Hello MySPaCe; ~ Welcome To A Great Circle of Friends
This Is Where the Fight For Autism Begins And Ends
PLease Click Every Link And Get To Know Us
Get to Know The Issues And Answers
That Begins, But Never Ends, Within Our Hearts
Introducing My Daughter, MY Friends, And My Quest...!!!
Humbly Asking
An interview with Blane of November at 1pm
The Vault of Metal, Monday-Friday 12:00pm-6:00pm EST
featuring the best in heavy metal old and new.
For more information, visit;
And Much Appreciation To Austin & Cryptus For Joining in Our Crusade
You Guys Rock...!!!
For A Complete Autism Recovery Guide
Help ~ ZYRA ~ "Zion..s Youth Resource Associates" ~
Set A Dan Protocol Clinic For Our Children in Rural, Underdeveloped Regions
501c Sponsorship, Grant Writing, Leadership, & Clinical
Your Friends at One World asking for All The Help WE Can Get...!!!
Please View, Sign, & Pass This Petition
(Click Here) ~ :Author; Your Friends @ One World
Please Add Yourselves To All-Spread
{Special Note:Want To Extend My Gratitude To: Dadion Lester For Already Helping Mercury Awareness.{Thank You Dadion}-Scott Shirley For Bringing Us In The Light On Autism and What We Need To Do To Save Our Children.
Thank You Both, Much Love To You and God Bless.
So Please Everyone Repost Get The Word Out So We May Make A Change And Heal The World!!-With Your Amazing HEarts-Music-Charities-And Work.
Much LOVE From My Home To Yours And Thank You For The Love And You Know I Love You Back!!-All My Friends "RULE"!!
Anyone wanting to Help, Here..s the easiest way, Just a Couple clicksaway
If Everyone could donate a dollar with all the Friend I Have, that..s close to 1,000 Dollars
Safe & Secure Encrypted code, No Players Here, Promised...
Please Click to Help...!!!
WE Have the Clinic, and Doctor
Dr Dea Campbell, Grace Clinic ~
Chillicothe, Mo...
All WE Need is Hybot Procurement, Leasing is Cheaper
Then to The Biomed overhead ~ WE ARE Close / MY Friends
And When I Comes to Jordan And our Afflicted Children
I..m Not To Proud to Beg...!!! Humbly Asking;
Please do What You Can
They had no voice. They had no choice.
They are the men, women, and children who have died or been injured byvaccines in nations around the world for the past 200 years. This is a virtualMemorial dedicated to those whose lives have been forever changed by vaccinesthey were often required by law to use.
The National Vaccine InformationCenter, headquartered in the United States, has created this Memorial to honorindividual vaccine victims. The Memorial also offers families around the world theopportunity to post stories and photos about what happened to their loved ones sothat others can become educated about the signs and symptoms of vaccinereactions in order to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.
The Witnessing
If you have come to this website to witness what happened toyou or a member of your family, we welcome you. You are part of a large, growingcommunity of people all over the world whose lives have been profoundly affectedby adverse responses to vaccination that can cause immune and brain disorders.The vaccine injured community is composed of people, young and old, who aresuffering from a spectrum of chronic illness and disabilities, including learningdisabilities and developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), autism, seizure disorders, mental retardation, diabetes, asthma,inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and otherkinds of neuroimmune and autoimmune dysfunction.
Whether your adult sonwas injured by the DPT vaccine as a child, or your newborn died after gettingseven vaccines on one day, or you became disabled after getting an anthraxvaccination as a soldier, or your grandmother was crippled by flu vaccine, thisMemorial gives you the opportunity to witness for the world about your experiencewith vaccination. It gives you or a person you care about a voice so that, someday,others will have a choice.
Our Hope
Our hope is that, by honoringthose who are casualties of mass vaccination policies, there will be greater publicawareness of the need to value and care as much about those who are harmed bythe complications of vaccines as we care about those who are harmed by thecomplications of infectious diseases. This International Memorial for VaccineVictims is offered to the world as testimony of the need to protect the biologicalintegrity of life on this planet.
Again Click to visit;
What is Autism?
Autism is a severe developmentaldisorder that begins within the first two-and-a-half years of life. Most autisticchildren are perfectly normal in appearance, but spend their time engaged inpuzzling and disturbing behaviors which are markedly different from those oftypical children. Less severe cases may be diagnosed with Pervasive DevelopmentalDisorder (PDD) or with Asperger's Syndrome (these children typically have normalspeech, but they have many "autistic" social and behavioral problems).
Itused to be thought that autism is just a fate that you accept.The good news is thatthere are now a wide variety of treatment options which can be very helpful. Sometreatments may lead to great improvement, and others may have little or no effect,but a good starting point would be the parent ratings of biomedical interventions,which presents the responses of over 25,000 parents in showing the effectivenessof various interventions on their own child.
