Los Angeles, CA 90036
T: 323.933.2240
F: 323.933.2241

New York, New York
248 West 35th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

T: 212.629.3322
F: 212.629.3225

The GAYducks Campaign GAYducks is short for "Get All Your Ducks In A Row." This grass-roots movement grew organically from our efforts to educate and encourage the LGBT community to get their wishes regarding health care and Estate Planning issues in writing. Because gays and lesbians have no right to marry in any state in the U.S., we are denied the basic legal protections taken for granted by heterosexual couples. It's time for a change.

.. Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a national organization working for the equal rights of the GLBT community.
Human Rights Campaign
1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036-3278

T: 202.628.4160(Front Desk)
202.216.1572 (TTY)
800.777.4723 (Toll-Free)
800.727.4723 (Membership: Toll-Free)
F: 202/347-5323
E: [email protected]

Immigration Equality Immigration Equality is a national grass roots organization that works to end discrimination in U.S. immigration law against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV-positive people, and to help obtain asylum for those persecuted in their home country based on their sexual orientation, transgender identity or HIV-status.
Immigration Equality, Inc.
350 West 31st Street, Suite 505
New York, NY 10001

T: 212.714.2904
F: 212.714.2973

Lambda Legal Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.
when calling: ask for legal help desk!
T: 212.809.8585 (National)
213.382.7600 (Western)
312.663.4413 (Midwest)
404.897.1880 (Southern)
214.219.8585 (South Central)
E: [email protected]

Mattew Shepard Foundation The Matthew Shepard Foundation was created in December 1998 by Dennis and Judy Shepard to honor the memory of their son. The goals of the Matthew Shepard Foundation include supporting diversity programs in education and helping youth organizations establish environments where young people can feel safe and be themselves. Our goal is to educate and replace hate with understanding, acceptance, and compassion. Gifts to the Matthew Shepard Foundation are tax-deductible (under IRS guidelines) as a charitable contribution.
Matthew Shepard Foundation
301 Thelma ..512
Casper, Wyoming 82609

T: 307-237-6167

National Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Centers (NALGBTCC) The National Association of LGBT Community Centers exists to support and enhance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community centers, which are engines of community organizing and liberation, and crucial to the health and strength of LGBT communities.
1325 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 600
Washington, D. C. 20005

T: 202.639.6325
F: 202.393.2241

National Center for Lesbian Rights Since 1977, the National Center for Lesbian Rights has worked to create a world in which every lesbian can live fully, free from discrimination. NCLR is a national, lesbian-feminist, non-profit law firm with headquarters in San Francisco and regional offices in St. Petersburg, Florida and Washington, D.C. Winning legal protections for LGBT families in all their diverse forms is, and has always been, NCLR's top priority. We achieve this through impact litigation, public policy advocacy, public education, direct legal services, and collaboration with other social justice organizations and activists. As part of a broader social justice movement, NCLR advances the legal and human rights of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual and transgender individuals across the United States. Each year we serve more than 4,500 clients in all fifty states.
870 Market St., Ste. 370
San Francisco, CA 94102

T: 415.392.6257
F: 415.392.8442
E: [email protected]

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Inc. ("NGLTF, Inc."), founded in 1974, works to build the grassroots political power of the LGBT community to win complete equality. We do this through direct and grassroots lobbying to defeat anti-LGBT ballot initiatives and legislation and pass pro-LGBT legislation and other measures. We also analyze and report on the positions of candidates for public office on issues of importance to the LGBT community. NGLTF, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation incorporated in New York.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

T: 202.393.5177
202.393.2284 (TTY)
F: 202.393.2241
E: [email protected]

National Youth Advocacy Coalition The National Youth Advocacy Coalition is a social justice organization that advocates for and with young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) in an effort to end discrimination against these youth and to ensure their physical and emotional well being.
1638 R Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC, 20009

T: 202.319.7596
Toll-Free: 800.541.6922
TTY: 202.319.9513
F: 202.319.7365
E: [email protected]

