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Before you Drink and Drive....Please visit Kellibe informed... When it comes to protecting your kids, there is a lot you can do. First, visit www.familywatchdog.us to locate what registered sex offenders are living in your neighborhood. Family Watch Dog provides invaluable information about sex offenders including where they live, where they work, and what they look like.Here are some other invaluable tips that every parent can follow to assure your kids grow up in a safe and secure environment.Do background checks. If child is spending time with adults be sure to find out as much about them as you can. Be watchful. Don't just drop your child off at the sport practices or youth activities. Many predators avoid children who have parents that are active in their children's lives. Get involved. Volunteer to chaperone extracurricular activities like Boy or Girl Scouts and sporting events, especially those involving overnight trips. Make a strong effort to know your children's friends and their families. Be attentive. Notice changes in your child's behavior. Be alert. Pay attention to anyone who is focusing an unusual amount of attention to your child or yourself— buying gifts, phoning all the time, dropping by the house, etc. Take notes. Remember what your child is wearing each time they leave the house. Educate your child. Let your child know that sexual advances from adults are against the law. Build their confidence so they can say "no" to an adult. Encourage children to recognize, trust and follow their instincts—and listen to yours. Teach your child how to recognize a potentially dangerous action instead of a potentially dangerous person. Teach your children they can say "No!" by running away or kicking and/or screaming. It is the action that goes with the word that will keep your children safe.

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Effects of Child Abuse on Children: Abuse in General Children suffering abuse develop a range of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive behaviors and thoughts by trying to cope with the abuse - by trying to understand the situation and why the abuse is happening.Think of it like this: a person is robbed and beaten while walking down the street at night. In trying to deal with the situation, the person thinks, "I shouldn't have walked down that street," or "I shouldn't have been there at that time of night," or "I should have walked with more confidence," or "I shouldn't have made eye contact," or "I should have given in quicker," or "I should have fought back," or any number of other ideas. The point is the person feels a sense of control over the situation if they can blame themselves or something they did for the attack. Instead of the world being a dangerous place where violence occurs at random, the world becomes a safe place within certain behavioral parameters.Children experience the same kinds of thoughts when they suffer abuse, except they are much more immature and often make much less sense because the violence is occuring in their own family, and nothing makes sense in that situation. And the abuse suffered by children occurs much more frequently. If the adult in the above example is attacked and mugged every week despite changing their behavior each time, it won't be long before the person starts coming up with bizarre explanations for the violence and becomes afraid to leave the house entirely. If the person has a chance to talk with the attacker after every attack (like in cartoons where the rabbit asks the fox "why did you attack me?" and the fox comes up with a different silly reason each time or like in child abuse where the victim and the perpetrator interact constantly) the person will be sent through a psychological maze of smoke and mirrors leading to any number of bizarre ideas about how to avoid the attack next week. By coming up with ideas about what they did to cause the abuse and what they can do differently to avoid the abuse, children also develop a range of maladaptive behaviors which can become pathological problems.In addition to distorting children's thoughts, abuse also forces children into a position of having to "hide the family secret". This prevents children from having real relationships and has life-long effects. And because our ability to form healthy social relationships is learned, abused children are deprived of many skills necessary to navigate the social world. Their entire concept of a relationship is distorted. This leads to problematic relationships in life and even on the job.Another disturbing aspect of abuse is the experiential restraint it puts on children. If a child fears doing anything new because of the chance that it will lead to a violent attack or because an abusive parent keeps extremely tight control over them, the child will lose his or her sense of curiosity and wonder at the world and will stop trying new things and exercising his or her mind. That child will never achieve his or her intellectual potential.Another aspect of abuse which cannot be ignored is the physical stress it puts on a child. Multiple exposures to violence and trauma cause what's known as autonomic and endocrine hyperarousal. Basically it means the victim gets stressed out. When a person experiences this hyperarousal over and over again, there are permanent physiological changes. These changes can be seen as over-reactions to stimuli, as in being easily startled especially by things that remind the victim of the original event; generally being emotionally numb; craving high-risk, stimulating, or dangerous experiences or self-injury; difficulties in attention and concentration; cardiovascular problems; and immune suppression which leads to a higher risk for colds and more severe illnesses.3There is a long list of outcomes for children experiencing abuse. They range from mild, almost unnoticeable personality effects to full-blown breakdowns in healthy functioning. The point is that abuse increases a child's risk of developing a number of health and psychological problems.Effects of child abuse: Academic difficulties; Agressive behavior; Alcohol and/or other drug abuse; Anxiety; Attention problems; Bad dreams; Bed wetting; Behavior problems; Chronic pain; Compulsive sexual behaviors; Concentration problems; Dangerous behavior such as speeding; Dehydration; Depression; Dissociative states; Eating disorders; Failure to thrive; Fear or shyness; Fear of certain adults or places; Frequent injuries; Insomnia; Learning problems; Lying; Malnutrition; Oppositionality; Panic attacks; Physical symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches; Repeated self-injury; Risky sexual behaviors; Running away; Self neglect; Separation anxiety; Sexual dysfunction; Sleep disorders; Social withdrawal; Stealing; Stuttering; Substance abuse; Suicide attempts; Thumb-sucking or any age-inappropriate behavior; Truancy.2,3,6,15Children have different levels of resiliency or hardiness and different personality attributes, so different children respond differently to similarly abusive situations. That's why the lists of warning signs above seems so general. None of the symptoms above is diagnostic of child abuse - i.e., the presence of any of the signs above does not prove that abuse has occurred. Also, a child may endure abuse without developing any of the symptoms above. Abuse simply increases the risk for all of the symptoms. Basically, children are supposed to learn everything they need to thrive in this world from their caretakers. Abusive parents provide the opposite of what children need. Instead of teaching and nurturing growth, they distort and destroy.


