Child Abuse Stats
Less than 1 in 10 child abuse cases get reported to the authorities.
75% of mothers are not aware of the incest in their family.
1 in 3 females and 1 in 6 males in Canada have been sexually abused before the age of 18.
Children 12-15 years old are most often reported for physical abuse.
35% of girls and 16% of boys between grades 7-12 have been sexually or physically abused.
Among girls, 17 year olds experienced the highest rate of sexual abuse.
Girls are more likely to be abused than boys.
It is estimated that 4 children die each day from maltreatment in the U.S
80% of the abusers are the parents or step-parents.
86% of abuse related deaths are children under 6.
Each year around 1400 children die from child abuse 76.1% of them were children under the age of 4
60.5% suffer from neglect, 18.6% suffer from physical abuse and 9.9% from sexual abuse
What is Child Abuse ?
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Neglect
- Emotional Abuse
Child Abuse is defined as :
Violence, mistreatment or neglect causing possible or immediate harm inflicted on a child or adolescent, usually by way of a parent or caregiver.
Specifically child abuse includes :
- beating, hitting, shaking, pushing, choking, biting, burning, kicking, yelling, assaulting a child with a weapon, or holding a child under water.
- using a child for sexual purposes, fondling, inviting a child to touch or be touched sexually, intercourse, rape, incest, exhibtionism, or involving a child in prostitution or pornography.
- failing to provide a child with food, clothing, shelter, cleanliness, love ,safety, sense of worth, medical care, or protection from harm
- verbal threats, social isolation, intimidation, making unreasonable demands, terrorizing, or exposing to family violence.
- abusing drugs or alcohol during pregnancy or lactation, or parental child abduction.
Effects of child abuse :
- Impaired social behaviour, depression, cognitive disorders, substance abuse and alienaton.
60-80% of imprisioned rapists had been molested as a child.
80% of prostitutes and juvenile delinquents were sexually abused as a child.
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