Many Dan Protocal Biomed Dan Clinics Track a 85 to 95% Ratio in recoverysuccess
My Real Interest is In The Truth, It..s posted all over this Page, in My Blogs, and InOur Group...
I Will Provide Links for Every Word Spoken...!!!
Priority ONE,Would Be The Recovery, & Life Abundant For Our Children...!!!
Then toThe Death Of The word Autism,
MySpace Generators
We Will Defeat This Enemy Within our Lifetime, We Have To Do It Now...
My BigGEST Interest at the moment is To Gain your Interest and Action in thisUrgent Issue...
Please Do What yo uCan To Help Us In Setting Up a Dan Protocol clinic Here inthe Midwest
to Include Hybot, Biomeds, Chelation Detox, Ionized MineralBaths ~ All Having a High Success Ratio In Recovery
Please Support Zyra ~ Zion..s Youth Resources Associates...
We Can ChangeMedicine The Way we Know it
To The way We Know it Should Be...
Thanx so Much 4 Stopping In on me...
I..m So Lost, BE Patient Please...
Hope to work Closely with You
To The Recovery of Our Children...!!!
Scott & Jordan @ ONE WORLD / ONE VOICE
Jesus, My Lord,
All My Earth Angels(You Know Who You Are)
& ALL My Angels In Heaven...
Special Love For / My ~"ETERNAL ANGEL"
Sharon Perez,"Angel Of THe Lord, The Morning Star, And My Heart"
My Friends, I Ask That You Take A Moment to Vote For This Poem,
I Just Need Twenty Votes for a Chance to Win up to 20,000 Dollars...
Of Course The More Votes, The Better The Chance,
You Know What This Money Would Mean to Jordan..s Recovery and The 501c start up ,
All To Provide Dan Protocol For The North Central Missouri Rural Region...
WE Have The Clinic & Doctor, Just Need Funding For HYBOT & Operational Expenses...
WE ARE THAT Close... But Still A Long Way To Go...
I Pledge that Any Winnings From This Contest will go Straight to This Cause
Please Help Promote...!!!
Please Rate This Poem
Don..t Say Goodbye,
Just Do what You Have to Do.
Although I want to Cry,
I..ll Try to be Strong for You.
Your my Weakness and my Strength,
the Best Love I ever Knew.
I Don..t Care What People Think,
I..ve Had My Dream Come True.
So I Wait Forever and a Day,
Each Day Last Forever Every Night.
And I don..t Want it Any Other Way,
True Love Will Make it Right.
I Always Knew That it..s For Real,
but I Finally See the Light.
A Timeless Feeling is What I Feel,
I Still Have My Dream in Sight.
I Know it..s You, Forget the Rest,
you Really Changed My Life.
Let me Make Just One Request,
let Time Make You My Wife.
Copyright © 2008 Scott Virgil Shirley
Our Most Excellent Circle of Friends
All My Friends and Extended Families, all The Afflicted...
Rockin The World With Your Gifts And Compassion...
Get Ready for The Party Of Our Lifes
We Will Meet Soonest, This Year is Going to Rock; Won..t Be Long Now...
I Would Love To Meet anyone, willing to Help US Set up this Clinic,all phases of ZYRA 501c, and others in promotions, benefit shows, and events,,, Grant writing, And Helping Our Afflicted Children...
A Clinic in Chillicothe is willing To Expand, To Include Hybot And Biomeds, (Dan Protocol)
~ WE NEED HELP in Funding, Are Planning Several Bennefit Shows, And Walk-A-Thons,
WANNA HELP...? Hit Me...!!!
Here..s A List State To State, Also International Contacts For Dan Protocol Clinics
Click Here to Visit ; For a Complete list of Dan Doctors In Your State
A growing number of Myspace sites have joined forces to help alleviate the suffering of the Ogaden in east Africa. Three years of drought has brought widespread famine.Myspace users have a unique opportunity to help. Corporate sponsors have pledged to donate a cup of rice or other staple food each time a link is clicked. No personal information is collected. They don't even ask your email address. All we need to do is click a link.Every click delivers a cup of desperately needed food to east Africa.
Please, click now.
Click Here Now
Metal Armada Myspace
ADD YOURSELVES..DJ's Waiting to get Your Music Heard!!!
LIVE from one of the most beautiful vacation spots in the world, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The online radio station, designed and built by co-founders Shadoe Stevens and Woody Nelson, will feature high energy New Rock, Hot Rock, Cutting-Edge, and Classic Rock around the clock.
at www.cabowaboradio.com. Don’t miss it! Cabo Wabo Radio.
