I am all about glamor and love. Straight up the only person you are truly faithful to is me. You and I will be doing things you never even thought you were capable of (and I don't mean that in a good way). I will get you so twisted you will be convinced the crazy things you do and say are hurting no one. And if you do manage to feel you wont care. It's about me and you.
So you might think a dirty public bathroom is just that - dirty, nasty. Or how about a dumpster? The longer you are with me the better it looks. It starts to look clean or you stop noticing the filth around you. Either way, it'll end up being a good place to get high, hide from the police (that are most likely not even real), hide your stash from your latest score, or hell as many things as you can come up with...and you will.
I will give you plenty of excuses to stay with me.
Maybe right now you shower everyday. Granted you are on tweaker time so who knows really...one day to you is three to someone else. When you shower does the dirt come off? If you aren't sure try taking one and when you get out of the shower run the towel across your arm...I know for some you'll find something on the towel. I know. How about your fingernails? Are they clean? Are your hands clean (not in a metaphor way, either)? When was the last time you changed your clothes?
You. This is NOT a page of judgement about drug use, abuse or addiction. It is someone's truth and experience.
This page is non-oppressive and a LGBTQI (gay/trans/queer) friendly page.
If you are feeling suicidal or thinking about harming yourself or someone else please call 911, your local crisis center or 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
*Para obtener asistencia en español durante las 24 horas, llame al 1-888-628-9454
*TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
Your life IS worth saving. Please call.
Please send a message if you have a private profile. If you have a profile tracker on your page the request will not be approved until that is removed. Thanks.
***This page is not affiliated in any way nor does it endorse or recommend any of the resources listed on this page or in the blogs.
All writing on this page (including slide show and blogs) is original work of the page's creator. Information gathered from outside sources are cited such as photos. If you borrow something from this page please credit the page as the source. Thanks.
It is worth quitting.
There is life after meth...give yourself a chance to live.
I bet you think you are looking pretty hot now, too! Lost some weight, people are paying more attention to you, looking at you and you are thinking you look fine. You definitely look different!
You might not be one that thinks there are bugs crawling under your skin. Congratulations! Gotta tell ya...there will be something...maybe you think there are shards coming out of your pores...or you need to pluck something...or maybe you think there is a bump or something that you have to mess with...you'll know what I am talking about...maybe you get stuck in the mirror...
Do you even know if you have sores?
Hey, let's take something apart and put it back together...again. It's fun to rewire things, too - I don't know why we always have to cut and splice cords from different electric devices though.
I bet you didn't think you'd be riding a bicycle at 29 (and not because you are environmentally or health conscious). Or that you'd resort to stealing clothes from laundry lines and someone's shoes off the porch. I know you never imagined being a tweaker and someone people cross the street to avoid. I can offer you a life you never thought possible.
When we are together it's pretty obvious. You have no concept of time unless it's time to get high. And for that you will do anything no matter how ridiculous, dangerous, or how many times you promised yourself you would never do whatever it is you are about to do.
This section is a list of organizations that may be helpful.
Washington State Suicide and Crisis Hotlines
Listed by City, County, or Service Area
washington state crisis numbers
National Suicide Hotlines with links to every state, Canada, and International
1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK
hotline and crisis numbers in every state
WASHINGTON STATE WILL PAY FOR YOU to go to a treatment facility if you lack financial resources.
Go to your local DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) office.
Find out how to get into rehab free
Washington State Alcohol/Drug Treatment Centers.
This list includes inpatient, outpatient, tribal centers and seems to cover every county.
WA State treatment centers
Oregon Alcohol/Drug Treatment Centers
Treatment Services in Oregon
Idaho Alcohol/Drug Treatment Centers
Idaho Treatment Services
Need Clean and Sober Housing? Check out an Oxford House. Affordable, supportive, and more.
Oxford House International Directory
Washington State Oxford Houses
Hopelink offers all types of services to help low-income people move toward being self-sufficient. They can provide bus passes and rides for those with medicaid. Also, they help in other areas (shelter, child care, emergency financial assistance, and more).
Methpedia.org is a page with information and resources designed for anyone concerned about methamphetamine. Lots of good stuff on here!
NW Gay and Lesbian Organizations
Health and support services covering a wide spectrum of needs.
lgbtqi resources
Project NEON
Free 1:1 counseling, health information for gay and bisexual men in the greater Seattle area.
Strength Over Speed
Support for gay/bi men quitting crystal.
Seattle Counseling Service (206)323-1768
LGBT counseling services (chemical dependency, coming out, mental health, gender transitions, HIV/AIDS counseling, intimate partner violence and more).
Seattle Counseling Service
Queer Writing Classes
Do you live in the Seattle area and have an interest in taking writing classes at the only queer writing institute in the nation? Writing will save your life!
Verbena Health (206)323-6540
Their mission is "to build vibrant communities for lesbians, bisexual & queer women, and transgendered individuals through health advocacy, education, support & access to care.
Verbena Health
Seattle LGBT Community Center (206)323-LGBT
For the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Community of Seattle. Helpline, tons of information, and more.
Seattle LGBT Community Center
Pride Institute (800)54-PRIDE [email protected]
Chemical dependency and mental health services/treatment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender communities.
Pride Institute
Information about methamphetamine, treatment, new initiatives and projects, policies regarding meth, and more.
Find a Treatment Program
Look up treatment centers by population (youth, LGBT, dual diagnosis, condition), facility type, and state.
Plus lots of good information, self assessments, etc.
1(866)762-3712 (toll free call)
find a treatment center
The Stonewall Project
A harm reduction program for men who have sex with men.
3180 18th Street, Suite 202
San Fransisco, CA
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)
CMA is a 12-step fellowship for folks in recovery from crystal meth. The meetings are open to anyone w/a desire to stop using meth.
Find a meeting in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
A 12-step program open to people that think they may have a drug problem.
Meetings in over 116 countries worldwide and available online.
find a NA meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A 12-step fellowship of people that help each other stop drinking.
Meetings are worldwide.
find an AA meeting
Codependents Anonymous (CoDA)
A fellowship whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.
codependents anonymous
find a CoDA meeting
A place for ex-tweakers and recovered crystal meth addicts whose mission is to spread the word that "...there is pride in recovery from crystal meth addiction."
They are not affiliated with any 12 step program.
Single State Agency (SSA) Directory
Each US state and territory offers info and support through a local government office. These can be an excellent resource to start with if you are looking for help.
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator
Locate a treatment facility near you.
find treatment
Comprehensive treatment for addictions. Facilities in Pennsylvania, Florida, and New York.
MethStories: Affecting your Community
Stories, ads, and resources.