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Rob Pivarnik

Thou shalt not blame the mead. The mead be thy friend.

About Me

Share the happy.
Save the world.

Kelly makes people happy wherever she goes. I figure we can use her Happy Dance to make everyone happy-- 5 seconds at a time. Please share this video with everyone you know, so we can make this the viral-est video ever, and make everyone else happy, too.
like THIS one:Sweet Amaryllis playing "Scarborough Faire"
... or THIS one, my most popular video
7,500 views from 6 April 2007 - 6 June 2008:"RATTLIN' BOG" by THE CRIMSON PIRATES
with guest stars THREE PINTS SHYat CEILIDH2007, a celebration of everyone who helped me,
fed me, or gave me joy, in the time after my injury,
and paid for by the net proceeds of my settlement
(25% under budget, thankyouveddymuch).FYI, unless I take another spill, CEILIDH2008 will probably cost 20 bucks a head, or maybe a potluck...
I'm now on Facebook and , too!
(But, I don't really use them much, so widgets and group invites will likely be ignored. I'm happy here.
Oh, and same goes for LiveJournal.
NOTE: All photos and video clips in my MySpace space which were created by me are to be considered PUBLIC DOMAIN. Please feel free to use them for your website. If you need raw images for print media, I'm just an e-mail away. A credit is uncessary, but would be lovely. Enjoy...
I work as an editor of crossword and variety puzzle magazines. If you buy 'em, you've heard of my company, but since they're not buying ad space on this page... (I hate product placement in films, too!)Telecommuting allows me to lift my head off the pillow, push a button, and be at work. (Before you get resentful: It's publishing. You will always make more money than me.)If I'm not in front of a TV, or my computers, I'm sitting at a p0ker table. I do venture forth to the New York Renaissance Faire every summer, and treasure the great days of entertainment (and mead) the NYRFers, and the Crimson Pirates in particular, have given me. Long may the crew of Crimson Tide sail!!!Especially Don Kilcoyne, the amazing singing, dancing, improvving, drinking, drum-playing, sword-fighting sumbitch who can be seen below, on unicycle, fighting "Capt. Jack Sparrow" at NYRF's living chess match. (Thanks for the vid, "Jack"!) It was a conversation with Don that led to me finally telling Salem to kiss my ass after 25 years!
Last cigarette:
Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 5:15 p.m.
MY FAVORITE PICS:Of all the photos I've ever shot,
these are among my favorites:"REFUELING"
More Slideshows:
These links will each launch a full-screen slideshow.
Note: These are BIG files (LOTS of MBs).
In other words, "Wait for it.....": 2003: The Cudalew Wedding Cruise: 1/19-1/26 (282.2)MB
with Jeff, Dave and Jim, breaking my Havana cherry* * *2005: Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park (The Cloisters): 10/2 (15.4)MB
Dan, Jared, Karen, Don, Lionel, Ann, Robin* * *2006: Crimson Pirates CD release concert: 7/7 (13.5MB)
joined by Tara & John, and that's Kelly behind Jared's elbow
* * * * * * STEP RIGHT UP! * * * * * *
* * * GET YER FACTOIDS HERE!!! * * *

American Shakespeare Theatre
Stratford, CT - 1973
(He played Sir Toby Belch and didn't fall down.)* * * I CAN NOW ADD 'PUBLISHED SONGWRITER' TO MY RÉSUMÉ!
In 2005, before recording his "xXx" CD, I offered Lionel Ruland a boatload of limericks, of which he used two!The following clips are courtesy of : (What friggin' courtesy? You paid full pop for the CD, you dope! Oh, he's tricksy, my Precioussss! If he didn't have a new baby to feed, I bet you'd be lookin' for your 10 buckses back!)[The crappy quality of these clips is my impatience.
I used Sound Recorder!]"Poor Anne Boleyn ended up dead..." "There once was a pirate named 'Bones..." * * *MY HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHER WAS NAMED BETSY ROSS!