Media Contacts:
Maureen O’Connor; [email protected]
Jessica Erskine; [email protected]
Introducing The Johnny Dare Morning Show
Click to Add and Support
Listen Live At 98.9therock.com
6:00 to 10:00AM
A Helping Hand
March of Dimes, Greater Kansas Chapter
4400 College Boulevard
Overland Park, KS 66211
(816) 561-0175
[email protected]
Johnny Dare..s Bikers for Babies Has Made KC The Number one Donor for March of Dimes,
For Several Yrs Running
Raising 3/4..s of a million dollars this Yr,
He Does More For The City, than The Mayor ...LOL...
Johnny Dare helps Ed Hale and his posse on stage
as they deliver the cash raised for Bikers for Babies.
Jesse James Dupree, lead singer of Jackyl,
traded smiles on stage with Sullivan McBurney,
one-third of the McBurney triplets.
The people of Kansas City are special, very special! Any doubts in regards to that should rapidly dissolve once you’ve spent a Sunday in September with those who plan, operate and participate in the single largest one-day fund raiser for March of Dimes in the entire country! The compassion and generosity of the people in our fair city is no better demonstrated than during the annual Bikers for Babies Kansas City Ride, whose objective is to raise money and save infants from the silent killer of premature birth. Kansas City has earned the title of leading fund raiser for the past three years in large part due to committed teamwork from the March of Dimes staff, armies of volunteers and thousands of motorcyclists who all work together to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars!
There is one more individual who is worthy of some level of recognition: 98.9 the Rock’s Johnny Dare. As the Honorary Chairman for this year’s ride and the undisputed king of Kansas City morning radio, Johnny’s long established audience of blue collar workers, white collar professionals and everyone in between has played a big role in the success of the event. Johnny’s philanthropic efforts for many people in need have gained him respect from the community at large and have contributed to an unparalleled level of dedicated listeners. As an advocate for Bikers for Babies the past several years, his influence has been critical to the growth in volumes of riders who participate.
Johnny Dare: “WE love you, love your show!â€
Over the last three years, $101,000 has gone to the Kansas Chapter in the form of community and program grants and over $750,000 has been awarded to the Stowers Institute and Children’s Mercy Hospital.
Gary Amble KCTV 5
Introducing My friends;
watching the coronor
( WTC clips at http://youtube.com/genecesspool )
-Jason Harper/PITCH WEEKLY www.pitch.com
8+ YEAR VETERANS OF THE KANSAS CITY METAL SCENE. Out of the Suffering was created in late 2005 and have collectively been in over 8 bands since 1998. Voted Best New Band in 2006 by Heavy Frequency Magazine, Nominated for Best Metal Band by the Pitch Music Awards and named Band of the Month by 4QRADIO in the UK. Out of the Suffering is by far the proudest achievement for all members.
Rory Siercks: Guitar/Vocals
Nick Marshall: Guitar/Vocals
Jesse Jones: Bass
Jeff Adkins: Drums
Mindy Maucelli: Manager
Welcome to a place where you and your family can find answers and hope for your child with a developmental disorder.
A place where traditional science and medicine is integrated with recently developed and recognized treatments and therapies.
A place where the most advanced research in developmental disorders is a daily event.A place where parents, professionals and physicians will be educated and trained to meet children at their most immediate point of need.
That place is the International Child Development Resource Center.
Our Mission – Open windows of hope for children with developmental disorders.
Our Vision – Positively impact children’s lives by meeting the biological, behavioral, and nutritional needs of developmentally disabled children.
Jeff Bradstreet, MD, MD(H), FAAFP
Dan Rossignol, MD, FAAFP
Scott Smith, PA
The vision of ICDRC is to expand, to make our services more accessible to the many families who travel long distances to see us. We are pleased to announce that in addition to treating patients in his Florida office, Dr. Bradstreet has established a practice in Phoenix as well.
In Arizona Dr. Bradstreet is licensed as a Medical Doctor of Homeopathy. He is also on the faculty of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. All appointments for his Phoenix office are scheduled through our primary location in Florida.
3800 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 105
Melbourne, FL 32934
Phone 321.259.7111
Fax 321.259.7222
Please Support Zyra ~ Zion..s Youth Resources Associates...
We Can Change Medicine The Way we Know it
To The way We Know it Should Be...
We Must set up our own clinics to Prove Recovery, And Effect change, Hybot, Biomeds Dan Protocol , & Heavy Metal Detox, Recovers over 90% of the Afflicted... But None of these Vital And urgent treatments are covered by insurance or medical Provisions.
1) Write Your State And Federal Senate And Reps, Committees, Developmental Depts.