offender traits Be wary, but not paranoid, of adults who have one or several of these behaviors. These common traits of sex offenders should help you raise the red flag on inappropriate relationships between adults and your children.Adults who seem preoccupied with children Single adults who work or volunteer with children's clubs/activities and frequently spend their free time doing "special" things with kids Adults who spend time volunteering with youth groups who do not have children in those groups Adults who seem to engage in frequent contact with children, i.e., casual touching, caressing, wrestling, tickling, combing hair or having children sit on their lap Adults who act like children when with children or who allow children to do questionable or inappropriate things Adults who want to take your children on special outings too frequently or plan activities that would include being alone with your child Adults who do not have children and seem to know too much about the current fads or music popular with children Adults that your children seem to like for reasons you don't understand Adults who seem able to infiltrate family and social functions or are "always available" to watch your kids~~off he goes~~ Know a man, his face seems pulled and tense Like hes riding on a motorbike in the strongest winds So I approach with tact, suggest that he should relax But hes always moving much too fast Said hell see me on the flipside On this trip hes taken for a ride Hes been taking too much on ... There he goes with his perfectly unkept clothes There he goes...Hes yet to come back, but I see his picture Doesnt look the same up on the rack We go way backI wonder about his insides Its like his thoughts are too big for his size Hes been taken, where, I dont know? Off he goes with his perfectly unkept clothes And there he goes...And now I rub my eyes, for he has returned! Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned For he still smiles, and hes still strong Nothings changed, but the surrounding bullshit That has grownAnd now hes home, and were laughing like we always did My same old, same old friend Until a quarter-to-tenI saw the strain creep in He seemed distracted and I know just what is gonna happen next Before his first step, hes off again..