She taught me to cherish the written word, how to use a camera, and how to deal with stupid people. I will always love her for that.* * *MY FIRST PROFESSIONAL ACTING GIG:
I wore a papier-maché Howard Cosell head and a tuxedo. Along with "Frank Sinatra" and "Liza Minnelli," we entertained at a corporate picnic for MetLife. The original plan was to let us be silent, à la Disney, but all three of us just happened to do the appropriate voices, so we improvved all day, and had a blast. And ate free (a pity meal, not part of the original deal). And made $100 for 2 hours work, back in 1985-ish.* * *I WAS PART OF "HANDS ACROSS AMERICA" On May 25, 1986, I was standing in the middle of the West Side Highway (9A) near W. 57th St. in NYC, as part of "Hands Across America." (I still have my pin-- and the 45 of the song.) * * *"WHEEL" WAS MY THIRD GAME SHOW...
If you've browsed my photos, you already know I hit up "Wheel of Fortune" to the tune of $26,640 in cash and prizes. But, did you know I previously had two smaller game-show appearances?I also appeared on "The $20,000 Pyramid" in 1980 (celebrity partners: Jay Johnson and Shelley Smith ), and "Trump Card" in 1990. On "Pyramid," I won $3,400 (but came sooooooo close to $15,000). On "Trump," I got edged out by a kid from Georgetown U., and left with a (new technology at the time) 5-CD changer turntable valued at $250.* * *FUNNY SMELLS HAVE BOOKENDED MY STAGE CAREER... I made my stage debut at age 9 (summer of 1970) in Tad Mosel's "All the Way Home" (based on James Agee's "A Death in the Family"). During one scene where we were bullying Rufus, one of the other kids farted. I was the only one of the five of us who didn't break character, but we all got yelled at by the director after the show.The last straight play I did (summer of 1984) was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." (Staying out of the sun allowed me to play Billy Bibbitt, despite being 23 at the time.) During the party scene on closing night, someone thought it would be funny to substitute a real joint for the prop one. Well, it got lit-- and smoked. What could we do? Mercifully, I only had four lines left before having to run offstage and kill myself. The best part was watching the blue-haired old ladies in the front row sniffing confusedly at the air...(Side note: During the entire run, we got standing ovations that began as soon as the house lights came up. This final performance, though, they stayed seated until I came out for my curtain call. Then they stood. That was the single greatest, most satisfying moment of my career.)More to come...Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)

My Interests


22 April 2008 - Grandpa Joe would have turned 97 today. If you would like to read about one of my favorite days with him, click his picture.

Isis-- my kitty since 21 January 2007
Puck-- my kitty since 9 June 2007
INTERESTS:P0KER (Kinravip at both P0kerStars and D0yle's R00m) [There. Maybe THAT will stop the spam!], travel, photography, web design, NYRF (New York Renaissance Faire) and other faires, DVD collecting, cooking, board games, theater, and some other stuff...
Cat Pedini
Three Pints Shy
DavidAWA Photography
Stephen Lynch
RickNestler (Phillip Hole)
Erika Lieberman (film scoring)
Jason Bakutis Original Sculpture
Apple's movie trailers site
MORE TO FOLLOW... Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)

I'd like to meet:

YOUR HOME PAGE •• Your INBOX •• Your BLOGS ••Rob's Pic Archives ( •• Rob's YouTube page •• Codes Rob's Pic Archives ( ••I'd Like To Meet...

...everybody except the greedy, lying, hypocritical, traitorous moron who currently resides on Pennsylvania Avenue, and whose agenda and policies make our country, at best, a laughingstock and, at worst, the biggest danger to the planet since the dino-zapping meteor... Yeah, him I could do without ever seeing in person. I'm not a big fan of nausea. I just hope, for his sake, that his narrow-minded view of the Creator is incorrect. Otherwise, he's fated to spend eternity with his pals from Halliburton in a place that makes the Iraqi desert look like Club Med.But, then again, I really don't care to discuss politics...

Things I Want To Do
Before I Die These items are in no particular order, and will be added to or amended upon my slightest whim. :P 1. Play poker with Whoopi Goldberg and/or Ellen DeGeneres
2. Play Tevye in "Fiddler"
3. Appear on one more game show
4. Walk the Cliffs of Moher on a cloudless night
5. Call George W. Bush a traitor to his face
6. Ride in a hot-air balloon
7. Revisit France
8. Turn my nephew onto the Eddings books
9. Have a lilac bush and some lily-of-the-valley plants on my property
10. Throw another ceilidh

See Where I've BeenMORE COMING SOON...