Ask The Autism Be Reclassified as a Biomedical Condition, not a Lifelong Disability,
Ask That Developmetal Dept. Heads Be Replaced by Biomedical Dr..s With a Proven track Record in Recovery, Not Psych..s Who Just Feed our Children More Drugs For More Profits...
Ask And Demand Dan Protocol Be Made Availible for our Children, Thru insurance and Medical Provisions Reforms... To Provide Recovery...
2 ) Show them the Evidence, ( You May Use Any and all Of My Posts in Blogs, Group Post and Bulletins or My Profiles...)
Helpful Links Included in this Message;
3 ) Write Your Media Contacts, Get Them familiar with the Issues and Ask For Help, Write Forthright Articles to Make it easy on them lol...Again You May Use All My Resources... (Media Reporter Wants to Hear Your Story~ Included Below)
Always include Your Names, Addresses, aND Phone OR THEY IGNORE US...
Message Of Truth And Hope Brought to You By;
Scott & Jordan
One World ~ One Voice / Mercury Awareness International
"Developmental Abilities,Imagine the Possibilites"
Fighting Affliction, With Healing...
~ Click to Visit ~
"A voice in a crowd, no matter how Loud.
Shouting every word, can never be heard.
But if we speak as one, so much could get done.
They could ignore, no more, finally hear us for sure...
As We band, and take a stand,
hand in hand, across the land.
I know we can, That..s the plan...
time we began...Doing All I can,
I..m Just One Man...
Join the Band...
To so many Issues In Our Life & Time,
With So many answers We..ve Yet to Find
But Some Answers Stare us in the Face
Can we Rise above them as a Human Race...
The Differences That Are Between us,
Are a Blessing Not a Curse.
If We Learn to Listen & to Trust,
It..ll Get Better, Instead of Worse
Each of Us Has A Voice to Share
Two Minds are Better Than One...
But When We Act Together,
It..s the only way We Get things Done...
Please Have Patience with Me, My Comments, My Responses,
A Few Health issues I..ve been doing My Best to Keep up with;
I..ll Get Back With it / Promised...!!!
PLease Click on each Tab, It Took a LOt of Work to Code This in...
1) Vaccines-What You Should Know, Experiments On Society...
2) Lead experiments on Our Children /Dr Goldstein Autism Speaks
3) CDC's Vaccine Committee Whitewashed Toxic Vaccine Component
4) The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child's health
By Byron J. Richards, CCN
July 12, 2007
On Wednesday, July 11, 2007 the House passed HR.2900 without allowing the Ron Paul (R-TX) amendments to protect dietary supplements. Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), John Dingell (D-MI), Henry Waxman (D-CA), and others falsely proclaimed that they were doing America a favor by passing this sweeping FDA-supported legislation that grants the rouge agency more power and money, and even transforms it into a quasi drug company.
6) Healing Chronic Illness at Home: Oxygen, Ozone, Sauna and Detoxification for Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and MCS
7) Johnson & Johnson Clears Their Own Product of Autism Link
8) Ex- vaccine researcher speaks out!
"if the FDA were run by honorable people, these vaccines would not be granted licenses. They would be investigated to within an inch of their lives."
9) Letter asking for Autism Recovery Provisions at the State Level
I Urge us all to Write to Our State Level Reps and Senators,asking for Such as what follows;
Please Give Me YouR input on this and Let..s stand together to Fight the Fed, at The State Levels...
Read on ~ Please Click Here
10) Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, & Cell Death
11) An open letter to IOM President Fineberg, MD, PhD
By Judy Converse MPH, RD, LD
We at the Vaccine Autoimmunity Project (VAP) believe that the Institute of Medicine and its Vaccine Safety Review Committee failed the American people and particularly the autism community when, on the basis of flawed epidemiological evidence, they decided in 2004 that further research into the link between vaccines and autistic regression was not warranted.
Vaccine Autoimmune Project Publication: April 20, 2007April 20, 2007
12) N.J. first in nation to mandate flu vaccines for preschoolers
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • December 10, 2007
TRENTON — New Jersey became the first state to require flu shots for preschoolers on today after a health advisory board approved new vaccine mandates over the opposition of worried parents.
13) Mo. Media Investigative Reporter, asking For Info, Repost
Judith Miles Of The Autism Center Have Been Paid by Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research; To Do A study on autism and Rh immune globulin (RhIg) injections... (Rebuttal From Safeminds Included)...
Johnson & Johnson Have Several Thimerosal Lawsuits Pending, Ha Ha...
But I Wrote Them back, Told Them What I Thought About it All... LOL... Not Funny... But I Was My Ussual To The Point Self, Nothing Harmful... Just Metiphoric...