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Join me in supporting Children diagnosed with Cancer!when finding yourself needing to report a site or page off the net. it is always a good idea befor you click the report abuse at the bottom of pages to go a step further and reporting the page to law inforcement for further investigation and possible prosicution of the pedofiles and sex offenders who make theese sites/pages..Possession, Manufacture, and Distribution of Child Pornography Child pornography has been defined under federal statute as a visual depiction of a minor (child younger than 18) engaged in sexually explicit conduct (18 U.S.C. 2256).Online Enticement of Children for Sexual Acts Use of the Internet to entice, invite, or persuade a child to meet for sexual acts, or to help arrange such a meeting, is a serious offense (18 U.S.C. 2425).Prostitution of Children Prostitution is generally defined as performing, offering, or agreeing to perform a sexual act for any money, property, token, object, article, or anything of value (18 U.S.C. 2431, 2423(a)).Sex Tourism Involving Children It is against the law for any United States citizen to travel abroad to engage in sexual activity with any child under the age of 18 (18 U.S.C. 2423(b)). Individuals who partake in this illegal activity are subject to prosecution in the United States even if they committed the crime on foreign soil.Child Sexual Molestation (not in the family) Child sexual exploitation (not in the family), also known as extra-familial child sexual abuse, includes all sexual exploitation of a child by someone other than a family member.Unsolicited Obscene Material Sent to a Child It is an unfortunate reality of the Internet that children will encounter obscene material online. Many times this material is attached as an image(s) or hyperlink(s) sent to a child in an unsolicited E-mail or “spam.”To combat this problem NCMEC takes reports of unsolicited obscene material sent to a child. It is a violation of criminal law for any person to knowingly or attempt to send or transfer obscene material to another individual who has not attained the age of 16 years (18 U.S.C.A. 1470).Please report any incidents where a child may have received visual depictions of persons engaging in sexually explicit conduct that is obscene.If you are an adult who is concerned about adult obscenity not involving children on the Internet, please make a report to www.obscenitycrimes.org.Misleading Domain Name It is a federal offense to use a misleading domain name on the Internet with the intent to deceive a minor into viewing material that is harmful to minors, regardless of whether the material meets the legal definition of obscenity (18 U.S.C. 2252B). Please report the use of a misleading domain name that has directed a child to a web site containing harmful materials to children.Adults who are concerned about obscenity that has not been accessed by a child on the Internet may file a report at www.obscenitycrimes.org.fact sheetWhat Is Child Pornography? Under federal law, child pornography1 is defined as a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, photograph, film, video, or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where itdepicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene, or depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, and such depiction lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.2 Sexually explicit conduct includes various forms of sexual activity such as intercourse, bestiality, masturbation, sadistic or masochistic abuse, and lascivious exhibition of the genitals.3 It is illegal to possess, distribute, or manufacture these images.These illegal images can be presented in various forms including print media; videotape; film; compact disc, read-only memory (CD-ROM); or digital versatile technology (DVD)4 and can be transmitted through computer bulletin-board systems (BBS), USENET Newsgroups, Internet Relay Chat, web-based groups, peer-to-peer technology, and an array of constantly changing world wide web sites.5All states and the District of Columbia have laws concerning child pornography. As a result a person who violates federal laws concerning these images may also face additional state charges.Who Is a Minor? Federal statute defines “minor” as any person younger than 18.6 “While a majority of states follow the federal statute, some state laws define ‘minor’ or ‘child’ as a youth younger than 14, 16, or 17.7 Delaware law includes any person 18 years of age and younger in its definition of a ‘child.’”8Is Child Pornography a Crime? Yes, the possession or distribution of child pornography is illegal under federal laws and laws in all 50 states; however, researchers and law-enforcement officials believe this crime is increasing and the increase is related to growing Internet use.9In response to this growing crime, the U.S. Department of Justice (USDoJ) has responded in several ways including funding the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s CyberTipline, www.cybertipline.com, acting as the national clearinghouse for reports of Internet-related child pornography and other Internet-related sex crimes committed against children. The USDoJ also created regional Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces to assist state and local law enforcement in handling these crimes and funded specialized Internet child exploitation units in federal law-enforcement agencies.10Where Is Child Pornography Predominantly Found? The Internet has created an exciting new world of information and communication for anyone with access to online services. While this technology offers unparalleled opportunities for children and adults to learn about the universe we live in, it has also had an immeasurable impact on the sexual exploitation of children, specifically the distribution of sexually exploitive images of children.The development, increasing accessibility, and use of home-computer technology has revolutionized the distribution of these images by increasing the ease and decreasing the cost of production and distribution especially across international borders. Computer technology is transforming the production of these images into a “sophisticated global cottage industry.”11While the activities of most pornographers are rather covert, it is not unusual for adults and children to encounter illegal images while exploring legitimate areas of the Internet. A current study has estimated that “as much as 20 percent of all pornographic activity on the Internet may involve children”;12 however, accurate estimates are difficult to produce since a reliable methodology to measure the actual extent of these images online has yet to be devised.13 Nonetheless parents and guardians should closely monitor the online activities of their children and always maintain access to their children’s online accounts.What Motivates People Who Possess Child Pornography? There is not much research about the motivations of people who possess child pornography. But, from the little information that exists, it suggests these people are a diverse group using this form of pornography for a variety of reasons.14 Those who possess child pornography include people who are• sexually interested in prepubescent children (pedophiles) or young adolescents (hebephiles), who use child pornography for sexual fantasy and gratification • sexually “indiscriminate,” meaning they are constantly looking for new and different sexual stimuli • sexually curious, downloading a few images to satisfy that curiosity • interested in profiting financially by selling images or setting up web sites requiring payment for access15Who