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Come back soon! :)

THANKS FOR STOPPING BY TO PLAY! Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)
in the player below: STEPHEN LYNCH: "Talk to Me", from "Naked New York" on MetroTV


More than 5,000 songs, most recently of which are the 2 Hither, Dither & Yon CDs and the latest from Rick Nestler, "The Irish in Me".

In other news:
Hurry up, CRIMSON PIRATES!!! "Come'n Be A Pirate" can't come out too soon for me!In the mean time, enjoy this clip:This is the last time Luciano Pavarotti performed this aria in public, though, reportedly, he was lip-synching. Brilliant, nonetheless.Pavarotti canta 'Nessun Dorma' de 'Turandot' en Torino 2006
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
Tu pure, o Principessa,
nella tua fredda stanza
guardi le stelle che tremano
d'amore e di speranza!
Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
il nome mio nessun saprà!
No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò,
quando la luce splenderà!
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà
il silenzio che ti fa mia! Il nome suo nessun saprà
E noi dovrem, ahimè! Morir! Morir!
Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò!
Vincerò! Vincerò! Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)


Last movie seen
(in a theater):

"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Review:
I loved it, but where the hell was John Rhys-Davies??? My complete TV and Movie
DVD inventory list:
620 titles and counting...Highlights include:Kevin Smith, LOTR, Trek, Universal monster movies, Planet of the Apes, Hair, March of the Wooden Soldiers, Mel Brooks, Cheech and Chong, The Wizard of Oz, When Worlds Collide, West Side Story, Kentucky Fried Movie, Sister Act, The Cement Garden, Pirates of the Caribbean, Godspell, Reefer Madness, Abbott and Costello, Monty Python, Rocky Horror, Harry Potter, The Poseidon Adventure, The Sound of Music, Hitchcock, Yours Mine and Ours, Harry Potter, Day of the Triffids, + more... Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)


"Star Trek" (all varieties)
(I was in front of my TV on 6 September 1966.) Stand-up comedy:-Whoopi Goldberg-Stephen Lynch
(Acoustic Cafe-Bpt., CT)
(twice at Town Hall-NYC)
(Oakdale-Wallingford, CT)
(Nimoy Symphony Space-NYC)*
*Listen for my laughter
on the "Craig Machine" CD!-George Carlin
(Oakdale-Wallingford, CT)-Ron White-Sam Kinison
(Toad's Place-New Haven, CT)-Rodney Dangerfield
(Sam's surprise guest at Toad's)-Denis Leary-Lily Tomlin-Robin Williams-Paul Mooney-Dennis Miller/Dana Carvey/Kevin Nealon
(Oakdale-Wallingford, CT)-Roseanne Barr
(Oakdale-Wallingford, CT 25 June 1987)
(It was supposed to be a double-bill with Louie Anderson, but he had pneumonia, so they substituted-- Yakov Smirnoff!
Bummer, eh?-Howie Mandel
(Oakdale-Wallingford, CT 5 July 1987)
(back when he could still do the surgical-glove trick)-Steve Martin
(New Haven Coliseum, CT)
in the "King Tut" days-Bette Midler
(Hartford Civic Center)
"Here we are in Hartford,
ready to bring the roof down again!" Game shows:
Current faves: "Million Dollar Password," "Deal or No Deal," and "Duel"
[I've also attended multiple tapings of "Jeopardy!," "Card Sharks," "Scrabble," "Hollywood Squares," and "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"]
(I'm gonna get on "Millionaire" or die trying... OTHER TV SHOWS I HAVE LOVED INCLUDE: "Rescue Me"
Warner Bros. cartoons
"The 4400"
"South Park"
Superman (all incarnations)
"Dark Shadows"
"Family Guy"
"Monty Python's Flying Circus"
the ABC soaps (since 1973)
"The Riches"
"Desperate Housewives"
Mr. Bill
"The Job"
"The Daily Show"
(saw a taping in the Kilborn days 4/30/97 or '98: Patrick Swayze)
"I Love Lucy"
(saw an Eddie-Murphy-era taping:
Betty Thomas/Stray Cats
Sketches included:
James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub
Jim Belushi's Flashdance, etc.
20 July 1987)
"Robot Chicken"
"That '70s Show"
(are those special brownies?)
"Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law"
Dame Edna
Ron White
roasts + more... OTHER VIDEOS I HAVE LOVED:"Igor's Salon"
(Yay, Tim 'n' Courtney 'n' Charlotte!!!)
Howie's NYRF2007 video
(using many of my pics)
More to come... Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)P.S. Paula Deen is an evil, EVIL temptress.