A Few Daze Past & Columbia Police Called, Told Me I Was Harrassing Them & Not To call, Write, Or E-mail Them, & Don..t Ever Go Back...
So, I Wrote Them Back And Told Them What I Thought of them Again Owh... Now, That Was Funny...LOL...Yep, The Police Called Again, So I Wrote the Administrators, And Got A List Of News Media In The Area, And Sent Some Posts out to You All...
Read the Full Story At My blog
Leave a Comment
But Many of My Friends might Remember I Asked You To Write to Them At The Thompson Autism Center And The Media, And I Thank You Who did, You Know Who You Are...Wow, what A Response...
One World ~ One Voice
Date: Dec 5, 2007 9:24 PM
Please Read This Full Story, (Below The Story,; Included Seperate Blog...Please Act Now With Your Heart,
We Can Effect The Changes Needed, Let THis Be The Start ;
KOMU TV8 in Columbia, Missouri
Hi I'm Ashley Reynolds with KOMU TV8 in Columbia Missouri. We are working on a series about autism.
Our team is trying a new form of investigative reporting...We want you to be involved in the process! Please tell us your ideas, thoughts, and concerns...Once the series starts to air, we will link this blog from our station's website at http://www.komu.com/
Want to help us?
Request access to be a regular blogger or if you have any questions email: [email protected]
Tell us your story and thoughts!
Email your posts to:
[email protected]
Only send posts to this account! We don't see a return email address...so we can't answer questions or get back to you.
We have started posting video from meetings and first views of our trips. Please comment!
Looking for something? We are label happy. Find the title of posts below (left of screen) and/or click on a label, you will get a page with every post with the same label. You can also search for anything in the top left corner.
In order to foster a community atmosphere and encourage discussion our blog policy is to not approve submissions containing only links to external web sites. We welcome and encourage you to submit blog posts that contain your own thoughts, and links to other sites for more information. Thank you for understanding.
Hello My Friends, This is An Action Alert of the Highest ;
Short Story,
Several Months ago, I Recieved A Letter From the Thompson center in Columbia, Mo.. (This is The Center That Treated Jordan -I SHOULD SAY DIDN~T TREAT HER )
Don..t Have Much Time For TV...
To Busy Rocking for Our Children...!!!
You All Give Me The Drive to Survive and Keep this Dream alive...
I will Not Fail Our Children, Or You My Friends, You Know The Quest and Montra...
Dan Protocol Biomed intervention Recovers Over 90% Of Our Children...
It..s Just Getting over that Hump in the Road
The Hump is a Mountain, This Mountain is The Cover up of Vaccine Injury,
The Lack of Insurance and Medical Provisions that Our Children Desperately Need to Recover, For Life Abundant As The Lord Promised...
There..s a Hump In The Road, IT..S A Mountain for Most of Us
Running Out of Time, An up hill Climb, Can Be Very Tuff
But The Trail is made easier thru Our Faith & Trust
Have the Faith, to Lay Mountains to Waste, to turn them into dust
Mathew 17 Vrs 20
"And Jesus Said unto Them,
Verily I Say Unto You, If Ye Have the Faith As a Grain of a Mustard Seed,
Ye Shall Say Unto This Mountain, Remove Hence To Yonder Place; And It Shall Remove; And Nothing Shall Be Impossible For You
Vrs 21
Howbeit This Kind Goeth Not Out But By Prayer And Fasting..."
LAUs DEo / My Friends ~ "All Glory Be To God"
This is a Personal, Very Personal Request ;;; PLEASE
Don..t Be Fooled into Supporting Autism Speaks, Or Can,...& NAAR.
(all The Same people)
Only Support those Who Support us in Recovery, Not Trying to Find some Gene responsible, Or Genetic Predisposition...
We All Know The Mercury Has Changed DNA, and Mutated 100..s of Genes...
We all Know The CDC And Pharma..s are Buying a Cover-up at the Criminal level.
We All Know Autism ~ AKA Mercury poisoning is a Biomedical Condition that..s Totally Reversible, if Done Right & Done In time...
We All Know That Mercury and Other toxins are still and Always Will Be in Our Children..s AND ELDERLY..S vaccines, and is at the heart of our problems...
Bob WRight ~ Founder of Autism Speaks, Vice President and Chair CEO Of NBC, President & Chair of GE. Ge Has A Pharma Division Called USB, That Manufactures, And Distributes Thimerosal to this Day... Bob Wright is Paying for His Grandson..s Biomeds And Proving recovery, But Is Keeping it Secret... Blaming the Sudden Rise in Autism On Genetics, When it..s the Mercury Causing the Genetic Mutations... As CEO & Founder Of Autism Speaks,, They Were just Handed One of the 5 So Called CDC Centers of Excellence Wasting Millions of Dollars on A Front Group That will Never Recover our Children Either... Also Bob Wright Single Handedly Lobbied Joe Burton to Remove Language from the Combatting Autism Act that Would Have Done Something About The Enviromental Factors That Passed the Senate 100 to "0"
My Family, My Heroes...!!!