Possesses Child Pornography? The diversity of these possessors is exemplified by many factors including wide age ranges; incomes ranging from poverty to wealth; levels of education running the gamut from some not finishing high school to others having post college degrees; and those who come from cities, suburbs, small towns, and rural areas. Some are well known, well thought of in their communities, and/or have high-profile jobs. Others seem isolated, seem to be obsessed with the Internet, and/or have long criminal histories.16Almost all child-pornography possessors (estimated 1,713) arrested between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001, were male, 91% were white, and 86% were older than 25. Only 3% were younger than 18. Most were unmarried at the time of their crime, either because they had never married (41%) or because they were separated, divorced, or widowed (21%). Thirty-eight (38%) percent were either married or living with partners.17Of those estimated arrestees, most had pornographic images of prepubescent children (83%) and images graphically depicting sexual penetration (80%). Approximately 1 in 5 people arrested (21%) had images depicting sexual violence to children such as bondage, rape, and torture. More than 1 in 3 (39%) had child-pornography videos with motion and sound.18Of those estimated arrestees, law enforcement found about half (48%) had more than 100 graphic still images, and 14% had 1,000 or more graphic images.19Forty percent (40%) of those estimated arrestees were “dual offenders,” who sexually victimized children and possessed child pornography, with both crimes discovered in the same investigation. An additional 15% were dual offenders who attempted to sexually victimize children by soliciting undercover investigators who posed online as minors.20How Old Were the Children Found in These Images? According to investigators who handled the cases of estimated arrestees, most had images of children who had not yet reached puberty. Specifically 83% had images of children between ages 6 and 12; 39% had images of 3- to 5-year-old children; and 19% had images of toddlers or infants younger than age 3.21Are the Children in the Images Boys or Girls? According to investigators who handled the cases of estimated arrestees, 62% had pictures of mostly girls. Fourteen percent (14%) had pictures of mostly boys. Fifteen percent (15%) had pictures showing boys and girls in about equal numbers.22How Graphic Are the Images? According to investigators who handled the cases of estimated arrestees, most had graphic images explicitly showing sexual acts by or on children. Specifically 92% had images of minors focusing on genitals or showing explicit sexual activity; 80% had pictures showing the sexual penetration of a child, including oral sex; 71% possessed images showing sexual contact between an adult and a minor, defined as an adult touching the genitals or breasts of a minor or vice-versa; 21% had child pornography depicting violence such as bondage, rape, or torture and most of those involved images of children who were gagged, bound, blindfolded, or otherwise enduring sadistic sex; and 79% also had what might be termed “softcore” images of nude or semi-nude minors, but only 1% possessed such images alone.23What Are the Effects of Child Pornography? It is important to realize these images can have a devastating and lasting effect on children. In addition to any physical injuries they might suffer in the course of their molestation, such as genital bruising, lacerations, or exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, child victims may also experience depression, withdrawal, anger, and other psychological disorders.24 Such effects may continue into adulthood. For instance women abused as children have statistically significant higher rates of nightmares, back pain, headaches, pelvic pain, eating binges, and other similar symptoms.25 Child victims also frequently experience feelings of guilt and responsibility for the abuse and betrayal, a sense of powerlessness, and feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem.26 These feelings are often expressed through increased fearfulness and changes in sleep patterns including re-occurring memories, flashbacks, dreams, and nightmares associated with posttraumatic stress.27 Younger children tend to externalize stress by re-enacting sexual activities through play, while adolescents may experience negative effects on their growing sexuality as a result of inappropriate early sexual experiences.28The lives of children featured in these illegal images are forever altered, not only by the molestation but by the permanent record of the exploitation. Once sexual exploitation takes place, the molester may document these encounters on film or video. This documentation can then become the “ammunition” needed to blackmail the child into further submission, which is necessary to continue the relationship and maintain its secrecy. In addition these documented images allow molesters to “relive” their sexual fantasies with children long after the exploitation has stopped.A greater number of child molesters are now using computer technology to organize and maintain their collections of these illegal images. In addition they are also using the Internet to increase the size of these collections. Personally manufactured illegal images of children are especially valuable on the Internet, which provide the molester with a respected status among fellow exploiters and traders of this material. Once this status is achieved, molesters will often begin to trade images of their own sexual exploits with children among themselves.When these images reach cyberspace, they are irretrievable and can continue to circulate forever. Thus the child is revictimized as the images are viewed again and again.How Do Online Exploiters Find Children? Individuals looking for potential child victims online have no difficulty finding them. It is quite common for these individuals to frequent “kids only” chatrooms and communicate with children who unwittingly divulge personal information about themselves. A more recent phenomenon is the solicitation of sex over the Internet.After this initial meeting, these individuals will often continue to communicate with the child electronically or through other means. Some of these individuals may then attempt to lower the child’s inhibitions by gradually introducing sexual content into their online conversations and even send pornographic images to the child. When children are shown images of peers engaged in sexual activities, they are led to believe this behavior is acceptable. This lowers their inhibitions and makes it easier for the molester to take advantage of the child sexually.Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to speak openly with their children about online dangers and monitor their online activities.24 hour hotlinesIf you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).Toll Free and Phone Free NumbersUSA 800-843-5678 USA TTY 800-826-7653 Australia 011-800-0843-5678 Canada 800-843-5678 Europe 00-800-0843-5678 Hong Kong 022-800-0843-5678 Japan 011-800-0843-5678 or 0062-800-0843-5678 Mexico 001-800-843-5678 South Korea 001-800-0843-5678 Taiwan 00-800-843-5678Callers without access to the USA 800/toll-free telephone system may dial 001-703-522-9320 to reach the Hotline. This is not a toll or phone free number.for more of this info and much much more needed to know facts numbers and how to help please visithttp://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PublicHo meServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&much love.. protect the children.. ~whisper~