Out for People Out for People (a 501(c)(3) approved New York not-for-profit corporation) is a national service organization dedicated to the idea that we of the GLBT community have much to contribute to people in need regardless of their orientation and that by working together as an openly same-gender-oriented group to deliver service to ALL people who need our help we are also, through example, irrefutably demonstrating to the larger world the goodness, truth and beauty inherent in the lives we lead.
OUT for People, Inc.
219 W. 106th St., 3E
New York, NY 10025

T: 212.678.0899
E: [email protected]

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) is a national non-profit organization with over 200,000 members and supporters and over 500 affiliates in the United States. This vast grassroots network is cultivated, resourced and serviced by the PFLAG national office, located in Washington, D.C., the national Board of Directors and 14 Regional Directors.
PFLAG National Office
1726 M Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036

T: 202.467.8180
F: 202.467.8194
E: [email protected]

Scouting for All Committed to scouting and Open to Diversity, Scouting for All is a U.S. National organization wokring to end discrimination in the Boy Scouts of America against gay and nontheist youth and adults.
Scouting For All
PO Box 2832
Petaluma, CA 94953-2832M

T: 707-778-0564
E: [email protected]

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) is a national, non-profit legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to ending discrimination against and harassment of military personnel affected by "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and related forms of intolerance.
T: (800) 538-7418
E: [email protected]

True Colors True Colors, Inc. Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization working to eliminate the stigma associated with sexual and gender minority status and to ensure that the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and other sexual and gender minorities are competently met by those responsible for our education, health, and well-being.
True Colors
PO Box 1855
Manchester, CT 06040

T: (860) 649-7386
888-565-5551 (Toll-Free)
E: [email protected]

EqualityMYSPACE, sub-project of "the Voice Project". (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.

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My Blog

Republican mayor of San Diego says daughter is gay, will support same-sex marriage

San Diego Mayor Jerry SandersGay Marriage Press Conference TranscriptSeptember 19, 2007 Mayor Sanders: "With me this afternoon is my wife, Rana."I am here this afternoon to announce that I will sign t...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 02:59:00 PST

The old racist South rises again

Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:43:00 PST

Gay High School Musical? Tweens arent happy.

Originally posted at InterstateQ.com A guest post at AOL's QueerSighted goes through an gay-lensed analysis of Disney Channel's High School Musical 2. Pictured right: High School Musical star Zac Ef...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:07:00 PST

Bronx gay youth remain on "DL" & other updates

Below are some great news updates from the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute and GayPolitics.com Bronx gay youth remain on the "down low" Fearing they will be ...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:55:00 PST

Some random queer news with special appearance from Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty, Legal Scholaroriginally posted at InterstateQ.com In a brief filed in the Rhode Island same-sex divorce legal case, the Family Research Council quotes the Humpty Dumpty character from L...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 02:05:00 PST

Thai government considers new trans rights

Hi everyone,Here's some promising news from www.pinknews.co.uk.-Delia15th August 2007Gemma PritchardThailand, one of the world's most tolerant countries towards transvestites and transsexuals, may soo...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:22:00 PST

Together in life, apart in illness

Hi everyone, Here's a story I wanted to share. Originally posted by Activist Queer Folk.com - pass it on.love,DeliaSUMMARY: Brett Conrad and Patrick Atkins met in college and were together for 25 yea...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:02:00 PST

The Aftermath: Queer community wraps-up HRC/Logo Presidential Forum

Last night, the Human Rights Campaign and the Logo Channel held the first-ever Presidential forum to address specifically LGBT rights and equality. The HRC/Logo Presidential Forum was broadcast live o...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 09:56:00 PST

HRC/Logo Presidential forum tonight, PLUS, a convo with Obama

ORIGINALLY POSTED AT InterstateQ.comhttp://www.interstateq.com/archives/2259/ I'll be watching the HRC Presidential Debate tonight via visiblevote08.logoonline.com (we don't get LOGO here in North Car...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 03:21:00 PST

The Voice Project, EqualityMySpace parent organization, is born

When EqualityMySpace was first started two years ago, the MySpace profile was only a test subject to see how well a group of people could use social networking sites like MySpace.com to gather, netwo...
Posted by EqualityMYSPACE on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 01:49:00 PST