I Owe so much To My Family
So Humbled , So Proud To Call Them Mine...!!!
MY Mom And Dad
My Brother; Curt
My Beautiful Sister; Debbie ~ God Bless ( R.I.P. )
MY Son; Scott Ryan
My Daughter; Jordan W ) Lady Megan ~ HER Teacher
Introducing The Labrecque Family,
Founders of The TAAP Project, The Vaproject, Toxic Humans, Recovering Autism,
And Great Friends,
Who Taught Me So Much About Autism, My Daughter, And Myself...
Please Show Proper Respect to Them and All My Loved Friends
Click Here to Visit
"Will You teach your children what we have taught our children?;
That the Earth is our mother?;
What befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of the Earth;
This we know: the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth;
All things are connected like the blood that unites us all;
Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it;
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
( Words attributed to Chief Seattle
Speech surrendering to the US government in 1854 )
VAP - Vaccine Autoimmune Project, Toxic Humans, and Recovering Autism have been formed to provide accurate and unbiased information, fund independent research, and fund care for those who need it. Epidemic numbers of children and women are affected by many different autoimmune-based illnesses such as autism and endometriosis. Triggers such as vaccines, diet, and other environmental factors are not receiving adequate attention or investigation from civil and medical communities. We will holistically focus on toxins, viruses, and bacteria in all their forms; from those in our environment that we are unwittingly exposed to, to those we are told by medicine to put in our bodies. We will unite rabid activists and organizations throughout countless communities by focusing on the science and research. By joining “everyone†together in this great effort we will bring collective, effective focus to a host of unrecognized health crises facing the world. For those affected we will provide valuable information about treatments that work… and grant assistance for those who need it.
Jonny and Sierra's Story: Vaccine-Induced Autism
The lives of our beautiful children were destroyed by their exposure to vaccines. We have devoted everything to their recovery.
F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
VAP's close friends, the Cedillo family, will have their case heard in the upcoming Vaccine-Autism trial: Cedillo v. Secretary of Health and Human Services in the United States Court of Federal Claims under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). So-called "experts" are already weighing in with biased and misleading statements. Dr. Yazbak responds to such a recent newspaper article by providing the simple facts. We at the Vaccine Autoimmune Project support the Cedillo family and their quest for justice. We will be praying for Michelle until the trial is over and justice is done. We ask our friends to do the same.
How a legal case could cripple one of modern medicine's greatest achievements.
[Boston Globe, June 3, 2007]
This long article by Paul Offit, MD seems to have miraculously appeared in the IDEAS Section of the Sunday Boston Globe, now a New York Times publication, just a week before an important vaccine injury case is scheduled to be heard.
The editorial staff at “The Globe†did not feel the need to include an opposing view although one certainly would have been included if the article had been written by a vaccine critic.
It is unusual for me to disagree with a fellow physician in public but I feel that it is imperative to respond to some specific comments by Dr. Offit (below in Italics) that should not go unchallenged.
Now, massive litigation could force companies to leave the vaccine business. On June 11, in an unprecedented action before a federal claims court, lawyers for 4,800 autistic children will argue that vaccines caused autism.
There has been a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) in the United States since October 1, 1988. The supporters of that program like to say that it was “designed to compensate individuals or families of individuals, who have been injured by covered childhood vaccines, whether administered in the private or public sectorâ€. The truth is that it was created to protect the vaccine manufacturers and the physicians who administer the vaccines from litigation. The result was that many vaccines have been added to the pediatric schedule over the years, some clearly being more beneficial to the maker, the stockholders and those who hold the patents than to the infants who received them.
MMR Vaccination Rates in the UK Before 1998
by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
It has literally been open season on Andrew Wakefield since he first published his pioneering research in February 1998. The cruelest and most unfair accusation leveled against him has been that he endangered the lives of children because his research resulted in decreasing MMR vaccination rates. In his expose’, Dr. Yazbak of our Scientific Board conclusively shows that MMR vaccination rates were already decreasing in the United Kingdom well before Wakefield’s article was published.
Regressive Autism, Ileal-Lymphoid Nodular Hyperplasia, Measles Virus and MMR Vaccine
by David Thrower
A constant flow of misinformation has been generated and perpetuated by the Medical Authorities, the vaccine industry and other groups suggesting that Andrew Wakefield is wrong and that MMR vaccination has never caused autistic regression. The following is a carefully researched revue by our friend David Thrower. It will help you respond to many such criticisms. Please feel free to distribute it widely.