My Blog

june 18th..

take a minute to send out a collective energy..to mother earth..the devine..to each other and everyone everywhere..ppl u love..ppl who need love..children ,loved ones lost or gone..is such a small thi...
Posted by whisper on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:58:00 PST

david burgess hells angels and owner of a nevada brothel caught with child pornography

i was contacted via myspace from someone who has done a 14 year study of the hells angels in nevada especially the 2 named here DAVE BURGESS-TROY REGAS- so i thought i would lo0k into it a lil and see...
Posted by whisper on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 07:33:00 PST

child abuse hot lines and state bye state child abuse reporting agencies

 Childhelp National Abuse Hotline. Telephone: toll-free (800) 422-4453 > Crisis-Lines and HotlinesChildhelp USA®National Child Abuse Hotline1-800-4-A-CHILD24 Hours a Day Child Abuse National Hotl...
Posted by whisper on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 11:58:00 PST

10 most wanted sex offenders

..> ..> Name: Danley, Ronald Charge: FTR DOB: 04/28/58 ..> ..> Name: BAEZ, LUIS Charge: FTR DOB: 12/29/1966 ..> ..> Name: VIEGA, EMANUAL Charge: Kidn;S/B;L/L DOB: 04/26...
Posted by whisper on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

wanted sex offenders

Posted by whisper on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:09:00 PST

lowes and pedofiles

Lowes and a Pedophile .. http://absolutezerounited.blogspot.com/2007/09/just-another- reason-to-shop-at-home.html Absolute Zero--A community of individuals pledged to fight paedophiles on the web....
Posted by whisper on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:27:00 PST

ih u havent signed aprils law then u gotta read this!!!

.. i dunno who wrote this but it further makes me believe that some ppl are not ppl but creatures whose sole purpose is to destroy the ultimate innocence a child has..do u need a reason to sign apr...
Posted by whisper on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 07:14:00 PST

study of child pornographers

.. A study of child pornographers was conducted at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, N.C. Bruce R. Feeley for The New York Times Click here to enlarge. Buy a copy of this picture. Experts ...
Posted by whisper on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:54:00 PST

keep ur children safe find out what regestered sex offenders live in ur neighborho0ds

Registered Sexual Offenders .. A Message From the Attorney General Knowing when offenders move into your neighborhood and where they live can be an important tool in keeping families and communi...
Posted by whisper on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 05:57:00 PST

uk policesmash pedofile ring 700 arrested 31 children saved

uk police smash pedofile ring 700 arrested UK police smash pedophile ring; 700 arrested31 children rescued as authorities shut global Internet operationTimothy David Martyn Cox, who was convicted o...
Posted by whisper on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:45:00 PST