A One Woman Comedy Comet!
SUZZANNE MONKComedian, Pundit, Revolutionary
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Sometimes I get so mad....
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Is the news pissing you off, too? Do you feel your civil liberties are in grave danger? Do you think civilization is coming ever closer to a climactic doom? You may be a LIBERAL.Don't worry, you are not alone in this affliction. Come join our group, where others of your kind will remind you how good it is to think again. Warning - the group may cause anger and rage at the establishment, especially in naive and hopeful individuals. Please use your discretion in joining...

Click the picture to visit Liberals Only.
2 BOOB PRODUCTION's Comedy Corner

Check me out on internet radio! Starting May 29th, every Tues. and Thurs night, 7-10pm, at www.on-air-now.com , I play all my funny characters like Liberty Freedom and Lush Rimbaugh on the Peace and PipeDreams Show!
Or you can check out the PEACE AND PIPEDREAMS Myspace Page...Just click here!
Meet Grandma Sex

My classic character Grandma Sex has finally got her OWN myspace page.
Click her pic to go meet her. Or click below to read her blog
2 BOOB PRODUCTION's Playground



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Or how about a bumper sticker? Gifts and More at MONKJUNK! Click here! Check out the merchandise! SHOP AT MONKJUNK! Click the LOGO!

My Interests

People who like me! If you like me, vote for me here!

-The World isn't going to save itself!
Don't just sit there, do something!

Protect your rights! Support the ACLU!

-I'm a member of American Mensa.
You could be too, if you have what it takes...
Click here, find out!


Are you dying to know more about me, or even just a little curious? Go to my BIOGRAPHY PAGE. I have stories from my torrid past and my traumatic childhood, complete with photos. Everyone who knows me is doing it!

I'd like to meet:


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My Blog

Lies, Damn Lies and Constitutional Crisis

Honesty...it's such a lonely word....everyone is so untrue.Honesty....is hardly ever heard....and mostly what I need from you.Sometimes the old adult contemporary tunes speak volumes of truth...in an ...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:11:00 PST

WHY I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE and other essays on Color Celebration

I love Black people. I love them. I mean I love all people, I am at heart a humanitarian, but for some reason, perhaps many reasons, I have always loved black people as my own people.I guess saying t...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:13:00 PST

'TIS THE SEASON (To Push Your Religion on Others)

Season's Greetings everyone!You may have heard in the news this week about the hubba baloo in Chicago about a nativity scene at a local tourist site. A judge has ruled that the nativity scene can sta...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:51:00 PST

All Men Want Is Sex, and the Other Adventures of Myth Man.

I was recently at a party, and one girl was doing a survey for a class she was taking. The survey was about men's desire for sex, and her theory was that all men want, all they care about in relation...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:01:00 PST

The "Feel Like My Tanks Going Dry" Rag

Hello 2 Boobers!I have finally taken up my banjo in anger and penned a war protest song for the new millenium. And like everything in this millenium, it is a throwback to yesteryear. I have taken th...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 11:51:00 PST

These are my funniest myspace friends

Hello everyone! For once I am not posting an angry blog. Don't worry, I'm still angry, but today my rage is mitigated by laughter at all the funny people I know. The following messages are entry le...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 01:52:00 PST

WORLD WAR III: Jews vs. Muslims

WORLD WAR III: Jews vs MuslimsAs anyone who has a TV must know by now, World War III has begun. Or at least thats what the media is calling it. And by it I mean the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.But s...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 04:10:00 PST

"TOO FAT" - Food, Physical Fitness and Economics in America

TOO FAT.Food, Physical Fitness and Economics in America America is fat. Statistic after statistic repeats the same refrain. 40%, 50 %, 60% are obese, depending on whom you talk to. We sit around to...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:33:00 PST

Pentagon Strike: 911 Conspiracy week continues

Hello all, Conspiracy week wasn't long enough. This week I've posted a new 911 Conspiracy Video, a very flashy number from the other side of the pond (England for those of you who don't speak the Que...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:20:00 PST

911 Conspiracy Week!

I am reposting the best of 911 conspiracies. This one is long, let it get started, the mid section and end in the real kick you in the teeth science! Freedom!...
Posted by 2 BOOB PRODUCTIONS - SUZZANNE MONK on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 08:38:00 PST