Public Letter to Harvey Fineberg, MD, PhD
by Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD
We at the Vaccine Autoimmune Project (VAP) believe that the Institute of Medicine and its Vaccine Safety Review Committee failed the American people and particularly the autism community when, on the basis of flawed epidemiological evidence, they decided in 2004 that further research into the link between vaccines and autistic regression was not warranted. In her letter to the President of the Institute of Medicine, Judy Converse, a distinguished writer and health professional, describes her reasons why such research should resume urgently.
Do vaccines make children healthier? They do not seem to be helping, based on CDC data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) was legislated into existence in 1956 to define illness and disability in the US. Since then, seven NHANES have been conducted. The data set has grown into the tens of thousands and includes children as young as two months old. With its consistent data collection methods over the decades and large sample size, it has become a rich mine for nutrition researchers. The most recent NHANES data reveal that during the time frame of increased vaccination, children have become sick more often, have more debilitating chronic disease, have more developmental and learning diagnoses, and are in worse nutrition status than prior to 1990. Have we traded treatable, curable infectious diseases of childhood for chronic incurable illnesses?
The First Cancer Vaccine: Facts and Failings
by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
Gardasil, the new HPV vaccine, has recently been very much in the news. We, at VAP, believe that mandating its use is reckless and inappropriate. In "The First Cancer Vaccine: Facts and Failings", Dr. Yazbak reveals little known yet very important information about the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. When that product was added to the battery of recommended pediatric vaccines in 1991, it was supposed to prevent liver cancer. It now seems that its wide use may have played a role in the autism epidemic of the nineties and in the recently noticed increase in hepatitis C-related liver cancer.
How PEDIATRICS Validated Erroneous British Mercury Data
by John Stone
Unpublished British data presented to an IOM committee in February, 2004 was accepted as evidence that Thimerosal-containing vaccines were not related to the present autism epidemic. When that data was published by Andrews et al, John Stone, a British parent of a child who regressed after vaccination, wrote to PEDIATRICS with documented evidence that the data was incorrect and that the study was compromised from its inception by competing interests and extensive hidden collusion. PEDIATRICS compounded the problem by refusing to publish Stone's essential evidence.
How Mercury Was Absolved: Creativity, Collusion and Censorship
by Jeffrey Allen Trelka, M.Ed.
Madsen’s mercury study published by PEDIATRICS in September, 2003 has been described by the IOM Vaccine Safety Review Committee as “well designed†and has been consistently used by government agencies worldwide as proof the vaccine preservative thimerosal does not contribute to autism rates. Jeffrey Trelka exposes the study’s fatal flaws and provides proof of the mercury misinformation campaign that has been waged by the CDC, IOM, and the editors of the AAP journal. As he quotes C. S. Lewis, "The greatest evil is... conceived and ordered in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voice."
click here
When 1 in 150 is really 1 in 67
by Raymond W. Gallup & F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
Since February 2007, news outlets have widely publicized the fact that recently released figures by the CDC have estimated the prevalence of autism and autistic spectral disorders at a NEW high of 1 in 150. In this report, VAP's co-founder Ray Gallup and Dr. Yazbak examine the most recent United States Department of Education statistics and reveal that the 1 in 150 estimate is outdated by five years. They report that the present prevalence of ASD may be as high as 1 in 67.
We at the Vaccine Autoimmune Project are saddened and concerned to see the latest Department of Education figures. We are also concerned about what is to come. It is evident that, 1) our medical authorities are more interested in defending vaccination programs than controlling autism, the most devastating and real epidemic we have faced in a hundred years, and 2) our wealthiest and largest autism association is giving little attention to the role of vaccines and vaccine additives and preservatives.
What is wrong with the HPV vaccine mandate in Illinois?
by David Ayoub, MD
It is a vaccine for a disease that is rare, costs multiple times more than existing preventative measures, effectiveness is anyone's guess, acute adverse reactions are common and long term side effects are unknown. Not even the CDC wants it mandated. Why do so many states want to mandate the HPV vaccine for schoolgirls? Merck's marketing prowess triumphs over science and common sense.
1) Cervical cancer in Illinois is responsible for only about 200 annual deaths and rates have steadily declined. Nearly all cancers are preventable with a simple Pap test at a fraction of the cost of the vaccine.
2) The HPV vaccine is a unique type of vaccine with no prior clinical experience. The potential for benefit is not nearly as great as the potential for widespread harm if mandated for thousands of children.
3) Merck has funded most HPV vaccine clinical trials and the majority authorship of published papers suggests considerable potential for extensive reporting bias. Over 40% of study co-authors are Merck employees and 81% had received money from Merck.