2--Queen of Sorcery
3--Magician's Gambit
4--Castle of Wizardry
5--Enchanters' End GameTHE MALLOREON: 6--Guardians of the West
7--King of the Murgos
8--Demon Lord of Karanda
9--Sorceress of Darshiva
10-The Seeress of Kell ~~~and~~~ 11-Belgarath the Sorcerer
12-Polgara the Sorceress
13-The Rivan Codex:
Ancient Texts of the Belgariad and Malloreon---ALSO---THE ELENIUM:
1--The Diamond Throne
2--The Ruby Knight
3--The Sapphire Rose THE TAMULI:
4--Domes of Fire
5--The Shining Ones
6--The Hidden CityMore to come... Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)


BUT SERIOUSLY...What Makes a Family? A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a century-old, male giant tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa. The hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean, then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on Dec. 26, 2005, before wildlife rangers rescued him.

"It is incredible. A-less-than-a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a 'mother'," ecologist Paul Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park. "After it was swept and lost its mother, the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately, it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond. They swim, eat and sleep together," the ecologist added. "The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it follows its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother," Kahumbu added. "The hippo is a young baby he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years," he explained."Big Poppa Water Buffalo Is My Hero!!!" This is wild. First, the lions get the baby. Then, the crocs want to play tug-of-war. Then, Big Poppa says "Fuck THAT noise!" and teaches the rest of his herd how to show some balls to the lions. Unreal. Instead of scrolling all the way back up,
here's another link to your HOME page.
Come back soon! :)

My Blog

FLASHBACK: Wheel of Fortune and beyond!!!

Well, I finally got around to attempting the project I bought my new computer for: transferring home movies et al. from VHS to DVD. Well, apparently, this bugger only accepts digital input, not the a...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:52:00 PST

Mayfaire pics are up!!!

Mayfaire 2008 Oof-dah! (That's "Qapla'!" to those of you unfamiliar with Norsespeak.) Saturday, 3 May 2008, 6 am... Oh, God! I've gotta get up and drive 95 miles. My allergies are kicking my ass. Ugh...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Mon, 05 May 2008 02:37:00 PST

John Lennon & "American Idol"

I went to a local record store and bought a vinyl LP copy of "Double Fantasy" on 8 December 1980. I was on my way home, in the car, when the tragic news was announced on the radio. I bawled my eyes o...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:53:00 PST

Yesterdays... all my Pirates seemed so far away...

Yesterdays... all my Pirates seemed so far away... Pictures are up on my flickr page: As you will see, I left all the red-eye wonderfulness intact. I'm lazy toda...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:55:00 PST

Cruise update... room for one more!

So, because Lindsay will be too pregnant to sail in July, we've changed the cruise to April 13-19. My dear, passive-aggressive maternal unit is off her anti-depressants (because, supposedly, they make...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 04:09:00 PST

Yule be glad you did!!!

So, um, Christmas kinda rocks this year. As our family has remarriages and contains a passel of young adults, we did our family dinner on Sunday night, when all 17 of us, plus various and sundry othe...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:53:00 PST

Calling all deities...

While my jug o' faith is rife with cracks and covered in a patina of cynicism, I know there are plenty of you who have unshakable faith in various gods, goddesses, trees, and spaghetti-monsters. Well,...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 07:05:00 PST


From my blog: >>>Today was the day after the Post-Apocalyptic Prom, so, naturally, most of the cast was hungover. This meant that most of the villagers were also hung over, except for the ones who wer...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:13:00 PST

NYRF 2007: The Final Weekend (22/23 September)

final weekend blog The final weekend was glorious, and went off without a hitch. On Saturday, I got to hang with Clan Siregar as we waited for the gate to open. I delivered dozens of DVDs and hundr...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:32:00 PST

The conclusion of the previous blog...

After missing the pre-game warm-up on Saturday, I was determined to arrive before the gate opened on Sunday. Crimson Pirate John Barleymash and small-game hunter Arthur Lemming were canvassing the cr...
Posted by Rob Pivarnik on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:09:00 PST