Criminal Justice, Death Penalty, Disability Rights, Drug Policy, Free Speech, HIV/AIDS, Immigrants' Rights, International Human Rights, GLBTQ Rights, National Security, Police Practices, Prisoniers' Rights, Privacy and Technology, Racial Justice, Religious Liberty, Reproductive Freedom, Rights of the the Poor, Voting Rights, Women's Rights, Cyber-Liberties, Discrimination, the Patriot Act, Student and Youth Rights, the Bill of Rights
Who I'd like to meet: Anyone! We love people! Why else would we be watching out of people's rights? --------------------------------------------------If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. ~Noam Chomsky
The ACLU Freedom Files, a "10-part series that tells the stories of real people in America whose civil liberties have been threatened, and how they fought back."Titles include: Religous Freedom, Racial Profiling, Dissent, The Supreme Court and Beyond the Patriot Act
Roger Baldwin, Jeannette Rankin, Martin Luther King, Jr., Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Rosa Parks, Clarence Darrow, John Scopes, Lady Liberty----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------