4) Since cancer requires years to develop the effectiveness if the vaccine is totally hypothetical. Even a Merck executive has recently admitted that vaccine efficacy in women under 15 years is unknown.
5) The HPV vaccine suffers a significant adverse reaction rate (90%) as reported in published trials and also in VAERS. There are no long-term safety studies yet over 500 reports of vaccine failures or adverse reactions have already been reported to the FDA. Gardasil contains a large quantity of a neurotoxin, aluminum at doses that are known to cause neurological damage in animals.
6) Targeting 11 year-old girls is unadvisable, since few studies have assessed children this young. Over one-third of all adverse Gardasil vaccine reactions recently reported to VAERS were in children 16 years old or younger.
7) Since influenza kills ten-times as many individuals as cervical cancer yet flu vaccination is not mandated, HPV mandates can’t be just about “saving more livesâ€.
8) Even the CDC has recently stated that HPV vaccine should NOT be mandated.
Updated March 5, 2007
Thank you for considering a bill that will potentially reduce a dangerous cancer in women. Based upon our review of the safety and effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, we cannot support this legislation and that the available data suggests that use of the HPV vaccine in Illinois should be highly restricted to IRB-approved, closely supervised clinical trials.
A review of the facts about cervical cancer raises doubts about the role of preventative immunization. There are only about 3,700 annual cervical cancer deaths in the United States, less than 1% of all total cancer deaths and the 6th leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Furthermore, there have already been sharp declines in the incidence of cervical cancer. Hospitalization rates have dropped 36% since 1994.[1] According to the National Cancer Institute, mortality rates have declined 75% since the Pap test was widely implemented over 50 years ago and recent studies indicate mortality rates are still declining.[2],[3] Nearly all cervical cancer deaths are preventable by a simple Pap test and appropriate follow-up. In Illinois there are only about 200 annual cervical cancer deaths but nearly 20% of women in our state do not receive recommended Pap screening.[4],[5] Therefore, simply improving access to Pap tests can further reduce cervical cancer in Illinois. The HPV immunization series would cost at least $360 but doctors may charge up to three-times that to patients. A Pap test costs about $50. The annual cost of Pap smears, about $1.6 billion in the U.S., is about three-times lower than the projected sales for Gardasil. Other risk factors for cervical cancer such as tobacco and birth control pill use and sexual promiscuity represent modifiable risks. Therefore, risk education and promoting abstinence, monogamy or condom use can further reduce HPV transmission.
Message Of Truth Brought to You By,
My Good Friends At;
Vaccine Autoimmune Project (VAP)
Funding science and care for the inflicted
Ray Gallup
Barbara Labrecque
Butch Labrecque
Barbara H Labrecque
Child Advocate
[email protected]
President, Vaccine Autoimmune Project (VAP):
Founder, Recovering Autism
RecoveringAutism meetup:
1 in 6 children suffers from a developmental disease ~
1 in 150 have Autism...
There is NO such thing as a "genetic" epidemic!
Just gimme some TRUTH!
More on the HPV Virus Vaccine (Poison)
In Short;
120 micrograms of 4 different Live HPV Virus..s
225 micrograms of Alunimum
One dose of the vaccine Gardasil, developed by Merck & Co., is displayed Friday, Feb. 2, 2007, in Austin, Texas. Gov. Rick Perry ordered that schoolgirls in Texas must be immunized with the vaccine to help prevent the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer. It would make Texas the first state to require the shots. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)
[Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Recombinant Vaccine]
GARDASIL* is a non-infectious recombinant, quadrivalent vaccine prepared from the highly purified virus-like particles (VLPs) of the major capsid (L1) protein of HPV Types 6, 11, 16, and 18. The L1 proteins are produced by separate fermentations in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae and self-assembled into VLPs. The fermentation process involves growth of S. cerevisiae on chemically-defined fermentation media which include vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, and carbohydrates. The VLPs are released from the yeast cells by cell disruption and purified by a series of chemical and physical methods. The purified VLPs are adsorbed on preformed aluminum-containing adjuvant (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate). The quadrivalent HPV VLP vaccine is a sterile liquid suspension that is prepared by combining the adsorbed VLPs of each HPV type and additional amounts of the aluminum-containing adjuvant and the final purification buffer.
GARDASIL is a sterile preparation for intramuscular administration. Each 0.5-mL dose contains approximately 20 mcg of HPV 6 L1 protein, 40 mcg of HPV 11 L1 protein, 40 mcg of HPV 16 L1 protein, and 20 mcg of HPV 18 L1 protein.
Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine contains approximately 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant), 9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate, and water for injection. The product does not contain a preservative or antibiotics.